Date |
Acronym |
Information provided |
2024/01/11 | KIVC | Earthquake of magnitude:6.4 distance:439km |
2023/03/21 | KIVC | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:460km |
2023/01/05 | KIVC | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:450km |
2021/04/13 | KIVC | BEACON INSTALLED |
2021/04/11 | KIVC | BEACON REMOVED |
2019/12/20 | KIVC | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:426km |
2018/05/09 | KIVC | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:460km |
2018/01/31 | KIVC | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:453km |
2017/05/03 | KIVC | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:394km |
2016/06/15 | KIVC | KIVC START |
2016/06/15 | KIUB | KIUB END |
2016/04/10 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:477km |
2015/12/25 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:475km |
2015/10/26 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:7.5 distance:422km |
2013/05/27 | KIUB | BEACON CHANGED |
2011/07/19 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:402km |
2010/09/17 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:455km |
2009/10/29 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:455km |
2009/10/22 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:461km |
2009/01/03 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:454km |
2007/04/03 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:448km |
2007/01/08 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:304km |
2005/12/12 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:482km |
2004/08/10 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:456km |
2004/04/05 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:467km |
2002/03/25 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:404km |
2002/03/03 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:7.4 distance:431km |
2002/03/03 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:434km |
2002/01/03 | KIUB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:477km |
2001/04/25 | KIUB | KIUB START |
2001/04/24 | KITB | KITB END |
2001/02/25 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:463km |
2000/07/17 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:477km |
2000/05/12 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:484km |
2000/01/19 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:435km |
1999/11/08 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:481km |
1998/05/30 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:362km |
1998/02/20 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.4 distance:473km |
1997/12/17 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:459km |
1997/05/13 | KITB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:468km |
1996/05/22 | KITB | KITB START |
1996/05/21 | KITA | KITA END |
1995/10/18 | KITA | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:431km |
1994/10/25 | KITA | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:473km |
1994/06/30 | KITA | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:487km |
1994/05/01 | KITA | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:250km |
1993/09/04 | KITA | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:458km |
1993/08/09 | KITA | Earthquake of magnitude:7 distance:466km |
1993/08/09 | KITA | Earthquake of magnitude:6.4 distance:451km |