This page gives access to the presentations given at DORIS or IDS meetings.
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DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, online, 24 March 2025
- IDS News (L. Soudarin)
- GRG AC status (H. Capdeville)
- GSC AC status (F. Lemoine)
- GOP AC status (P. Štěpánek)
- Status of the IGN-IPGP AC in 2025 (A. Pollet and S. Nahmani)
- Update on DORIS-related tasks at DGFI-TUM (J. Zeitlhöfler)
- Status report of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at GFZ (P. Schreiner)
- Analysis of the IDS AC contributions to the ITRF2020-u2024 update (G. Moreaux)
- Processing the SWOT Satellite's DORIS Measurements (S. Nahmani and A. Pollet)
- Orbit determination of Cryosat-2, going from format 2.2 Doppler data to RINEX data (E. Schrama and P. Visser)
IDS Workshop, Montpellier (France), 4-5 September 2024
- Welcome (L. Soudarin)
- IDS News (L. Soudarin) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3900
DORIS Network and Constellation: Status and Evolution
- DORIS System Status in 2024 and Future Prospects (C. Manfredi) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3901
- DORIS Network 2024 Status Report (J. Saunier) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3902
- Quality assessment of DORIS stations environment based on POD residuals and signal intensity variations (P. Yaya) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3903
- DORIS stations co-location: status and results (J. Saunier) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3904
- POSTER: NASA's CDDIS: 2024 Status Update (T. Yates) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3905
- POSTER: Co-located space geodetic techniques observatory in India: progress toward installation of the IDS scientific station (V. Kumar) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3906
IDS processing and Terrestrial Reference Frame
- ITRF2020 Updates and the IDS Contribution (Z. Altamimi) presenter: A. Pollet DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3907
- DTRF2020 update: challenges and first results (M. Seitz) presenter: S. Rudenko DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3908
- DORIS evaluation of the first ITRF2020 update (G. Moreaux) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3909
- Recent Updates at the GSC DORIS Analysis Center (F. Lemoine) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3910
- GOP analysis center: DORIS data analysis strategy and innovations (P. Stepanek) Cancelled
- Latest CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center solution updates (H. Capdeville) Cancelled
- DORIS on Genesis: technical status (F. Didelot) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3911
Precise Orbit Determination
- DORIS processing using FocusPOD (C. Fernandez) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3912
- Progress Report and Lessons Learned from Developing a DORIS POD software (X. Papanikolaou) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3913
- Improvements in the Precise Orbit Determination using DORIS and laser data for CryoSat-2 (E. Schrama) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3914
- Impact of the South-Atlantic Anomaly radiations on DORIS Ultra-Stable Oscillator: resulting effects on DORIS measurements and orbit determination for Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-6A (T. Gravalon) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3915
- Precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites using DORIS and SLR observations in different reference frame realisations (J. Zeitlhöfler) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3916
- Three Decades of Altimetry Orbits: Consistent DORIS-Based Orbit Series and Validation (P. Schreiner) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3917
Research activities and new applications using DORIS data, or new methods of processing DORIS data
- DSO DORIS Analysis Software Intermediate Outcomes (G. Serelis) presenter: X. Papanikolaou DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3918
- Evaluating Weighting Strategies in DORIS Measurement Processing for Geodetic Applications (S. Nahmani) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3919
- Exploring strategies for an optimal combination of mono-satellite DORIS solutions (K. Le Bail) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3920
- Estimation of the Length of Day (LOD) from DORIS observations (V. Kumar) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3921
- Evaluation of the ZHD tropospheric modelling with VMF1 on DORIS orbits and station coordinates (A. Banos Garcia) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3922
- The cooperative Global Ionospheric Map using Near-Real-Time DORIS Data (A. Liu) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3923
- Effect of the second order ionospheric delay on Precise Orbit Determination of DORIS satellites and on the CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center solution (A. Mezerette) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3924
- Contribution of DORIS system to global ionospheric scintillation mapping (M. Cherrier) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2024.3925
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, online, 6 June 2024
- IDS News (L. Soudarin)
- Status of the IDS CC activities IDS CCStatus of the IDS CC activities (G. Moreaux)
- Update on GSC Activities (F. G. Lemoine)
- Status of the GRG AC (H. Capdeville)
- Status of the GOP AC (P. Štěpánek)
- Status of the IGN-IPGP AC and ongoing studies (A. Pollet and S. Nahmani)
- Status report of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at GFZ (P. Schreiner)
- Recent POD-related activities at DGFI-TUM (J. Zeitlhöfler)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Saint-Mandé, France, 28-29 November 2023
- IDS News (L. Soudarin)
- DORIS System news (F. Didelot, C. Boniface)
- Updates at CDDIS since last year (T. A. Yates)
- DORIS Network status and outlook (J. Saunier)
- Current status of the IDS combination (G. Moreaux)
- GRG AC status (H. Capdeville)
- GOP AC status (P. Štěpánek)
- GSC AC status (F. G. Lemoine)
- RINEX DORIS data processing at INASAN (S. P. Kuzin)
- Status of the DORIS analysis center at IGN-IPGP in the context of the extension of the ITRF2020 (S. Nahmani, A. Pollet)
- Status report of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at GFZ (P. Schreiner)
- Status of the IDS contribution to the ITRF2020 (G. Moreaux)
- Presentation on the current status of DORIS POD at DGFI-TUM (J. Zeitlhöfler, M. Bloßfeld, S. Rudenko)
- Assessment of Jason-3 and Sentinel-6 MF radiation pressure model (M. Cherrier, A. Couhert, F. Mercier)
- Progress in the phase 0 DORIS on board Galileo (DoG) (A. Couhert, J. Moyard)
- Introduction of 2/rev harmonics in the empirical forces model for Sentinel altimetry satellites (G. Katsigianni, F. Mercier, A. Couhert, J. Moyard)
- Contribution of DORIS System to Global Ionospheric Scintillation Mapping (M. Cherrier, P. Yaya)
- Improvements in the Precision Orbit Determination strategy for CryoSat-2 (E. Schrama, P. Visser)
- Evaluation of ITRS 2020 realizations for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites (S. Rudenko, M. Bloßfeld, D. Dettmering, J. Zeitlhöfler)
- Monthly gravity fields from SLR and DORIS using tailored base functions: final improvements (A. Löcher, J. Kusche)
- Near-Real-Time DORIS Data for GNSS-based ionospheric maps validation and combination (N. Wang, D. Dettmering, A. Liu, M. Schmidt)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, online, 18 April 2023
- SWOT news (A. Couhert)
- Status on the IDS combination and the DPOD2020 with focus on the station position residuals (G. Moreaux)
- The current status and future plans of GSC AC (F. Lemoine)
- The current status and future plans of GRG AC (H. Capdeville)
- The current status and future plans of GOP AC (P. Štěpánek)
- Status report of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at GFZ (P. Schreiner)
- On the recent activities of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at DGFI-TUM (M. Bloßfeld)
- Progress of the restart of our analysis center and the IGN/IPGP research perspectives for the DORIS technique (S. Nahmani and A. Pollet)
- New mean gravity field model CNES_GRGS.RL05MF_combined_GRACE_SLR_DORIS (JM. Lemoine)
- Results of tests of the Earth‘s mean time-variable gravity field model CNES_GRGS.RL05MF_combined_GRACE_SLR_DORIS using precise orbit determination of TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason satellites (S. Rudenko)
- CryoSat-2 precise orbit determination in ITRF2020 (E. Schrama)
IDS Workshop, Venice, Italy, 31 October - 2 November 2022
- IDS news (L. Soudarin) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3675
- DORIS Network 2022 Status Report (J. Saunier) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3611
- DORIS System status and future missions (C. Manfredi, V. Garcia, P. Ferrage) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3522
- A new Time and Frequency reference for the DORIS beacons (V. Garcia) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3655
- New local ties at the DORIS station Wettzell in the framework of the GeoMetre project (T. Klügel) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3647
- Impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the DORIS network (JP. Chauveau) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3654
- The contribution to ITRF2020 IDS reprocessing and other activities of GOP analysis center (P. Stepanek, V. Filler) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3382
- Analyzes of the CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center solutions for the contribution to the ITRF2020 (H. Capdeville, JM. Lemoine, A. Mezerette) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3493
- Status of DORIS processing at GSFC following ITRF2020 (F. Lemoine) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3653
- Comparison between DPOD2014 and ITRF2020P : impact on the DORIS satellite orbits (A. Pollet, S. Nahmani) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3339
- The IDS Contribution to the ITRF2020 and beyond (G. Moreaux) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3487
- ITRF2020 and the IDS contribution (Z. Altamimi, P. Rebischung, X. Collilieux, L. Métivier, K. Chanard) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3521
- DTRF2020: the ITRS 2020 Realization of DGFI-TUM (M. Seitz, M. Bloßfeld, M. Glomsda, D. Angermann, S. Rudenko, J. Zeitlhöfler) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3361
- DORIS/DIODE: the last improvements (JP. Chauveau) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3652
- Combination of DORIS beacon measurement parameters in CNES POE-F orbit solutions (J. Moyard, F. Mercier, A. Couhert) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3494
- Orbit accuracy at the 12th year anniversary of Cryosat-2 mission (E. Schrama, P. Visser) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3313
- Copernicus POD Service - Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 orbit determination based on DORIS observations (H. Peter, M. Fernández, J. Fernández, P. Féménias) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3314
- Contribution of DORIS on-board the Galileo constellation in terms of positioning (A. Banos Garcia, G. Moreaux) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3651
- Development of an in-house DORIS processing software (X. Papanikolaou, V. Zacharis, M. Tsichlaki, S. Nahmani, A. Pollet, M. Tsakiri, J. Galanis) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3437
- A 30-year record of the time-variable gravity field from DORIS and SLR using a tailored parametrization via GRACE EOFs (A. Löcher, J. Kusche) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3650
- Using Near-Real-Time DORIS Data for Validating Real-Time GNSS Ionospheric Maps (N. Wang, D. Dettmering, A. Liu, Z. Li, M. Schmidt) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3612
- DORIS applications in Geodetic problems (V. Kumar) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3242
- Validating DORIS meteo data (V. Zacharis, M. Tsichlaki, X. Papanikolaou, M. Tsakiri) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3440
- DORIS Data Ingest Improvements at NASA CDDIS (T. Yates, P. Michael) DOI: 10.24400/312072/i03-2022.3645
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, online, 14 June 2022
- IDS news (L.Soudarin)
- Status of the Doris system (P. Ferrage, C. Manfredi)
- DORIS Network status (J. Saunier)
- From and beyond the IDS CC processing for the ITRF2020 (G. Moreaux)
- GRG AC report (H. Capdeville)
- GOP AC report (P. Štěpánek)
- GSC Analysis center update (F. Lemoine, N. Zelensky, D. Chinn, X. Yang)
- INA AC report (S. Kuzin)
- The recent activities of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at DGFI-TUM (S. Rudenko, M. Bloßfeld, J. Zeitlhöfler)
- Status of the DORIS analysis center at IGN-IPGP in 2022 (A. Paulet, S. Nahmani)
- Sentinel6A/Jason3 Tandem phase: adjusting common parameters per pass and impact on POD (J. Moyard, F. Mercier)
- Sentintel3A/3B tandem phase for analyzing DORIS residuals on POE (J. Moyard, F. Mercier)
- DORIS data performance analysis at Tristan Da Cunha station (P. Yaya)
- Progress of the TU Delft Activities and ASR DORIS special issue status (E. Schrama)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, online, 6-7 April 2021
- IDS news (L.Soudarin)
- Status of the Doris system (P. Ferrage)
- DORIS Network status (J. Saunier)
- Status of ITRF2020 and IDS Contribution (Z. Altamimi)
- IDS contribution to the ITRF2020 (G. Moreaux)
- On the processing of GFZ's DORIS contribution to ITRF2020 (P. Schreiner, R. König)
- GSC report (F. Lemoine)
- GOP report (P. Štěpánek)
- GRG report (H. Capdeville)
- On the recent activities of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at DGFI-TUM (S. Rudenko, M. Bloßfeld, J. Zeitlhöfler)
- First POD Results on HY-2C (A. Couhert, J. Moyard, F. Mercier)
- First POD Results on Sentinel-6A (A. Couhert, J. Moyard, F. Mercier)
- Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B SAA effects (P. Štěpánek, U. Hugentobler)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Paris, France, 30 September - 1 October 2019
- Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting
- IDS news (L. Soudarin)
- DORIS System Status (P. Ferrage)
- DORIS Network Status (J. Saunier)
- Status of the IDS combination (G. Moreaux)
- New Models and Standards recommended by IERS and IDS (JM. Lemoine)
- CNES/CLS AC status on standards/models (H. Capdeville)
- Attempt to mitigate the non-conservative force model error on satellites (F. Lemoine)
- South Atlantic Anomaly mitigation (G. Moreaux)
- Scale (elevation cut off and data downweighting) (P. Štěpánek)
- Analysis of elevation cut off and data downweighting on Helmert parameters (G. Moreaux)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Munich, Germany, 4 April 2019
- Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting
- Meeting Goals and Objectives (H. Capdeville/P. Štěpánek)
- IDS news (L. Soudarin)
- DORIS System Status (P. Ferrage)
- DORIS Network Status and future plans (J. Saunier)
- From and beyond the IDS CC processing for the ITRF2020 (G. Moreaux)
- GOP Analysis Center status report (P. Štěpánek)
- GSC Analysis Center status report (F. Lemoine)
- GRG Analysis Center status report (H. Capdeville)
- IGN Analysis Center status report (P. Willis)
- Status of the DORIS satellite data processing at DGFI-TUM (M. Bloßfeld)
- Current status of the DORIS processing at the Copernicus POD Service (H. Peter)
- Analysis of the tie vector discrepancies at the DORIS sites (G. Moreaux)
- Identification of satellite DORIS antenna phase maps, and performances of POE-F DORIS-only orbits (H. Ait Lakbir)
- Update of the HY-2A SRP model (C. Masson)
- Progress on CNES mascon solutions (J. Moyard)
- Preprocessing of Doris phase data for Doppler solutions, and for low elevation measurements (F. Mercier)
- Update on Time-Variable-Gravity models for POD applications (J.M. Lemoine)
- Working Group proposal on the "observation of geocenter motion" (A. Couhert)
- Discussions, Action Items Review and Conclusions
IDS Workshop, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal), 24-26 September 2018
- DORIS System status and future missions Cécile Manfredi (CNES, France)
- DORIS Network 2018 Status Report Jérôme Saunier (IGN, France)
- The International DORIS Service: status report Laurent Soudarin (CLS, France), Pascale Ferrage (CNES, France)
- Noise analysis in the DORIS station position time series with a view to assessing the monument stability Jérôme Saunier (IGN, France), Guilhem Moreaux (CLS, France)
- Improvement of the CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center solution for the contribution to the next ITRF Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France), Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES, FRANCE)
- Station Positions and Earth Rotation Parameters from JASON-1, JASON-2, and ENVISAT Rolf Koenig (GFZ, Germany), Anton Reinhold (GFZ, Germany), Susanne Glaser (GFZ, Germany), Karl Hans Neumayer (GFZ, Germany)
- Improvements to the GSC Processing and their Impact on Geodetic Products Frank Lemoine (NASA GSFC, United States), Nikita Zelensky (SGT Inc, U.S.A.), Alexandre Belli (NPP/USRA @ NASA GSFC, U.S.A.), Douglas Chinn (SGT Inc., U.S.A.), Despina Pavlis (ESSIC @ University of Maryland/College Park, U.S.A.), Taylor Thomas (Emergent Space Technologies, U.S.A.)
- DORIS scale consistency in GOP time series Petr Stepanek (Geodetic Observatory Pecny, VUGTK, Czech Republic)
- IDS Combined Solution: on the way to the ITRF2020 Guilhem Moreaux (CLS, France)
- The new time-variable gravity field model for POD of altimetric satellites based on GRACE+SLR RL04 from CNES/GRGS Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES, France), Stéphane Bourgogne (Géode & Cie, France), Richard Biancale (CNES, France), Franck Reinquin (CNES, France)
- Pre-GRACE era recovery of time-varying DORIS-based mass concentration parameters for TOPEX/Poseidon precise orbit determination John Moyard (CNES, France), Alexandre Couhert (CNES, France), Flavien Mercier (CNES, France)
- Copernicus POD Service - Sentinel-3 orbit determination based on DORIS observations Heike Peter (PosiTim UG, Germany), Jaime Fernández (GMV AD, Spain), Pierre Féménias (ESA/ESRIN, Italy)
- IDS DORIS RINEX Processing at the European Space Operations Centre Michiel Otten (ESA/ESOC, Germany), Werner Enderle (ESA/ESOC, Germany)
- Status of SLR and DORIS data processing of Jason satellites at DGFI-TUM Sergei Rudenko (DGFI-TUM, Germany), Mathis Bloßfeld (DGFI-TUM, Germany), Denise Dettmering (DGFI-TUM, Germany), Frank G. Lemoine (NASA GSFC, USA
- The impact of low-latency DORIS data on near real-time VTEC modeling Eren Erdogan (DGFI-TUM, Germany), Denise Dettmering (DGFI-TUM, Germany), Michael Schmidt (DGFI-TUM, Germany), Andreas Goss (DGFI-TUM, Germany)
- Consistency of the DORIS and GPS assessments for real-time global ionospheric maps Wang Ningbo (Academy of Opto-Electronics, CAS, China), Zishen Li (Academy of Opto-Electronics, CAS, China)
- Architecture for a Combined DORIS-GNSS Receiver Christian Jayles (CNES, France)
- A model for DORIS USO in the SAA Eva Jalabert (CNES, France)
- NASA CDDIS: Important Changes to User Access Carey Noll (NASA GSFC), Benjamin Patrick Michael (NASA GSFC)
- Assets and strenghts of the DORIS staion at Ponta Delgada Guilhem Moreaux (CLS), Jérôme Saunier (IGN), Christian Jayles (CNES), Philippe Yaya (CLS)
- An Atlantic Network of Geodynamic and Space Stations (project RAEGE) - Susana Garcia-Espada (IGE), Ruben Bolano Gonzalez (IGE), Luis R. Santos (RAEGE Santa Maria), Sara V. Pavão (RAEGE Santa Maria), Pablo de Vicente (IGE), José Antonio López Fernández (IGE)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Toulouse, France, 11 June 2018
- Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting
- Meeting Goals and Objectives (H. Capdeville/JM. Lemoine)
- DORIS mission and system news (P. Ferrage, C. Manfredi)
- DORIS Network Status (J. Saunier)
- Examples of recurrent performance analysis of DORIS stations (P. Yaya)
- IDS news (L. Soudarin)
- GOP Analysis Center status report (P. Stepanek)
- ESA Analysis Center status report (M. Otten)
- CNES/CLS (GRG) Analysis Center status report (H. Capdeville)
- Combination Center status report (G. Moreaux)
- Status of the IDS data processing at DGFI-TUM (S. Rudenko, M. Bloßfeld, F. Lemoine)
- Advances in DORIS simulations for GGOS-SIM (A. Reinhold, R. Koenig)
- Copernicus POD Service - Sentinel-3A orbit determination based on DORIS observations (H. Peter)
- Pre-GRACE era recovery of time-varying DORIS-based mass concentration parameters for TOPEX/Poseidon precise orbit determination (J. Moyard)
- A model for DORIS USO in the SAA (E. Jalabert)
- Analyze of the DORIS scale factor and geocenter from single satellite solutions (H. Capdeville)
- Consistent DORIS scale series 2011.0-2017.0 (P. Stepanek)
- DPOD2014 version 3.0 (G. Moreaux)
- How DORIS observations can independently contribute to the realization of the ITRF origin (A. Couhert)
- ITRF: seasonal station motions and geocenter motion (Z. Altamimi)
- Road map for the next ITRF (Z. Altamimi)
- Discussions, Action Items Review and Conclusions
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, London, United Kingdom, 22-24 May 2017
- Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting
- Meeting Goals and Objectives (H. Capdeville/JM. Lemoine)
- GOP status report (P. Stepanek)
- GSC status report (F. Lemoine)
- IGN status report (P. Willis)
- GRG status report (H. Capdeville)
- Status of Combination Center (G. Moreaux)
- DPOD2014 status (G. Moreaux)
- DORIS evaluation of the DGFI, IGN and JPL ITRF2014 solutions (G. Moreaux)
- Evaluation of 2014 TRF solutions in POD by CNES/CLS IDS AC (H. Capdeville)
- Evaluation of DPOD2014 solution in POD by CNES/CLS IDS AC (H. Capdeville)
- Evaluation of ITRF2014 for Altimeter Satellite POD (F. Lemoine)
- SLR evaluation of ITRF2014/DTRF2014 by NSGF AC Preliminary results (G. Appleby, J. Rodriguez)
- DORIS Network Status (J. Saunier)
- DORIS mission & system news (P. Ferrage)
- IDS news (L. Soudarin)
- Analysis of the Signal Content in the Coordinate Time Series of the DORIS Stations (G. Moreaux)
- Comparison/evaluation of different atmosphere/ocean de-aliasing products using altimeter missions (J. Moyard)
- Improvements in the POD processing for CS-2 (E. Schrama)
- Assessment of the Accuracy of the Global SLR observations – Multi-Satellite Treatment (G. Appleby, J. Rodriguez)
- DORIS Simulations within Project GGOS-SIM (R. Koenig)
- DORIS-based polar motion determination for the MOE orbit solutions (E. Jalabert)
- DORIS/RINEX data processing with GIPSY and GipsyX, Preliminary results and plans (P. Willis)
- Estimation of the DORIS phase center locations for the currently flying altimeter missions (H. Ait Lakbir)
- Brief presentation of the next GDR-F POD Standards (A. Couhert)
- T2L2/Jason-2: how to improve IDS products (P. Exertier, A. Belli, N. Zelensky, F. Lemoine, H. Capdeville)
- Choice of the mean pole (JM. Lemoine)
- Discussion for the Mean Pole (F. Mercier, A. Couhert)
- Discussion items (H. Capdeville/JM. Lemoine)
IDS Workshop, La Rochelle, France, 31 October - 1 November 2016
- DORIS System status and future missions Cecile Manfredi (CNES, France), Jean Marc Walter (CNES, FRANCE), Pascale Ferrage (CNES, France)
- DORIS Network 2016 Status Report Jérôme Saunier (IGN, France)
- VLBI - DORIS compatibility tests at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell Thomas Kluegel (BKG, Geodetic Observatory Wettzell, Germany)
- Co-location: guiding principles of the doris network deployment Jérôme Saunier (IGN, France), Zuheir Altamimi (IGN, France), Xavier Collilieux (IGN, France), Bruno Garayt (IGN, France), Médéric Gravelle (LIENSs, CNRS/Université de la Rochelle, France), Jean-Claude Poyard (IGN, France)
- Comparison between DORIS oscillators on Jason satellites in terms of radiation sensitivity Alexandre Belli (Géoazur, France), Pierre Exertier (Géoazur, France), Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France)
- Sentinel-3A USO observed through GNSS measurements Eva Jalabert (CNES, France), Flavien Mercier (CNES, France)
- Investigating HY2A radial offset for precise orbit determination and geodesy Pascal Willis (IGN/IPGP, France), Alexandre Couhert (CNES, France)
- Which datation method for DORIS-RINEX data Pascale Ferrage (CNES, France), Christian Jayles (CNES, France), Jean Michel Lemoine (CNES, France), Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France), Guilhem Moreaux (CLS, France)
- Status DORIS RINEX processing at GSFC Nikita Zelensky (SGT/GSFC, USA), Frank G. Lemoine (NASA/GSFC, USA), David D. Rowlands (NASA/GSFC, USA), Douglas S. Chinn (SGT/GSFC, USA), Brian D. Beckley (SGT/GSFC, USA)
- DORIS rinex procesing at the European Space Operations Centre Michiel Otten (ESA/ESOC, Germany), Werner Enderle (ESA/ESOC, Germany) Cancelled
- DORIS preprocessing and weighting function for Jason-1 and OSTM/Jason-2 John Moyard (CNES, France), Flavien Mercier (CNES, France), Alexandre Couhert (CNES, France), Eva Jalabert (CNES, France), Sabine Houry (CNES, France)
- DPOD2014: a new DORIS extension of ITRF2014 for Precise Orbit Determination Guilhem Moreaux (CLS, France), Pascal Willis (IGN, Marne-la-Vallee, France), Frank Lemoine (NASA/GSFC, USA), Nikita Zelensky (SGT/GSFC, USA)
- Review of IDS contribution to ITRF2014 Zuheir Altamimi (IGN, France)
- Research activities at the IDS Combination Center Guilhem Moreaux (CLS, France)
- GSC Analysis Center Improvements in DORIS Satellite Processing Following ITRF2014 Frank Lemoine (NASA/GSFC, USA), Douglas Chinn (SGT/GSFC, USA), Nikita Zelensky (SGT/GSFC, USA.), Karine Le Bail (NVI Inc., USA)
- The main results of the DORIS data processing in the INASAN Analysis Center for the ITRF2014 Sergey Kuzin (Institute of Astronomy of the RAS, Russia)
- Assessment of ITRF2014 for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites Sergei Rudenko (DGFI/TUM, Germany), Saskia Esselborn (GFZ, Germany), Tilo Schöne (GFZ, Germany), Denise Dettmering (DGFI/TUM, Germany), Karl-Hans Neumayer (GFZ, Germany)
- Impact of the low elevation measurements on the DORIS scale factor Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France), Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES, France)
- Is the CryoSat-2 orbit accuracy affected by space weather Ernst Schrama (TU Delft, The Nederlands)
- Impact of the South Atlantic Anomaly effect on the position station estimation of the last DORIS satellites Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France), Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES, France)
- Recent DORIS analysis at Geodetic Observatory Pecny Petr Stepanek (Geodetic Observatory Pecny, VUGTK, Czech Republic), Vratislav Filler (Geodetic Observatory Pecny, VUGTK, Czech Republic), Michal Buday (Geodetic Observatory Pecny, VUGTK, Czech Republic)
- DORIS-DIODE : Real-Time Earth Pole Coordinates computed in space Christian Jayles (CNES, France), Jean-Pierre Chauveau (Akka I&S, France)
- Using DORIS data in an OPerational Tool for Ionospheric MApping and Prediction Eren Erdogan (DGFI/TUM, Germany), Andreas Goss (DGFI/TUM, Germany), Michael Schmidt (DGFI/TUM, Germany), Denise Dettmering (DGFI/TUM, Germany), Florian Seitz (DGFI/TUM, Germany), Klaus Börger (GSSAC, Germany), Sylvia Brandert (GSSAC, Germany), Barbara Görres (BGIC, Germany), Volker Bothmer (IAG, Germany), Johannes Hinrichs (IAG, Germany), Malte Venzmer (IAG, Germany), Niclas Mrotzek (IAG, Germany)
- The International DORIS Service: Current achievements and future challenges Pascal Willis (IGN/IPGP, France), Frank Lemoine (NASA, USA), Laurent Soudarin (CLS, France), Guilhem Moreaux (CLS, France), Pascale Ferrage (CNES, France)
- DORIS time series analysis and forecasting Dilbarkhon Fazilova (Astronomical Institute of UzbekAcademy of Sciences), Laurent Soudarin (CLS, France), Jerome Saunier (IGN, France)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Delft, The Netherlands, 26-27 May 2016
- Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting
- Meeting Goals and Objectives (H. Capdeville/JM. Lemoine)
- GOP status report (V. Filler)
- GSC status report (F. Lemoine)
- IGN status report (P. Willis)
- GRG status report (H. Capdeville)
- Status of Combination center (G. Moreaux)
- IDS evaluation of the DORIS versions of the DTRF2014, ITRF2014 and JTRF2014 solutions (G. Moreaux)
- Evaluation of ITRF2014/DTRF2014/JTRF2014 solutions in Jason precision orbit determination (E. Jalabert)
- Evaluation by GSC (F. Lemoine)
- Evaluation of TRF: Comparison of DPOD2008, ITRF2014 and DTRF2014 (H. Capdeville)
- Proposal for a new DPOD elaboration scheme (G. Moreaux)
- Temperature, radiation and aging analysis of the DORIS Ultra Stable Oscillator by means of the Time Transfer by Laser Link experiment on Jason-2 (A. Belli)
- Is the Jason-2 DORIS Oscillator also affected by the South Atlantic Anomaly Effect (P. Willis)
- Behavior of DORIS / Jason-3 USO (C. Jayles)
- Are the Jason-2 and Jason-3 USO sensitive to the SAA? (H. Capdeville)
- DORIS USO observation through the Sentinel-3A GPS receiver (F. Mercier)
- Brief POD status on Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A (A. Couhert & F. Mercier)
- Material on the Precision orbit determination of CryoSat-2 at the TU Delft (E. Schrama)
- Recent DORIS-related activities at GFZ (S. Rudenko)
- Progress on the surface force model for Jason-2 (M. Ziebart)
- Where - A new geodetic software being developed at the Norwegian Mapping Authority (GA. Hjelle)
- RINEX data processing (JM. Lemoine)
- Preprocessing considerations and use of low-elevation DORIS measurements (J. Moyard)
- Error mitigation in DORIS derived geocenter motion (A. Couhert)
- DORIS Network Status (J. Saunier)
- DORIS mission & system news (P. Ferrage)
- Status of the articles submitted to ASR, DORIS Special Issue (E. Schrama & F. Lemoine)
- IDS news (L. Soudarin)
- Discussions (Scale factor jump in mid 2012, ...) (H. Capdeville)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA, 15-16 October 2015
- Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting
- Meeting Goals and Objectives (Hugues Capdeville)
- Latest results on the IDS contribution to ITRF2014 (Guilhem Moreaux)
- GOP status report (Petr Stepanek)
- GSC status report (Frank Lemoine)
- IGN status report (Pascal Willis)
- GRG status report (Hugues Capdeville)
- Status of Routine Combination (Guilhem Moreaux)
- ITRF2014P Evaluation at GFZ (Sergei Rudenko)
- ITRF2014P Evaluation at GSC (Frank Lemoine)
- ITRF2014P Evaluation by CNES POD Team (Frank Lemoine on behalf of Alexandre Couhert)
- ITRF2014P Evaluation at GRG (Hugues Capdeville)
- ITRF2014P Evaluation by the Combination Center (Guilhem Moreaux)
- IVS presentation (Dirk Behrend)
- Improvements in precise orbit determination of DORIS satellites at GFZ (Sergei Rudenko)
- Material on the Precision orbit determination of CryoSat-2 at the TU Delft (Ernst Schrama)
- Terrestrial Reference Frame investigations in preparation of GRASP, GPS and DORIS - PPP daily results and preliminary comparisons with geodetic local ties (Pascal Willis)
- Early results on the validation of the horizontal velocities from the cumulative solution based on IDS 09 (Guilhem Moreaux)
- Time variable gravity models (Richard Biancale)
- Report on RINEX processing with Jason-2 (Nikita Zelensky)
- Explanation of the difference in rms residuals between DORIS2.2 and RINEX-PANDOR data (Richard Biancale on behalf of Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- Discussions
- DORIS Network Status (Laurent Soudarin on behalf of Jerome Saunier)
- DORIS mission & system news (Pascale Ferrage)
- CDDIS Web applications (Carey Noll)
- IDS news (Laurent Soudarin)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Toulouse, France, 28-29 May 2015
- Agenda of the AWG meeting
- Minutes of the meeting
- Meeting Goals and Objectives (Jean-Michel Lemoine et Hugues Capdeville)
- IDS Combined Solution for contribution to ITRF2014 (Guilhem Moreaux)
- Status of ITRF2014 analysis (Zuheir Altamimi)
- Feedback on the ITRF2014 reprocessing from GOP (Petr Stepanek)
- Feedback on the ITRF2014 reprocessing from GSC (Frank Lemoine)
- Feedback on the ITRF2014 reprocessing from IGN (Pascal Willis)
- Feedback on the ITRF2014 reprocessing from INA (Sergey Kuzin)
- Feedback on the ITRF2014 reprocessing from GRG (Hugues Capdeville)
- Combination Center (Guilhem Moreaux)
- DORIS-related activities at GFZ (Sergei Rudenko)
- The Solar Radiation Pressure model evaluation for Cryosat-2 (Ernst Schrama)
- LOD estimation from DORIS data (Petr Stepanek)
- Testing of SPOT-5 SAA data corrective model using long time data series (Petr Stepanek and Hugues Capdeville)
- Improvements in the DORIS phase modeling (Flavien Mercier)
- DORIS RINEX data processing at CNES/CLS AC (Jean-Michel Lemoine and Hugues Capdeville)
- DORIS satellites constellation update (Pascale Ferrage)
- DORIS network status and local tie surveys (Jérôme Saunier)
- DORIS System news (Christian Jayles)
- 3D visualization for DORIS satellites (Pascale Ferrage/Laurent Soudarin)
- Time variable gravity models (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- First results on the GDR-E reprocessing based on CryoSat-2 (Alexandre Couhert)
- IDS news (Laurent Soudarin)
IDS Workshop, Konstanz, Germany, 27-28 October 2014
- Review of IDS Workshop 2014 for IAG's page in GIM magazine
- IDS Workshop 2014 abstract book
- IDS ITRF2013 activities at the European Space Operation Centre Michiel Otten (ESA/ESOC), Werner Enderle (ESA/ESOC)
- DORIS data analyses at Geodetic Observatory Pecny Petr Stepanek (Geodetic Observatory Pecny, VUGTK)
- The development of the GSC DORIS contribution to ITRF2013 Frank Lemoine (NASA GSFC), Douglas S. Chinn (SGT Inc.), Jennifer Beall (Emergent Space Technologies), Nikita P. Zelensky (SGT Inc.), Karine Le Bail (NVI Inc.)
- IGN analysis center report - Current status and future plans Pascal Willis (IGN/IPGP), Willy Bertiger (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Shailen Desai (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- INA DORIS AC processing for ITRF2013 Sergey Kuzin (Institute of Astronomy RAS), Souria Tatevian (Institute of Astronomy RAS)
- Reprocessing from CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center for the contribution to the ITRF2013 Hugues Capdeville (CLS), Laurent Soudarin (CLS), Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES), Philippe Schaeffer (CLS)
- IDS contribution to ITRF2013 Guilhem Moreaux (CLS), Frank Lemoine (NASA), Pascal Willis (IGN-IPGP), Hugues Capdeville (CLS), Michiel Otten (ESA), Petr Stepanek (Geodesy Observatory Pecný), Sergey Kuzin (Institute of Astronomy RAS), Pascale Ferrage (CNES)
- IDS contribution to the ITRF2013 Zuheir Altamimi (IGN), Laurent Metivier (IGN), Xavier Collilieux (IGN), Paul Rebischung (IGN)
- DTRF2013: Results of the analysis and impact of the contribution of the International DORIS Service Manuela Seitz (DGFI), Detlef Angermann (DGFI), Mathis Bloßfeld (DGFI)
- DORIS system status and future missions Pascale Ferrage (CNES), Cédric Tourain (CNES), Albert Auriol (CNES)
- DORIS Network 2014 Status Report Jérôme Saunier (IGN)
- DORIS future missions Cécile Manfredi (CNES), Albert Auriol (CNES)
- Doris STAREC ground antennas characterization and impact on localization Cédric Tourain (CNES), Guilhem Moreaux (CLS), Albert Auriol (CNES)
- Ground Antenna Position: Initiating an Error Budget Jérôme Saunier (IGN), Cédric Tourain (CNES), Albert Auriol (CNES)
- DORIS ground station network performance monitoring Cédric Tourain (CNES), Christian Jayles (CNES), Guilhem Moreaux (CLS), Jérôme Saunier (IGN), Philippe Yaya (CLS), François Didelot (CLS), François Boldo (IGN)
- Doris/Diode on-board Jason-3 and Sentinel-3 : real-time estimations for pole coordinates and USO frequencies Christian Jayles (CNES), Jean-Pierre Chauveau (Akka I&S), Cédric Tourain (CNES), Albert Auriol (CNES)
- Using DORIS for modeling the Vertical Total Electron Content of the Earth's Ionosphere Denise Dettmering (DGFI), Marco Limberger (DGFI), Michael Schmidt (DGFI)
- A high-quality, homogenized, global, long-term (1993-2008) DORIS precipitable water dataset for climate monitoring and model verification Olivier Bock (IGN), Pascal Willis (IPGP - IGN), Junhong Wang (State University of New York, Albany), Carl Mears (RSE)
- Revisiting the Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space (GRASP) Mission Concept Yoaz Bar-Sever (JPL/Caltech), Bruce Haines (JPL/Caltech), Steve Nerem (University of Colorado, Boulder), Richard Biancale (CNES)
- RF Compatibility tests of DORIS Simulator with VLBI Broadband Antenna at GGAO Lawrence Hilliard (NASA), Cedric Tourain (CNES), Brian Corey (Haystack Observatory), Christopher Beaudoin (Haystack Observatory), Jerome Saunier (IGN), William Petrachenko (National Research Council)
- EIGEN-GRGS.RL03.MEAN-FIELD: new mean gravity field model for altimetric satellite orbit computation Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES/GRGS), Stéphane Borgogne (Géode&Cie), Richard Biancale (CNES/GRGS), Sean Bruinsma (CNES/GRGS)
- The semi-empirical thermosphere model DTM2013 Sean Bruinsma (CNES/GRGS)
- Calibrated Semi-Empirical Solar Radiation Pressure Models for Altimeter Satellites Flavien Mercier (CNES), Eva Jalabert (CNES), Alexandre Couhert (CNES)
- Improvement of a radiation model for Cryosat-2 Ernst Schrama (TU Delft), Marc Naeije (TU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace)
- Possible improvement of the SAA JASON-1 corrective model by the use of the maps of energetic particles obtained by the dosimeter CARMEN onboard of JASON-2 Hugues Capdeville (CLS), Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES)
- New DORIS Doppler Parameterization Inferred from Phase Measurement Analyses Alexandre Couhert (CNES), Flavien Mercier (CNES)
- Use of DORIS RINEX Doppler measurement with the GINS software Laurent Soudarin (CLS), Hugues Capdeville (CLS), Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES), Philippe Schaeffer (CLS)
- Overview of the network monumentation Jérôme Saunier (IGN)
- Combining DORIS with VLBI, SLR and GPS in the GEOSAT software Geir Arne Hjelle (Norwegian Mapping Authority), Per Helge Andersen (Norwegian Mapping Authority)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Paris, France, 26-27 March 2014
- Agenda of the meeting
- Minutes of the meeting
- Status of ITRF2013 preparations (Zuheir Altamimi)
- Review of models for ITRF2013 and comparison to ITRF2008 (Frank Lemoine)
- Recommendations on the phase laws implementation (Cédric Tourain)
- Analysis of DORIS map correction using phase measurements (Flavien Mercier and Alexandre Couhert)
- ITRF2013 reprocessing status from ESA (Michiel Otten)
- ITRF2013 reprocessing status from GOP (Petr Stepanek)
- ITRF2013 reprocessing status from GSC (Frank Lemoine)
- ITRF2013 reprocessing status from IGN and INA (Pascal Willis)
- ITRF2013 reprocessing status from LCA (Hugues Capdeville)
- Analysis of AC solutions(Guilhem Moreaux)
- DORIS satellites constellation update (Pascale Ferrage)
- DORIS network status (Jérôme Saunier)
- CNES reprocessing plans for the next POD standards (Alexandre Couhert and Eva Jalabert)
- Analysis of Cryosat2, and DORIS station adjustment with SLR (Ernst Schrama)
- SARAL processing update (Frank Lemoine for Nikita Zelensky)
- Satellite modelling at UCL (Marek Ziebart and Stuart Grey)
- Recent DORIS-related activities at GFZ (Sergei Rudenko)
- Doris ground antennas Radio Frequency characterization Status (Cédric Tourain)
- IDS news (Laurent Soudarin)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Washington, USA, 15-16 October 2013
- Agenda of the meeting
- Minutes of the meeting
- DORIS mission updates (Pascale Ferrage)
- DORIS network status (Jérôme Saunier)
- CNES POD status (Luca Cerri)
- ITRF2013 status from GOP (Petr Stepanek, presented by N. Zelensky)
- ITRF2013 status from GSFC (Nikita Zelensky)
- ITRF2013 status from IGN (Pascal Willis)
- ITRF2013 status from CNES/CLS (Laurent Soudarin)
- Acceleration comparison (Nikita Zelensky)
- Evaluation results from IDS Combination Center:Jason-1 and Phase laws (Guilhem Moreaux)
- DORIS ground antennas RF characterization status (Cédric Tourain)
- GSFC phase law tests (Nikita Zelensky)
- LCA Cryosat-2 macromodel tests (Laurent Soudarin) + model assessments (AWG telecons 2013)
- Plans for delivery schedule from GSFC (Nikita Zelensky)
- Plans for delivery schedule from IGN (Pascal Willis)
- Plans for delivery schedule from CNES/CLS (Laurent Soudarin)
- ITRF2013, processing plan (Nikita Zelensky)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Toulouse, France, 4-5 April 2013
- Agenda of the meeting
- IDS Annoucements (Laurent Soudarin; Pascale Ferrage, Pascal Willis)
- Network Update (Jérôme Saunier)
- Satellite constellation Update (Pascale Ferrage)
- GSC Analysis Center Updates (Frank Lemoine)
- INA Analysis Center Updates (Sergey Kuzin)
- LCA Analysis Center Updates (Laurent Soudarin)
- Combination Center Update. Status of the Current IDS Combination (Guilhem Moreaux)
- Macromodel Updates, DORIS satellites Updates @ GSC: SPOT-2, SPOT-3, Envisat (Frank Lemoine)
- Summary of Desired Improvements for IDS ACs POD (Frank Lemoine)
- ITRF Call and Requirements
- Ground Antenna Characterization Update (Cédric Tourain, Albert Auriol)
- Summary of Zuheir Altamimi Results about Starec Antenna Calibration
- Single-satellite Analysis Campaigns and Tests on ALCATEL/STAREC antennas (Guilhem Moreaux)
- SAA corrective model for Jason-1 and for Spot-5 (Hugues Capdeville)
- Processing of SPOT-5 and Jason-1 DORIS data with the SAA correction (Frank Lemoine for Doug Chinn)
- SAA effect analysis (Petr Stepanek)
- GOP solutions (Petr Stepanek)
- Gravity field models under test at GRGS (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- Gravity Modelling Recommendations for the next ITRF (Frank Lemoine)
- HY2A analysis at GSFC (Frank Lemoine)
- Preliminary analysis of SARAL POD solutions (Alexandre Couhert)
IDS Workshop, Venice, Italy, 25-26 September 2012
- IDS Workshop 2012 abstract book
- International DORIS Service: Current status and perspectives P. Willis (IGN/IPGP)
- DORIS system developments and Future Missions A. Auriol (CNES)
- DORIS network 2012 status report J. Saunier (IGN)
- DORIS on HY-2A M. Dejus (CNES)
- DORIS ground antennas Radio Frequency characterization C.Tourain(CNES)
- DORIS/DIODE on board Pleiades PHR1A : results and lessons learned C. Jayles (CNES)
- From Jason2 to Jason3 : DIODE enhancements J.P. Chauveau (AKKA)
- DORIS: a permanent evolving space technique for geophysical research activities P. Ferrage (CNES)
- Combination of space techniques at the normal equation level D. Gambis (OP)
- Comparison of Earth radiation pressure models for DORIS satellites C. Rodriguez-Solano (IAPG)
- DORIS measurement exploitation for ionosphere studies C. Tourain (CNES)
- On the proper use of the EIGEN-6 models for altimetric orbit computation over decades R. Biancale (GRGS)
- Update of the SAA corrective model for Jason-1 DORIS data and discussion about a SAA corrective model for Spot5 H. Capdeville (CLS)
- Evaluation of Atmospheric Loading and Improved Troposphere Modelling N. Zelensky (GFSC/SGT)
- A review of some systematic errors observed in the Precision Orbit Determination of recent Doris satellites L. Cerri (CNES)
- Overview of DORIS Frequency Permits, RFI Issues Worldwide P. Ferrage (CNES)
- Colocation considerations and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Mitigation Techniques L. Hilliard (NASA/GSFC)
- Tropospheric parameters from DORIS in comparison to other techniques during CONT campaigns J. Boehm (Wien UT)
- Contributions of DORIS to ionosphere modeling D. Dettmering (GDFI)
- DORIS Observations from Future LEO Constellations Space Geodesy Project (SGP) D. Rainwater (ARL:UT)
- Research activities at the IDS Combination Center G. Moreaux (CLS)
- Current research activities at GOP DORIS analysis center P. Stepanek (VUGTK) Presented by C. Rodriguez-Solano (IAPG)
- Recent improvements in DORIS processing at ESOC M. Otten (ESA/ESOC)
- Comparaison of station coordinates, estimated by DORIS and Glonass measurements for collocated sites S. Kuzin (INASSAN)
- DORIS positioning : performance assessment from the last data processing at CNES/CLS Analysis Center L. Soudarin (CLS)
- Implementation and use of the DORIS RINEX phase measurement in the GINS software J.M. Lemoine (GRGS)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Venice, Italy, 26 September 2012
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May - 1 June 2012
- Constellation, DORIS System Status (Pascale Ferrage)
- IDS Combination Center Update (Guilhem Moreaux)
- HY-2A First POD Results (Alexandre Couhert)
- Status of POD Standards for altimeter satellites orbitsUpdate (Luca Cerri)
- Recent improvements in DORIS data Processing at IGN (Jordane Strittmatter, Pascal Willis)
- Ground Antenna Calibration Report (Cedric Tourain)
- Impact of Phase Wind-Up on Processing (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- Future ITRF – Update from the IERS (Zuheir Altamimi)
- Atmospheric Loading; IERS Campaign Modelling & Implementation (Tonie van Dam)
- Simple SAA corrective model for SPOT5 (Petr Stepanek)
- Update of the SAA corrective model for Jason-1 (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- New precise orbits of Envisat and TOPEX/Poseidon in the ITRF2008 computed at GFZ (Sergei Rudenko)
- DORIS Zenith Tropospheric Delays available from the IGN Analysis Center (Pascal Willis)
- Evolution of Dynamical Orbit Model (Petr Stepanek)
- LCA Analysis Center Report (Laurent Soudarin)
- GSC Analysis Center Report (Frank Lemoine)
- INA Analysis Center Report (Sergei Kuzin)
- GAU Analysis Center Report (Ramesh Govind)
- ESA Analysis Center Report (Michiel Otten)
- Orbit Comparison Campaign (Frank Lemoine, D. Chinn)
- Once Per Revolution Acceleration Comparison Campaign (Frank Lemoine, D. Chinn)
- Models for Next ITRF (Frank Lemoine)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Paris, France, 23-24 May 2011
- Update on future DORIS satellites (Pascale Ferrage)
- Processing of DORIS RINEX data, and relationship with the 2.2 format (Luca Cerri, Flavien Mercier)
- Cryosat-2 and Jason-2 POD results (Alexandre Couhert,Luca Cerri)
- CNES POD reprocessing plans (Luca Cerri and CNES POD team)
- Status of Precise Orbit Determination at Cryosat's fisrt birthday (Ernst Schrama)
- Jason-2 DORIS orbit accuracy and stability (Frank Lemoine and GSFC Analysis group)
- DPOD2008: Methods, status report and future plans (Pascal Willis and the DPOD2008 team)
- Status of the activities at the IDS Combination Center (Guilhem Moreaux, Laurent Soudarin)
- CNES/CLS Analysis Center Status Report (Laurent Soudarin, Hugues Capdeville, Philippe Schaeffer, Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- GOP Analysis Center Status Report (Petr Stepanek)
- INASAN Analysis Center Status Report (Sergey Kuzin, Suroya Tatevian)
- IGN Analysis Center Status Report (Pascal Willis)
- ESOC Analysis Center Status Report (Michiel Otten, Werner Enderle)
- GSFC Analysis Center Status Report (Douglas Chinn, Frank Lemoine, Karine Le Bail, Nikita Zelensky, J.W. Beall)
- Earth Parameter and Orbit System - Orbit Computation (EPOS-OC) software - a tool for space geodesy research at GFZ (Sergei Rudenko, Rolf König, Karl-Hans Neumayer, Jean-Claude Raimondo, Frank Flechtner)
- Proposed surface force modelling research programme for the DORIS satellites (Marek Ziebart)
- DORIS antenna phase center: is there a bias between Alcatel and Starec reference? (Pascal Willis, Xavier, Collilieux, Zuheir Altamimi)
- Attempts to implement the DORIS station antenna phase correction (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- Multi-technique combination for Earth Orientation (Jean-Yves Richard, Daniel Gambis, Christian Bizouard, Richard Biancale, Géraldine Bourda, Florent Deleflie, Sylvain Loyer, Laurent Soudarin)
- An inter-comparison of zenith tropospheric delays and gradients from DORIS and GPS (Olivier Bock, Pascal Willis, Yoaz Bar-Sever)
- 2nd order ionospheric correction for DORIS and GPS data (Oscar Colombo, Frank Lemoine)
- Operational considerations for AC's (Frank Lemoine)
- Future reprocessing plans (Frank Lemoine)
IDS Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 21-22 October 2010
- Abstract - DORIS system developments and Future Missions (P. Ferrage, C. Tourain, C. Jayles, F. Boldo)
- Abstract - DORIS network 2010 status report (J. Saunier)
- Abstract - DORIS/Cryosat-2 now in flight (F. Schiavon, C. Tourain, C. Jayles, A. Auriol, F. Didelot)
- Abstract - DORIS : Control of the signal integrity (C. Tourain, C. Jayles, A. Auriol, F. Didelot)
- Abstract - SPOT-5 and South Atlantic Anomaly (P. Stepanek, V. Filler, J. Dousa)
- Abstract - DORIS system time bias: Envisat-1 and Jason-2 (R. Govind, F. Lemoine, D. Chinn, N. Zelensky)
- Abstract - International DORIS Service: Status report and perspectives (P. Willis, F. Lemoine)
- Abstract - Improvements in DORIS Processing at the GSFC AC (F. Lemoine, D. Chinn, K. Le Bail, N. Zelensky)
- Abstract - PRecent improvements in DORIS processing at ESOC (M. Otten, C. Flohrer, T. Springer, J. Dow)
- Abstract - Current activity at CNES/CLS DORIS analysis Center (L. Soudarin, H. Capdeville, J.-M. Lemoine)
- Abstract - IDS 2010 campaign, current status (G. Moreaux, J.J. Valette, L. Soudarin, F. Lemoine)
- Abstract - Monitoring Polar Motion by DORIS Technique (D. Gambis, J.Y. Richard)
- Abstract - Analysis of the Earth’s Center of mass periodical movement S. Kuzin, S. Tatevian)
- Abstract - Contribution of the new DORIS/DGXX instruments to the geodetic products (L. Soudarin, H. Capdeville, J.-M. Lemoine)
- Abstract - Investigation KITAB-TASHKENT baseline on the combination of different geodetic techniques (D. Fazilova, A. Fazilov)
- Abstract - Precise orbit determination for the CryoSat-2 mission (L. Cerri, A. Couhert, S. Houry, F. Mercier)
- Abstract - Improving DORIS troposphere measurements modeling Jason-1 and Jason-2 (N. Zelensky, F. Lemoine, D. Chinn, D. Pavlis, D. Rowlands, K. Le Bail)
- Abstract - Tropospheric estimation using DORIS data, current status and perspectives (P. Willis, Y. Bar-Sever, O. Bock)
- Abstract - DORIS phase measurement and ionospheric effects (F. Mercier)
- Abstract - Preliminary results of the correlation between T2L2 and DORIS, on Jason (P. Exertier, L. Soudarin, H. Capdeville, C. Tourain, C. Jayles)
- Abstract - Adaptive mapping functions (P. Gegout, R. Biancale, L. Soudarin)
- Abstract - DORIS/JASON-2 : Less than 5 cm on-board orbit in real-time (C. Jayles, J.P. Chauveau, C. Tourain, A. Auriol)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 22 October 2010
- Agenda
- Action items of previous meeting
- Single Satellite Campaign 2010 Combination Center (G. Moreaux)
- Routine Combination Combination Center (G. Moreaux)
- ITRF2008 lessons (presentation of Z. Altamimi, IERS Directing Board meeting Oct. 2010)
- IERS 2010 conventions (presentation of G. Petit, REFAG Oct. 2010)
- Standards summary Analysis Coordination (F. Lemoine)
- Single satellite analysis at GSFC Analysis Coordination (F. Lemoine)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany, 26-27 May 2010
- Agenda
- Action items
- Questions for IDS AWG (F. Lemoine)
- Central Bureau (L. Soudarin)
- Report on DORIS Special Issue (P. Willis)
- Mission status, DORIS network, IDS Workshop 2010 (P. Ferrage)
- Preparation of the IDS Combination for ITRF2008 (J. Valette et al.)
- Evaluation of the IDS Contribution in ITRF2008 (Z. Altamimi)
- GSFC ITRF2008P Validation (F. Lemoine)
- LCA ITRF2008P Validation (L. Soudarin)
- Extension of the Combination to 2009, Evaluation of the Jason-2 Data for the IDS Combination (J. Valette)
- GOP report: 2009 Processing, Future Plans (P. Stepanek)
- GSC report: 2009 Processing, Future Plans (F. Lemoine)
- IGN report: 2009 Processing, Future Plans (ML. Gobinddass)
- INA report: 2009 Processing, Future Plans (S. Kuzin)
- LCA report: 2009 Processing, Future Plans (L. Soudarin)
- Jason-1 & Jason-2 POD Update (L Cerri)
- Jason-1/Jason-2 POD Results (F. Lemoine)
- Instantaneous Reference Frame Realization by Means of Combination of Space Geodesy Techniques Onboard Jason-2 Satellite (D. Svehla)
- DORIS on CryoSat-2 (Mission Operation Center).
- CryoSat-2 Modelling Summary (L. Cerri)
- Current limitations in POD (solar radiation pressure models, reference frame/Earthquake/Santiago, ...) (F. Lemoine)
- Possible SAA effect on SPOT-5 data (P. Stepanek)
- Tropospheric estimations using DORIS data (P. Willis)
- Cryosat-2 POD validation activity (E. Schrama)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Paris, France, 23-24 March 2009
- Minutes of the meeting
- Perspectives on the IDS Combination and ITRF2008 (Zuheir Altamimi)
- Presentation of IDS Combination: Processing & Results (J.Jacques Valette & Philippe Yaya)
- Validation of IDS Combination at Colocation Sites & Other Analyses (Philippe Yaya & J.Jacques Valette)
- Analysis Issues (Frank Lemoine & Doug Chinn)
- IGN/IPGP report (Pascal Willis)
- CNES/CLS report (Laurent Soudarin)
- Geodetic Observatory of Pecny report (Petr Stepanek)
- ESA/ESOC report (Michiel Otten)
- INASSAN report (Sergey Kuzin)
- Geoscience Australia report (Ramesh govind)
- NASA/GSCF report (Frank Lemoine)
- New Castle University report (Philipp Moore)
- Jason-2 POD Results CNES [1] - status (Luca Cerri, Flavien Mercier, Sabine Houry)
- Jason-2 POD Results CNES [2] - analysis of DORIS phase residuals and related POD results (Flavien Mercier, Luca Cerri)
- Jason-2 POD Results CNES [3] - phase residual maps cycles 001 - 017 (Flavien Mercier, Luca Cerri)
- Jason-2 POD Results IGN (Pascal Willis)
- Jason-2 POD Results GSFC (Nikita Zelensky; by Frank Lemoine)
- Jason-2 POD Results CNES/CLS (Laurent Soudarin)
- DORIS future missions (Pascale Ferrage)
IDS Workshop, Nice, France, 12-14 November 2008
- Abstract - DORIS system status and future missions (P. Ferrage, G. Tavernier, A. Auriol)
- Abstract - DORIS System : the new age (A. Auriol, C. Tourain, B. Besson)
- Abstract - DORIS / Jason-2 : less than 10cm centimeters orbits soon available for Near-Real-Time Altimetry (C. Jayles, B. Besson, A. Auriol, J.P. Chauveau, F. Rozo)
- Abstract - DORIS network 2008 status report (H. Fagard)
- Abstract - Impact of ground antennas environment on the on-board received power and Doppler residuals (P. Yaya, H. Fagard, C. Jayles)
- Abstract - Jason 2 Doris Measurements (F. Mercier, L. Cerri, S. Houry)
- Abstract - IDS status report (G. Tavernier, H. Fagard, F. Lemoine, C. Noll, R. Noomen, J. Ries, L. Soudarin, P. Willis)
- Abstract - IDS Inter-Center Analyses and Comparisons for ITRF2008 (F. Lemoine, D. Chinn)
- Abstract - Operational IDS combinations in preparation for the next ITRF (J.J. Valette, Z. Altamimi, F. Lemoine, P. Yaya)
- Abstract - CNES/CLS analysis center : status report (L. Soudarin, H. Capdeville, J.M. Lemoine, J.F. Crétaux)
- Abstract - Current Activities of GOP DORIS Analysis Centre (P. Stepanek¸ V. Filler, J. Dousa)
- Abstract - ESOC IDS (Re-) processing (M. Otten)
- Abstract - GSFC/NASA Doris contribution to ITRF2008 (K. Le Bail, F. Lemoine, D. Chinn)
- Abstract - Towards ITRF2008: Status of DORIS Data Processing at Geoscience Australia (R. Govind, F. Lemoine)
- Abstract - DORIS Processing at Newcastle University: Contribution to ITRF2008 (P. Moore)
- Abstract - Estimating DORIS drag coefficients: toward an optimum IDS analysis strategy ? (M.L. Gobinddass, P. Willis)
- Abstract - DORIS weekly station position time series. Status before ITRF2008 analysis (X. Collilieux, Z. Altamimi)
- Abstract - The Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space (GRASP) Mission Concept (Y. Bar-Server, B. Haines, S. Wu, F. Lemoine, P. Willis)
- Abstract - An approach to obtain a tropospheric mapping function based on ECMWF models (L. Soudarin, R. Biancale, S. Dupuy)
- DORIS/Jason-2: less than 10cm centimeters orbits soon available for Near-Real-Time Altimetry (C. Jayles et al.)
- Doris phase mesurements, rinex format (Flavien Mercier et al.)
- Abstract - DPOD2005 Performance and Impact of Modelling Improvements for TOPEX, Jason-1, and Jason-2 (N. Zelensky, F. Lemoine, D. Chinn, P. Willis, J.P. Boy, D. Rowlands)
- Abstract - GINS software evolutions for the Jason-2 data processing: RINEX and DORIS 2.2 formats (L. Soudarin, H. Capdeville, J.M. Lemoine, H.M. Pau, B. Nhun Fat)
- Abstract - Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2), first results (P. Exertier, E. Samain, P. Guillemot, I. Petitbon, P. Berion O. Laurain, C. Foussard)
- How to improve station disturbance detection and warning? (B. Nhun Fat, P. Yaya, H. Capdeville, L. Soudarin, P. Ferrage)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Paris, France, 5-6 June 2008
- Orbit tests revisited (Frank Lemoine)
- Orbit Comparison Summary (Frank Lemoine)
- Jason-1 orbit comparison (Frank Lemoine)
- DORIS Combination Results from EGU, and with new SINEX submissions (J.Jacques Valette, Philippe Yaya)
- IDS Central Bureau, information online for analysts (J.Jacques Valette, Philippe Yaya)
- Propositions for improving the DORIS event file (J.Jacques Valette, Philippe Yaya)
- Velocity analysis of colocated sites based on a preliminary DORIS combination (J.Jacques Valette, Philippe Yaya)
- Gravity field tests (Frank Lemoine)
- C21/S21 (Frank Lemoine)
- C21/S21 issue (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- DPOD2005 Update (Pascal Willis)
- Preliminary Strategy for JASON-2 POD (Luca Cerri)
- Scale Factor for ENVISAT SRP model (Luca Cerri)
- Behaviour of DORIS Residuals for ENVISAT (Michiel Otten)
- RINEX/DORIS Update (Luca Cerri, Laurent Soudarin, Gilles Tavernier)
- Nonconservative Modelling and Geocenter - SPOT-5 Solar Panel Offset (Pascal Willis, Marie-Line Gobinddass)
- SPOT-5 Update (Laurent Soudarin, Gilles Tavernier)
- Nonconservative Force Modelling for DORIS Satellites at UCL (Ant Sibthorpe)
- Governing Board Update, Including DORIS Workshop in November (Gilles Tavernier)
- Jason2 Mission Status (Gilles Tavernier)
- Estimating DORIS tropospheric corrections with GIPSY/OASIS, possible IDS recommendations (Pascal Willis)
- LCA Downweighting Law (Laurent Soudarin)
- GINS Tropospheric Models (Laurent Soudarin)
- Low Elevation Data,History (Laurent Soudarin)
- Low Elevation Data, Orbits Results (Laurent Soudarin)
- Low Elevation Data, Positioning Results (Laurent Soudarin)
- USO WarmUp Period (Laurent Soudarin)
- GSFC Low Elev Results (Frank Lemoine)
- INASAN Action Items (Sergey Kuzin)
- Tentative Processing Differentiation Plan for the GEODYN AC’s (GA, GSFC) (Frank Lemoine)
- Envisat CoM study (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- Presentation of Strawman SINEX Delivery Schedule (Jean-Jacques Valette, Frank Lemoine)
- Forward modeling with atmosphere, hydrological and ocean models: The ins and the outs. Impacts on geodetic positioning (JP Boy, University of Strasbourg)
- Impact of loading effects on the Terrestrial Reference Frame determination (Xavier Collilieux, IGN/LAREG)
DORIS Analysis Working Group Meeting, Paris, France, 13-14 March 2008
- ITRF2008: Planning Standards, Prospects, Schedules-Expectations for IDS (Zuheir AltamimiI)
- Status of DORIS Combination (Jean-Jacques Valette, Phillippe Yaya)
- Analysis of station coordinates via CATREF combination (Jean-Jacques Valette, Phillippe Yaya)
- DPOD2005 Website (Pascal Willis)
- Derivation of DPOD2005 (Pascal Willis)
- Testing of DPOD2005 (Laurent Soudarin)
- Estimation of Radiation Pressure Coefficients and Impact on DORIS Z Geocenter (Pascal Willis, Marie-Line Gobinddass)
- New nonconservative force modeling results with T/P and Jason at NASA/GSFC (Frank Lemoine)
- Inter-center orbit comparisons: Results, Lessons, and Suggestions for ITRF2008 Derivation (Frank Lemoine)
- Update of SAA model (Jean-Michel Lemoine)
- Tests on Inclusion of Jason-1 in Combination (Pascal Willis)
- Tests on Inclusion of Jason-1 in Combination (Laurent Soudarin)
- Model and Analysis Standards at IGN/JPL (Pascal Willis)
- Model and Analysis Standards at LEGOS/CLS-GRGS (Laurent Soudarin)
- Model and Analysis Standards at INASAN (Sergey Kuzin)
- Model and Analysis Standards at GOP (Petr Stepanek)
- Model and Analysis Standards at ESOC (Michiel Otten)
- Model and Analysis Standards at CNES (GDR-C) (Luca Cerri)
- Model and Analysis Standards at NASA GSFC (Frank Lemoine)
- (Model and Analysis Standards at Geoscience Australia (Frank Lemoine)
- Jason-2 Mission Status, and DORIS Data Delivery Schedule Summary of Future Constellation Status (Gilles Tavernier)
- New DORIS RINEX Data Format (Emmanuel Lourme)
- Plans for Jason SWT and IDS Workshop November 2008 in Nice (Gilles Tavernier)
IDS Workshop, Venice, Italy, 13-15 March 2006
- Analysis Coordination's position paper including recommendations concerning the DORIS data analysis strategy
- Abstract - The International DORIS Service: genesis and early achievements (G. Tavernier )
- Abstract - DORIS System Improvements (A. Auriol)
- Abstract - DORIS network 2006 review: renovation result, stability and co-location assessment, prospects (H. Fagard)
- Abstract - Analysis coordination and steps required towards generation of IDS products (F. Lemoine)
- Abstract - Overview of the anomalies at the Kourou beacon site (P. Yaya)
- Abstract - Analysis of DORIS stations coordinates long time series with CATREF software (J.J. Valette)
- Abstract - Abstract - Spectral characteristics of the DORIS position time series; Statistical studies of DORIS stations stability in view of a combined solution (K. Le Bail)
- Status of the ITRF2005 (P. Willis)
- DORIS satellites and IDS (P. Willis)
- Abstract - A model of present-day plate motions from the DORIS system (L. Soudarin)
- Abstract - Plate motion and glacial isostatic adjustment from DORIS (P. Willis)
- Abstract - DORIS absolute velocities on Sorsdal and Lambert glaciers in Antarctica (J.J. Valette)
- Abstract - DORIS data processing with Bernese GPS Software at Geodesy Observatory Pecny: tests, initial results and future prospects (P. Stepanek)
- Abstract - Current status of the South Atlantic Anomaly corrective model for Jason-1 DORIS Doppler data (J.-M. Lemoine)
- DORIS/JASON2 USO (P. Sengenes)
- Abstract - Positioning results with the SAA corrective model for Jason DORIS data (L. Soudarin)
- Abstract - DORIS solutions using phase measurements, application on Spot5 data (F. Mercier)
- Abstract - DORIS Time Bias estimated using Jason-1, TOPEX/POSEIDON, and ENVISAT orbits (N. Zelensky)
- Abstract - Evolution of the different processing steps impacting the Doris 1B Products (F. Mercier)
- IGN/JPL Analysis Center: Status and Plans (P. Willis)
- LEGOS/CLS Analysis Center: Status and Plans (L. Soudarin)
- GSFC/Geoscience Australia Analysis Center: Status (F. Lemoine)
- INASAN Analysis Center: Status (S. Kuzin/F. Lemoine)
- IDS Combination Center: Status (JJ. Valette)
- Abstract - Combination of Polar motion parameters series obtained from DORIS (D. Gambis)
- Abstract - Ionospheric Applications of the Scintillation and Tomography Receiver in Space (CITRIS) used with the DORIS Radio Beacon Network (P. Bernhardt)
- Abstract - New DORIS 2GXX Data and associated products (J.P. Granier)
- New standards for Jason-1 and ENVISAT reprocessing (F. Mercier)
- GSFC POD standards under development (N. Zelensky)
- GOCE preparatory work (R. Biancale)
- DORIS Data delivery delay and format (J.P. Granier)
- Monitoring Geocenter Motion (J. Ries)
- Ionosphere product (J.J. Valette)
- EOP (P. Willis)
IDS Plenary Meeting, Paris, France, 3-4 May 2004
- IDS Plenary meeting 2004 abstract book
- Recommendations
- Current trends in the DORIS system (A. Auriol)
- Network 2004 review: evolution, maintenance, colocations (H. Fagard)
- DORIS at Fundamentalstation Wettzell. Status report (R. Dassing)
- The Sorsdal and Lambert campaigns) organisational aspects and first results (R. Govind, J.-J. Valette)
- The IDS today and tomorrow (G. Tavernier et al.)
- IDS Data Center Update (C. Noll, E. Gaulué)
- Evolution of the contents of the DORIS data files (J.P. Berthias)
- The Central Bureau information system (L. Soudarin et al.)
- The Analysis Coordination information website (M. Feissel-Vernier)
- On the TEC determination from the ionospheric DORIS products (M. Parrot, F. Li)
- Gravity Model Comparisons and Orbit Determination Analyses with DORIS data (F.G. Lemoine, S.B. Luthcke, N.P. Zelensky, R. Govind)
- Analysis of DORIS residuals from multiple satellites and POD centers (E. Doornbos, P. Willis)
- Performance monitoring of Envisat DORIS doppler data and orbit solution (M. Otten)
- GRACE 2003 analysis campaign preliminary ephemeris comparisons (M. Feissel-Vernier, L. Soudarin)
- DORIS Data Analysis Strategies. - Position Paper (P. Willis, J.-F. Crétaux)
- Implementation of DORIS data analysis into the Bernese GPS software (P. Stepanek, U. Hugentobler)
- The status of the processing of DORIS observations in IAA RAS (E. I. Yagudina)
- Recent DORIS analysis at LEGOS/CLS analysis center (L. Soudarin, J.-F. Crétaux)
- DORIS data processing at the IGN/JPL Analysis Center (P. Willis, Y. Bar-Sever, S. Desai)
- Jason-1 orbit determination with DORIS and SLR) An alternative approach for accommodating the SAA effect (J. Ries)
- Analysis of DORIS frequency on-board Jason (J.-M. Lemoine, H. Capdeville)
- Modeling the DORIS tropospheric corrections with the help of ECMWF models (L. Soudarin, H. Capdeville, R. Biancale)
- Combination of space geodetic techniques for monitoring the kinematics of the Earth. GRGS' project (D. Coulot al.)
- Challenges and achievements in combining terrestrial reference frames (Z. Altamimi)
- Comparison and combination of Doris data with other space techniques (B. Meisel, D. Angermann, M. Krügel)
- DORIS EOP series as viewed by the IERS Earth Orientation Center (C. Bizouard)
- IDS analysis campaigns present status. 2002 campaign and Grace campaign (11/2003) (J.-J. Valette, M. Feissel-Vernier)
- Long term stability of DORIS and GPS station coordinates. Some examples. (K. Le Bail)
- Validating time series of TRFs via their Helmert parameters (M. Feissel-Vernier, J.-J. Valette)
- Geodetic and geophysical use of geocenter time series (M. Feissel-Vernier)
- Analysis of geocenter time series derived from SLR, GPS and DORIS (X. Chavet, J.-J. Valette, M. Feissel-Vernier)
- The station events file (M. Feissel-Vernier)
- Search for changes in the STJB station behaviour, a case study (M. Feissel-Vernier, K. Le Bail)
- Study of the time stability of global parameters Comparison between GPS and DORIS terrestrial reference frames (K. Le Bail, M. Feissel-Vernier)
- Geocenter variations derived from 10 years of GPS and Doris data (S.K. Tatevian, S.P. Kuzin)
IDS Workshop, Marne-la-vallée, France, 20-21 February 2003
- IDS Workshop 2003 abstract book
- Workshop recommendations
- DORIS, present and future (G. Tavernier)
- The DORIS network: status report on renovation and colocations (H. Fagard)
- Trends in DORIS data formats (J.P. Berthias)
- Archive and distribution of DORIS data and products in support of the IDS (C. Noll, E. Gaulué)
- Contribution of the new satellites to the positioning performances (L. Soudarin, J.F. Crétaux, J.J. Valette)
- DORIS time series elaboration with the GOA software: Summary of station related problems (1993-2002) (P. Willis, Y. Bar-Sever)
- DORIS analysis at CSR (J.C. Ries, M.K. Cheng)
- DORIS/JASON data, what is happening in the South Atlantic Anomaly region? (P. Willis, B. Haines, Y. Bar-Sever, L. Young)
- Multitechnique comparison of Jason 1 orbits (M. Otten, H. Boomkamp)
- The use of DORIS as a tool to study the Earth ionosphere (R.Warnant et al.)
- Combination of DORIS TRF (J.J. Valette, Z. Altamimi, L. Soudarin)
- Intra-technique combination at DGFI: some aspects related to DORIS (B. Meisel, D. Angermann)
- TRF and EOP Comparative analysis between DORIS and other space geodesy techniques (Z. Altamimi)
- Outline of the future IDS products (M. Feissel-Vernier)
- The orbital determination using GPS data (J. Kabelac)
- Recent analysis of Doris data at INASAN (S.P. Kuzin, N.A. Sorokin, S.K. Tatevian)
- Investigation of the stability of DORIS and GPS stations (K. Le Bail)
IDS Workshop, Biarritz, France, 13-14 June 2002
- Analysis Workshop Report.
- Introduction (P. Escudier)
- Abstract - DORIS Pilot Experiment status (G. Tavernier)
- Abstract - A new generation of receivers, a new multi-missions orbitography and altimetry center (P. Sengenes, G. Tavernier, J.P. Granier)
- Abstract - Network status and enhancement; Goals for DORIS Network extension (H. Fagard, A.Orsoni, F. Lemoine)
- Abstract - IDS Data Center update coordination (C. Noll, presentation by P. Willis)
- Abstract - DORIS Contribution to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame(C. Boucher, Z. Altamimi, P. Sillard)
- Abstract - Calibration and validation of DORIS orbits for Jason-1 extra (J.C. Ries)
- Abstract - DORIS-DIODE / Jason-1, ENVISAT, SPOT5: three at once! (C. Jayles, F. Rozo)
- Abstract - Processing DORIS Data in a multi-satellite mode : time scale issues (P. Willis)
- Abstract - Envisat and Jason-1 dynamic orbit determination with DORIS data (E. Doornbos, R. Scharoo)
- Abstract - IDS contribution to global monitoring of planet Earth (M. Feissel)
- Abstract - Plate motions from Doris data (D. Argus, L. Soudarin, J.F. Crétaux)
- Abstract - Vertical velocities and sea level monitoring (J.F. Crétaux)
- Abstract - Comparison of DORIS site position and TRF time series with other space techniques (B. Meisel, D. Angermann, H. Müller, V. Tesmer)
- Abstract - The Antarctic Sorsdal Glacier Experiment (R. Govind, J.-J. Valette)
- Abstract - Determination of the Earth Polar Motion by Doris Technique (D. Gambis, T. Carlucci)
- Abstract - The IDS Analysis Campaign: - objectives, participation and tools - results and preview of IDS products (J.J. Valette, L. Soudarin, Z. Altamimi)
- Abstract - On Computation of Weekly Doris Solutions for 1999-2001 Time Period (S. Tatevian, S. Kuzin)
- Abstract - Current Activities at the IGN/JPL Doris data analysis center (P. Willis)
- Abstract - Improving TOPEX/Jason Orbits using DORIS Tracking (N. Zelensky)
- Abstract - Glonass/gps single frequency receiver accuracy determination using IGS and Doris Data (A. Alechetchkine, S. Kavtarashvily, M. Kazantsev, V. Kokorin, Y. Fateev)
- Abstract - Analyse of the ancillary results obtained from the DORIS data processing with the GINS/DYNAMO software (L. Soudarin, G. Béziat)
- Abstract - WGS-84 and SK- 42: current realisations of geodetic network of Uzbekistan and transformation parameters (D. Fazilova)
- The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) NASA's Space Geodesy Data Archive (C. Noll)
- Abstract - International DORIS Service evolving (J. P. Granier)
- Abstract - Jason-1 and TOPEX/POSEIDON Precision Orbit Determination: Initial Results (J. C. Ries, Key-Rok Choi, and R. J. Eanes)
- 400 MHz DORIS signal fades: correlations with ionospheric scintillations (J.J. Valette, B. Frayssinet, B. Bonhoure)
- DORIS observations SOD/CNES data processing (JP. Berthias)
- Stations monumentation and equipement improvement (H. Fagard, A. Orsoni)
DORIS Days meeting, Toulouse, France, 2-3 May 2000
Opening session
DORIS program
- Abstract - DORIS missions (L. Ruiz, CNES, Paris, France)
- DORIS system planned evolutions (P. Sengenes, CNES, Toulouse, France)
- Abstract - Current status and evolution prospects of the DORIS network (H. Fagard, IGN/SGN, Saint-Mandé, France)
- Abstract - Current status of the DORIS pilot experiment (G. Tavernier, CNES, Toulouse, France)
- Improving the TOPEX/POSEIDON orbit using DORIS tracking data (N. Zelensky, Raytheon ITSS, Greenbelt, Etats-Unis)
- DORIS: a core orbitography and positioning system to realize the full potential of altimetry (P. Vincent, CNES, Toulouse, France)
- Abstract (English) - Abstract (Français) - DORIS-DIODE: from SPOT4 to JASON-1 (C. Jayles, CNES, Toulouse, France)
- Contributions of DORIS to precision orbit determination, station positioning and gravity field investigations (J.C. Ries, University of Texas, Austin, Etats-Unis)
- Geocenter motion determined with DORIS and SLR data. Comparison with surface loading data (J-F. Cretaux, GRGS/LEGOS, Toulouse, France)
- Vertical motions due to global redistribution of the surface load (S. Mangiarotti, GRGS/LEGOS, Toulouse, France)
- Abstract - DORIS campaigns at Dome C, Antarctica in 1993 and 1999-2000 (C. Vincent, CNRS, Grenoble, France)
- DORIS beacons associated to other geodetic technics in tectonics projects in SW Pacific (S. Calmant, ORSTOM/IRD, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie
International DORIS Service
Technical aspects of the preliminary activities related to the DORIS Pilot Experiment, components, coordination, stations selection and working groups.
- Abstract - The DORIS data center at the CDDIS (C. Noll, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, Etats-Unis)
- Formats for DORIS data and products (J. Ries, University of Texas, Austin, Etats-Unis)
Future International DORIS Service objectives, scientists expectations, relations with other services
- Interaction between scientific research and services (M. Feissel, IGN/LAREG, Marne-la-Vallée, France)
System and performances evolutions
- Abstract - DORIS role in the next five years (P. Escudier, CNES, Toulouse, France)
Poster session
- Orbit determination using on-orbit GPS (R.Z. Zhang, X'IAN Satellite Control Center)
- A revised DTM atmospheric density model: modelling strategy and results (S. Bruinsma, Service d'Aéronomie, Verrières-le-Buisson, France)
- DORIS data analysis at the Institute of Astronomy, RAS (S. Kuzin, S.K. Tatevian, INASAN, Moscou, Russie)
- One day operation of the DORIS system ground segment (M-N. Loaec, CLS, Ramonville St Agne, France)
- About the vertical velocity of DORIS (T. Tanaka, Tono Research Institute of Earthquake Science, Gifu, Japon)
- DORIS accurate location service: from request to delivery and the applications (J. Valette, CLS, Ramonville St Agne, France)
- DORIS weekly point positioning at IGN: present status and perspectives (P. Willis, IGN/LAREG, Marne-la-Vallée, France)
- On the problem of the ionosphere model construction with the aid of the DORIS, GPS, and GLONASS satellite system (S. Kavtarashvily, NPO PM, Krasnoyarsk, Russie)
- The research of DORIS system possibilities at the GNSS-2 creation (K. Detyusk, NPO PM, Krasnoyarsk, Russie)
- Enhancement DORIS with GPS and application (G. Nie, Technical University, Wuhan, Chine)
- Oil industry DORIS application (F. Boucquaert, CGG/TOPNAV, Massy, France)
- DORIS contribution to the determination of the Earth polar motion (D. Gambis, IERS/BC, Paris, France)
- Global geodesy from SPOT-2 DORIS (R. Govind, AUSLIG, Belconnen, Australie)
- Abstract - Participation of LEGOS-GRGS and CLS as an Analysis Center in the future IDS (L. Soudarin, CLS, Toulouse, France)
- The Netlander ionosphere and geodesy experiment (J-P. Barriot, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France)
- Orbit determination residuals (J-P. Berthias, CNES, Toulouse, France)
- GRIM-5 Earth gravity model (R. Biancale, CNES/GRGS, Toulouse, France)
DORIS Days meeting, Paris, France, 27-29 April 1998
DORIS Day meeting, Paris, France, 18 December 1990