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This page is thought as a tutorial for the DORIS analysts, but it can also help the visitors to discover the DORIS system in addition to the DORIS dedicated site.
Categories: General | DORIS system | Space segment | Ground segment | Stations | Observations | Analysis: models | Analysis Centers | Products
- See IDS data structure and formats for File naming conventions, Data Centers structure, Formats
- See Outreach material for description of the DORIS system, leaflets, videos, newsletters
- See Overview of the documentation for all links to the pages where the documentation provided by the IDS is stored.
The DORIS system
- DORIS system definition
- DORIS system events: satellites, instruments, satellite control center, SSALTO (control and data processing center), ...
Space segment
- The DORIS constellation: COSPAR numbers, Launch and Orbital information
- Spacecraft ID correspondence table for orbit exchange file (SP3c code, NORAD number...)
- Modelling of the DORIS instruments (description of measurement types; ground, propagation and onboard instrument models):
1G (Spot-2, -3, -4, Topex) and 2G (Envisat), 2GM (Spot-5, Jason-1) - Macromodels: DORIS satellites models implemented in POE processing
- Attitude laws of Swot and Sentinel-6
- Attitude:
- Quaternions:
- Jason-1 body quaternions and solar panel angles (CDDIS, IGN (FTP))
- Jason-2 body quaternions and solar panel angles (CDDIS, IGN (FTP))
- Jason-3 body quaternions and solar panel angles (CDDIS, IGN (FTP)), documentation
- Cryosat-2 body quaternions
- TU Delft (FTP), description
- ESA (FTP): see here how to get access or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; documentation: algorithm description, product format specifications
- Sentinel-3A&B and Sentinel-6A (Copernicus Sentinels POD data hub); format description (extract); CPOD format specification; API user guide; example of API request
- Swot body quaternions and solar panel angles (CDDIS, IGN (FTP)), documentation quaternions, documentation solar panel angles
- Maneuvers: description file,
- Jason-1 (FTP link)
- Jason-2 (FTP link)
- Envisat (FTP link)
- Topex (FTP link)
- Spot2 (FTP link)
- Spot3 (FTP link)
- Spot4 (FTP link)
- Spot5 (FTP link)
- HY-2A (FTP link)
- Cryosat-2 (FTP link) (+ time frames when nominal attitude law off (FTP); see description)
- Saral (FTP link)
- Jason-3 (FTP link)
- Sentinel-3A (FTP link)
- Sentinel-3B (FTP link)
- Sentinel-6A (FTP link)
- HY-2C (FTP link)
- HY-2D (FTP link)
- Swot (FTP link)
- Mass and gravity center initial values recommended by IDS (FTP link)
- Mass and gravity center history: description file
- Jason-1 (FTP link)
- Jason-2 (FTP link)
- Envisat (FTP link)
- Topex (FTP link)
- Spot2 (FTP link)
- Spot3 (FTP link)
- Spot4 (FTP link)
- Spot5 (FTP link)
- HY-2A (FTP link)
- Cryosat-2 (FTP link)
- Saral (FTP link)
- Jason-3 (FTP link)
- Sentinel-3A (FTP link)
- Sentinel-3B (FTP link)
- Sentinel-6A (FTP link)
- HY-2C (FTP link)
- HY-2D (FTP link)
- Swot (FTP link)
- Laser Reflector Array offset (ILRS): Table of coordinates and details for Jason-1, Jason-2, Envisat, Topex, Cryosat-2, HY-2 (other ILRS links hy-2a, hy-2c, hy-2d), Saral, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Sentinel-6A, Swot
- Jason-1 SAA corrective model
- Jason-1 postlaunch satellite characteristics for POD activities
- Jason-2 satellite geometry
- Jason-3 characteristics for POD activities
- Cryosat-2 precise orbit context
- Cryosat-2 characteristics for DORIS calibration and POD processing
- Saral characteristics for DORIS calibration plan and POD processing
- HY-2A input data for Precise Orbit Determination
- HY-2C input data for Precise Orbit Determination
- Sentinel-6A POD context
- Swot characteristics for POD processing
- DORIS USO sensitivity to radiations
Ground segment
- The DORIS network
- Modelling of the ground beacons and ground antennas
- Geometry and types of ground antenna - Examples of the two types of antennas: Galapagos (Alcatel), Santa Cruz (Starec)
- Radio-frequency characteristics of the DORIS beacon
- Antenna phase laws in antex format (see readme):
- for Alcatel ground antenna
- for Starec ground antenna, types B and C ; Recommendations on the phase laws implementation for types B and C
- Interface specification between the DORIS network beacons and the onboard instrument (extract)
- System requirements for management of the DORIS station network (see also this dedicated page)
- DORIS site standard configurations
- Frequency shift mode of the 3rd and 4th generation beacons
- About DORIS stations equipment and impact on the frequency
- Site logs
- SINEX master file : stations IDs (codes, DOMES), antenna type, eccentricity
- Station events: Chronology of the main events that occurred on the DORIS station network (new sites, new antennas, removed sites, failures...) with information on data gaps, invalidated data...
- DOMES Number the IERS/TRF station naming system. See the IDS FAQ
- Colocated sites with GPS, SLR, VLBI and tide gauges: see Maps here
- Station performance history
- Station frequency shift
- Earthquakes: Earthquakes with magnitude larger than 6 in the vicinity of DORIS sites (less than 500 km) - based on USGS Earthquake notifications
- DORIS internal ties: vectors between different antennas on the same site
- DORIS ties with other IERS techniques: vectors from DORIS to co-located GNSS, SLR or VLBI since 1988.
- Local surveys: some reports online on ITRF website
- DORIS data export formats: DORIS 1.0 (before January 2002), DORIS 2.1, DORIS 2.2 (since June 2008), RINEX/DORIS (see also "About DORIS/RINEX format")
- CDDIS catalogs of files: All satellites - Spot2 - Spot3 - Spot4 - Spot5 - Topex/Poseidon - Jason-1 - Jason-2 - Envisat - Cryosat-2 - HY-2A - Saral
- Description of the CNES/SOD preprocessing for the DORIS data export formats (June 2002).
- Description of CNES/SOD POE processing
- Detailed standards of the successive CNES/SOD POD configurations defined for the Geophysical Data Records (GDRs) altimetry products and applied for the DORIS satellites : GDR-B (2005), GDR-C (2008), GDR-D (2012), GDR-E (2015) (also named POE-E), POE-F (2018), POE-G (2025)
Analysis: models
- IERS Conventions: reference systems and frames, astronomical and geophysical models
Conventions updates, Conventions 2010, Conventions 2003 - Gravity field: GRIM5 website at GFZ Potsdam
- Gravity field: GRACE websites at GFZ Potsdam and CSR Austin
- Gravity field: GRGS time variable models from GRACE/LAGEOS (EIGEN-6S2 and others) and GFZ/GRGS EIGEN mean models at GRGS (e.g. CNES_GRGS.RL05MF_combined_GRACE_SLR_DORIS)
- Ocean tide models FES (FES99, FES2004, FES2012, FES2014, FES2022)
- Atmospheric density model: MSIS-2000 (source code)
- Atmospheric density model: DTM-2012, DTM-2013 (ATMOP project)
- Local corrections: see IERS Global Geophysical Fluids Center (GGFC) Special Bureaus.
- Earth Orientation Parameters at IERS EOP product center
- ITRF solutions: ITRF2014, ITRF2008, ITRF2005, ITRF2000, and others
- Set of coordinates and velocities of all DORIS stations (extension of the ITRF for Precise Orbit Determination)
- DPOD2020 (based on ITRF2020) - Produced by IDS Combination Center
- DPOD2014 (based on ITRF2014) - Produced by IDS Combination Center
- DPOD2008 (based on ITRF2008) - Available at IPGP
- DPOD2005 (based on ITRF2005) - Available at IPGP
- DPOD2000 (based on ITRF2000) - Available at CDDIS and IGN (FTP)
- IDS recommendations for ITRF2004 (also available here): specific document for Combination Centers describing major DORIS-station related problems (November 2005) - Annexes
- TU Wien products for troposphere delay corrections
Analysis Centers
- Analysis summary blank form
- Analysis summaries of the DORIS weekly SINEX series used in the IDS combination for the realization of ITRF2014
The products and their availability
- What kind of product and where to find them? See IDS data structure and formats
- Table of products
- Products of the Combination Center
- Orbits: sp1 format, sp3 format, sp3c extended format, sp3c ID correspondence table; more details in NOAA Technical Report NOS 113 NGS 46 (full document - 22 Mb, extract)
- SINEX format; description, exemple
- Time series of the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) - eop format
- Time series of station coordinates - STCD format
- Time series of coordinates of the TRF origin (geocenter) - geocenter format
- Ionosphere - iono format
Contact: Analysis Coordinator