The so-called DPOD product is a set of coordinates and velocities of all the DORIS tracking stations for Precise Orbit Determination (POD) applications
The computation of the DPOD2020 solutions is realized by the IDS Combination Center (CC).
The set of coordinates/velocities herein is the result of a three-step process:
- Computation of a DORIS position and velocity cumulative solution from the latest IDS combined series since 1993.0.
- Addition of the newest DORIS stations not already in the IDS combined series from the DORIS mails.
- Validation:
- IDS CC internal validation (including position and velocity differences wrt ITRF2020, previous release…).
- Orbit validation by Frank Lemoine (NASA), Alexandre Couhert (CNES), John Moyard (CNES) and Nikita Zelensky (UMD).
The positions and velocities are given at epoch 2000.0.
The DPOD2020 solutions are available in both SINEX (.snx; description) and text (.txt; description given in header of product files) formats.
Since version 2.0, the DPOD2020 solutions provide, in addition to the usual/classical station positions and velocities, annual and semi-annual station position corrections as well as post-seismic deformation corrections. Seasonal and post-seismic deformation corrections are given in ASCII text files: dpod2020_020_freq_corr.txt and dpod2020_020_psd_corr.txt, respectively.
Moreaux, G.; Lemoine, F.G.; Zelensky, N.P.; Moyard, J.; Couhert, A., 2023. DPOD2020: a DORIS extension of the ITRF2020 for Precise Orbit Determination, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 72(11):4625-4650, DOI : 10.1016/j.asr.2023.10.006 OPEN ACCESS
DPOD2020 releases available at CDDIS (https) and IGN (ftp):
- January 2023 – version #1 - dpod2020_01 - technical report
- February 2024 - version #2 - dpod2020_02 - technical report (for more details on POD tests, see AGU Fall 2023 presentation)
- December 2024 - version #3 - dpod2020_03 - technical report
The computation of the DPOD2014 solutions by the IDS Combination Center (CC) started in 2016.
The set of coordinates/velocities herein is the result of a five-step process:
- Computation of a DORIS position and velocity cumulative solution from the latest IDS combined series.
- From the previous DPOD2014 version, update of positions and velocities for the DORIS stations showing coordinate (resp. velocity) differences larger than XX mm (resp. YY mm/yr).
- Addition of the DORIS stations with observations before 1992 from DPOD2008 v1.14 (after alignment to ITRF2014).
- Addition of the newest DORIS stations not already in the IDS combined series from the DORIS mails.
- Validation:
- IDS CC internal validation (including position and velocity differences wrt ITRF2014, previous release…).
- Orbit validation by Pascal Willis (IGN), Frank Lemoine (NASA), Alexandre Couhert (CNES) and Nikita Zelensky (SGT).
The positions and velocities are given at epoch 2000.0.
The DPOD2014 solutions are available in both SINEX (.snx; description) and text (.txt; description given in header of product files) formats.
Moreaux, G.; Willis, P.; Lemoine, F.G.; Zelensky, N.P.; Couhert, A.; Ait Lakbir, H.; Ferrage, P., 2019. DPOD2014: a new DORIS extension of ITRF2014 for Precise Orbit Determination, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 63(1):118-138, DOI : 10.1016/j.asr.2018.08.043
DPOD2014 releases available at CDDIS and IGN:
- March 2017 – version #1 - dpod2014_01 - technical report
- October 2017 – version #2 - dpod2014_02 - technical report
- November 2018 – version #3 - dpod2014_03 - technical report
- November 2019 – version #4 - dpod2014_04 - technical report
- August 2020 – version #5 - dpod2014_05 - technical report
DORIS coordinates based on ITRF2008 for POD
- Product available at CDDIS and IGN
- Detailled description at IPGP
- Citation: Willis, P.; Zelensky, N.P.; Ries, J.; Soudarin, L.; Cerri, L.; Moreaux, G.; Lemoine, F.G.; Otten, M.; Argus, D.F.; Heflin, M.B., 2016.
DPOD2008, a DORIS-oriented Terrestrial Reference Frame for Precise Orbit Determination,
IAG SYMPOSIA SERIES,143, 175-181, DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_125
DORIS coordinates based on ITRF2005 for POD
- Product available at CDDIS and IGN
- Detailled description at IPGP
- Citation: Willis, P.; Ries, J.C.; Zelensky, N.P.; Soudarin, L.; Fagard, H.; Pavlis, E.C.; Lemoine, F.G., 2009.
DPOD2005 : An extension of ITRF2005 for Precise Orbit Determination,
ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 44(5), 535-544, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2009.04.018
DORIS coordinates based on ITRF2000 for POD
- Product available at CDDIS and IGN
- Citation: Willis, P; Ries, JC. 2005.
Defining a DORIS core network for Jason-1 Precise Orbit Determination based on ITRF2000, Methods and realizations,
JOURNAL OF GEODESY 79 (6-7):370-378, DOI:10.1007/s00190-005-0475-9