Meeting abstracts, proceedings and presentations about IDS are here available for viewing.
Some presentations by members of the Governing Board for IERS, GGOS, working groups, ... are with the Governing Board's Documents.
For more presentations, follow Presentations at IDS meetings and DORIS-related presentations at international assemblies.
- AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, December 2024
"The International DORIS Service: After 20 Years Looking to the Future"PDF Slides (5.9 Mo) Abstract
- AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, December 2024
"Evaluating DORIS station position seasonal corrections from DPOD2020 v3.0 with geophysical surface displacements from the GGFC"PDF Slides (2.4 Mo) Abstract
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2024
"IDS contribution to the first update of the ITRF2020"PDF Slides (1.2 Mo) Abstract
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2024
"The International DORIS Service: new challenges"PDF Slides (1.7 Mo) Abstract
- AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, December 2023
"Impact of DORIS Post Seismic Deformation and Seasonal corrections on the DPOD2020 solution"PDF Slides (1.7 Mo) Abstract
- IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, July 2023
"The International DORIS Service after 20 years: Achievements and Look to the Future"PDF Slides (9.1 Mo) Abstract
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2023
"IDS evaluation of the DORIS versions of the DGFI and IGN TRF2020 solutions"PDF Poster (1.2 Mo) Abstract
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2023
"The International DORIS Service: almost 20 years old"PDF Slides (1.5 Mo) Abstract
- AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, December 2022
"DPOD2020: a DORIS extension of ITRF2020 for Precise Orbit Determination"PDF Slides (1.5 Mo) Abstract
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, May 2020
"DORIS infrastructure: status and plans after 30 years of service"PDF Slides (1.2 Mo) Abstract
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, May 2020
"The IDS Contribution to the ITRF2020: Preliminary results"PDF Slides (1.2 Mo) Abstract
- AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, December 2019
"IDS first improvements for the next ITRF2020"PDF Slides (2.1 Mo) Abstract
- GGOS Unified Analysis Workshop, Paris, France, October, 2019: all the presentations
See in particular:
Session "DORIS Systematic Errors and Biases"
"South Atlantic Anomaly compensation"
"DORIS scale"
"Non-conservative force modeling"Session "Global Space Geodesy Infrastructure"
"The DORIS Ground Network, Current Status and Future Prospects"Session "Reference Systems and Frames"
"Limiting Error Sources Affecting the Geocenter Motion & GM Estimation"Session "Site Survey and Co-location"
"IGN Recent and Planned Local Site Survey Activities & Contribution to the EURAMET GeoMetre Project" - International Workshop for the implementation of the Global Geodetic Reference Frame (GGRF) in Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina,September 16 20, 2019
"Presentation of the DORIS system and the International DORIS Service"PDF Slides (3.0 Mo)
- International Workshop for the implementation of the Global Geodetic Reference Frame (GGRF) in Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina,September 16 20, 2019
"The science contributions of DORIS and synergy with other space geodetic techniques"PDF Slides (4.0 Mo)
- IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 2019
"Plan for the IDS contribution to the ITRF2020"PDF Slides (0.9 Mo)
- IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 2019
"DORIS contribution to GGOS project"PDF Slides (4.1 Mo)
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2019
"Contribution of the DORIS system to the observation and determination of essential variables for geodesy"PDF Poster (2.1 Mo) Abstract
- AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, December 2018
"DORIS and the International DORIS Service: Current status and planned evolution"PDF Poster (2.8 Mo) Abstract
- AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, December 2018
"What could be the IDS contribution to the next ITRF2020"PDF Poster (1.4 Mo) Abstract
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2018
"IDS webservices for sharing data and products"PDF Poster (0.8 Mo) Abstract
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2017
"Interoperable webserices for sharing data and products of the International DORIS Service"PDF Poster (1.8 Mo) Abstract
- IAG-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, Kobe, Japan, August 2017
"The International DORIS Service: Current status and future plans"PDF Slides (1.4 Mo)
- GGOS Unified Analysis Workshop, Paris, France, July, 2017
Session "DORIS Systematic Errors and Biases"
"Review of error signals in DORIS data seen as a result of ITRF2014"PDF Slides (2.4 MB)
"DORIS USO behavior revealed by Jason-2/T2L2"PDF Slides (1.3 MB)
"Using DORIS daily PPP results to investigate the effect of the South Atlantic Anomaly on Jason-2 oscillator"PDF Slides (4.2 MB)
"Sentinel 3 USO observation with GNSS"PDF Slides (606.8 KB)
"Impact of the South Atlantic Anomaly effect on the DORIS station position estimation"PDF Slides (1.9 MB)
"Characterization and impact of DORIS scale variations";PDF Slides (1.0 MB)
Session "Interoperability of Portals and Metadata"
"IDS services for sharing DORIS data and products"PDF Slides (1.8 Mo)
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2017
"The International DORIS Service: Current status and future plans"PDF Slides(2.1 Mo)
"Analysis of the Signal Content in the Coordinate Time Series of the DORIS Stations"PDF Poster (1.5 Mo)
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2016
"The International DORIS Service: Current status and future plans"PDF Slides (1.5 Mo)
"DPOD2014: a new DORIS extension of ITRF2014 for Precise Orbit Determination"PDF Poster (1.5 Mo)
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2016
"IDS evaluation of the DORIS versions of the DTRF2014, ITRF2014 and JTRF2014 solutions"PDF Slides (2.7 Mo)
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2015
"Horizontal and vertical velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF2014, and comparisons with external models"PDF Poster (2.7 Mo)
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
"IDS Combined Solution improvements between ITRF2008 and ITRF2014"PDF Slides (1.7 Mo)
"Development of web tools to disseminate space geodesy data-related products"PDF Poster (1.2 Mo)
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2014
"IDS and ITRF2013: contribution and evaluation"PDF Slides (1.8 Mo)
- GGOS Unified Analysis Workshop, Pasadena, California, USA, June 27-28, 2014
"Monument stability: DORIS network experience feedback"PDF Slides (1.1 Mo)
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2013
"Interactive visualization tool for station coordinates time series of DORIS and other space geodetic techniques at co-located sites"PDF Poster (1.2 Mo)
"Status of DORIS contribution to ITRF2013"PDF Slides (1.4 Mo)
- IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, September 2013
"IDS plot tools for time series of DORIS station positions and orbit residuals"PDF Poster (1.2 Mo)
"The International DORIS Service (IDS) Recent developments in preparation for ITRF2013"PDF Slides (12.3 Mo)
- AOGS, Brisbane, Australia, June 2013
"The International DORIS Service (IDS) Current Status and Perspectives"PDF Slides (2.3 Mo)
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2012
"IDS plot tools for time series of DORIS station positions and orbit residuals"PDF Poster (1.3 Mb)
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2012
"Research activities for the DORIS contribution to the next International Terrestrial Reference Frame"PDF Slides (1.5 Mb)
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2011
"Impact of Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 on DORIS Combination"PDF Poster (2 Mb)
- GGOS Unified Analysis Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, September 16, 2011
“IDS, Product and Service status"PDF Slides (1.5 Mb)
- EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2011
"Research activities for continued improvement in the DORIS contribution to the reference frame"PDF Slides (1 Mb)
- IAG Commission 1 Symposium "Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2010)", Marne-La-Vallée, France, October 2010
"A Review of IDS Processing for ITRF2008 and Avenues for Future Improvements"PDF Slides (1.2 Mb)
"IDS Evaluation of ITRF2008"PDF Slides (1.2 Mb)
- AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2009
"IDS contribution to ITRF2008"PDF Poster (1.9 Mb)
- IERS Unified Analysis Workshop, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., December 11, 2009
“IDS latest developments and perspectives”PDF Slides (0.9 Mb)
- IVS 10th Anniversary Celebration, Bordeaux, France, March 25, 2009
"DORIS and VLBI"PDF Slides (1.13 Mb)
- Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 5th Annual General Meeting, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, 2008
"The Contribution of DORIS to Space Geodesy"PDF Slides (7.81 Mb)
- IERS Unified Analysis Workshop, Monterey, California, U.S.A., December 5-7, 2007
“International DORIS Service: Product and Service Status”PDF Slides (1.57 Mb)
- OSTST Meeting, Hobart Tasmania, March 12-15, 2007
"IDS Outreach products"New IDS website (237 Kb)
DORIS special issue in Journal Of Geodesy (521 Kb)
- GGOS Retreat, Oxnard, California, USA, 19-21 February 2007
"Building GGOS on the IAG Services. IDS and GGOS."PDF Slides (1.57 Mb)
- IAG Scientific Assembly, Cairns, Australia, August 2005
"Analysis of DORIS stations coordinates long time series with CATREF software"PDF Poster (0.7 Mb)
- IUGG General Assembly 2003, Sapporro, Japon, July 2003
"The proposed International DORIS Service" (G. Tavernier, M. Feissel-Vernier, F. Lemoine, C. Noll, J. Ries, L. Soudarin, P. Willis)
- EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003
"The future international Doris service"PDF abstract (62 Kb) - PDF Slides (781 Kb)
- IERS Analysis Workshop, München, Germany, 18-21 November 2002
"IDS analysis campaign: current combination activity"PDF Poster (951 Kb)
- AGU Spring meeting, Baltimore, USA, June 2002
DORIS contributions in integrated Earth monitoringPDF Slides (1.5 Mb)
- EGS Nice, France, 25-29 March 2002
"International Doris Service Evolving"PDF Poster (977 Kb)
See the Bibliography for the others presentations given about DORIS and its applications:
system (PDF, 3.12 Mb), orbitography (PDF, 1.18 Mb), geophysics (PDF, 609 Kb), geodesy (PDF, 770 Kb)
- American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2001
"IDS on Web"PDF Poster (1.34 Mb) !--
- AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2000:
G. Tavernier, L. Soudarin, P. Willis
The International DORIS Service for geodetic applications (poster)-->
- COSPAR Warsaw, Poland, 16-23 July 2000
"Current status of the DORIS Pilot Experiment; The future International DORIS Service"PDF Paper (289 Kb)
- AGU San Francisco, USA, December 1999:
"DORIS Pilot Experiment in view of an International DORIS Service"
PDF Abstract (5 Kb) - PDF Poster part 1 (550 Kb) - PDF Poster part 2 (131 Kb)
- T/P Jason SWT Saint-Raphaël, France- October 1999
"The DORIS Pilot Experiment"PDF Abstract (10 Kb)
- IUGG Birmingham, UK, July 1999
"The International DORIS Service"PowerPoint Slides (337 Kb)