
Launched in April 2016, the IDS Newsletter aims to provide regular information on the DORIS system and the life of IDS to a wide audience, from the host agencies to the other sister services.. 

The issues are distributed electronically. They can also be downloaded from the links given below.

Contributed articles, pictures, cartoons and feedbacks are welcome at any time. Please send contributions to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The editors reserve the right to edit contributions.

The four issues of the DORIS Newsletter published between 1990 and 1993 are available in the section "Outreach material"  


If you want to subscribe to the newsletter, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with "Subscribe Newsletter" in the subject.


IDS Newsletter #10
DORIS application for the gravity field (A. Löcher, University of Bonn)
DORIS back in Rapa Nui (J. Saunier, IGN)
The host agency in short: Hanga Roa (E. Santibáñez, PRS)


IDS Newsletter #10
The host agency in short: Höfn (G.H. Kristinsson, LMI)
IDS Newsletter #9
Doppler crossings on-board DORIS receiver carrier satellites (C. Jayles, CNES, J.P. Chauveau, CLS, P. Yaya, CLS)
IDS Newsletter #8
IDS Newsletter #7
The host agencies in short: San Juan (R. C. Podestá, OAFA) and Santa Cruz (J. Carrión, CDF)
IDS Newsletter #6
The synergy of SLR and DORIS as geodetic techniques (F. Lemoine, A. Belli, C. Noll, NASA GSFC)
The Azores: a key location occupied by DORIS for three decades (J. Saunier, IGN, C. Jayles, CNES, G. Moreaux, CLS, P. Yaya, CLS)
Tribute to Richard Biancale (F. Lemoine, NASA, L. Soudarin, CLS, JM. Lemoine, CNES, P. Ferrage, CNES, JP. Boy, EOST)
IDS Newsletter #5
IDS Newsletter #4
IDS Newsletter #3
IDS Newsletter #2
IDS Newsletter #1