Overview This section contains: Site Logs (IGN/CNES)DORIS stations description forms and pictures from the SIRS (DORIS installation and maintenance department). Station managementDescription of the DORIS network management, installation of a new station, compatibility with other systems Station position time seriesPlots and data files per station on the IDS webservice MapsA selection of maps of the DORIS network. Network on Google EarthMake a virtual tour of the DORIS network. See also the FAQ "Station network" Other information: DORIS internal tiesVectors between different antennas on the same site. DORIS ties with other IERS techniquesVectors from DORIS to co-located GNSS, SLR or VLBI since 1988. Table of station eventsEvents occuring on the beacon network (new site, new installation, change of beacon equipement, data gap, invalid data) Coordinate sets produced by IDSCumulative solutions, DPOD Picture gallery of the DORIS stations