DORIS Analysis Working Group meeting (AWG) of the International DORIS Service - March 24, 2025
Dates: Monday 24 March 2025 (14:00 CEST, 13:00 UTC)
Organization: Petr Štěpánek (GOP)
Online meeting
List of attendees
Dates: Monday 24 March 2025 (14:00 CEST, 13:00 UTC)
Organization: Petr Štěpánek (GOP)
Online meeting
Dates: Tuesday 4 June 2024 (14:00 CEST, 12:00 UTC)
Organization: Petr Štěpánek (GOP)
Online meeting
Mathis Bloßfeld | Frank Lemoine | Arnaud Pollet |
Hugues Capdeville | Jean-Michel Lemoine | Anton Reinhold |
Jean-Pierre Chauveau | Cecile Manfredi | Sergei Rudenko |
Alexandre Couhert | Flavien Mercier | Ernst Schrama |
Ahmad Desai | Guilhem Moreaux | Patrick Schreiner |
Francois Didelot | John Moyard | Laurent Soudarin |
Vikash Kumar | Samuel Nahmani | Petr Stepanek |
Sergey Kuzin | Xanthos Papanikolaou | Maria Tsakiri |
Karin Le Bail | Heike Peter | Julian Zeitlhöfler |
AWG meeting
Dates: November 28 (afternoon) & 29 (morning), 2023
Local host: Samuel Nahmani, Arnaud Pollet, Jérôme Saunier (IGN)
Meeting location: IGN, 73, avenue de Paris 94160 Saint-Mandé, France (Tel: +33 143 988 000)
Other related event (invitation-only): Governing Board meeting, Wednesday November 29, 14:00-16:00
Altamimi Zuheir | Locher Anno | Schrama Ernst |
Boniface Claude | Moreaux Guilhem | Schreiner Patrick |
Cherrier Marie | Nahmani Samuel | Soudarin Laurent |
Couhert Alexandre | Papanikolaou Xanthos | Stepanek Petr |
Didelot Francois | Pollet Arnaud | Tsakiri Maria |
Le Bail Karine | Reinhold Anton | Yaya Phillipe |
Lemoine Frank | Rudenko Sergei | Zeitlhöfler Julian |
Lemoine Jean-Michel | Saunier Jerome |
Banos-Garcia Adrian | Kuzin Sergei | Sanchez-Drewes Laura |
Capdeville Hugues | Mezerette Adrien | Saquet Eléonore |
Chauveau Jean-Pierre | Moyard John | Wang Ningbo |
Katsigianni Georgia | Otten Michiel | Yates Taylor A. |
Kumar Vikash | Peter Heike |
Tuesday, November 28 2023
12:00-12:10: Registration and sign-in at IGN Lobby (73, Avenue de Paris 94160 Saint-Mandé)
Please wait in the lobby with all AWG participants
12:10-12:15: We take you all to the IGN Géoroom
12:15-12:30: Welcoming and introduction to the IDS 20th Anniversary celebration
12:30-13:30: Buffet
13:50-14:00: Welcoming to IDS AWG Meeting and logistics
14:00-18:10: Session I & II with coffee break from 16:00 to 16:25 (see below detailed program)
19:30: dinner at Lili and Marcel’s (participation confirmation required)
Wednesday, November 29 2023
9:00-10:45: End of Session II presentations (see below detailed program)
10:50-11:10: Coffee break
11:10-12:30: Time reserve / Discussions
12:30: End of the AWG meeting
14:00-16:00: IDS Governing Board Meeting (only for GB members)
Tuesday 28.11.
SESSION I: IDS, DORIS system and IDS centers reports
13:50 Štěpánek P., Nahmani S., Saunier J.: Welcome, logistics
14:00 Soudarin, L.: IDS News
14:15 Boniface C., Didelot F.: DORIS System news
14:30 Yates T. A.: Updates at CDDIS since last year ONLINE
14:45 Saunier J.: DORIS Network status and outlook
15:00 Moreaux G.: Current status of the IDS combination
15:15 Capdeville H. : GRG AC status ONLINE
15:30 Štěpánek P.: GOP AC status
15:45 Lemoine F. G.: GSC AC status
16: 00 – 16:25 Coffee Break
16:25 Kuzin S. P.: RINEX DORIS data processing at INASAN ONLINE
16:40 Nahmani S., Arnaud P.: Status of the DORIS analysis center at IGN-IPGP in the context of the extension of the ITRF2020
16:55 Schreiner P.: Status report of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at GFZ
17:10 Moreaux G.: Status of the IDS contribution to the ITRF2020
SESSION II: POD and other DORIS applications
17:25 Zeitlhöfler J., Bloßfeld M., Rudenko S.: Presentation on the current status of DORIS POD at DGFI-TUM
Wednesday 28.11.
SESSION II: POD and other DORIS applications
9:00 Cherrier M., Couhert A., Mercier, F.: Assessment of Jason-3 and Sentinel-6 MF radiation pressure model
9:15 Couhert A., Moyard J.: Progress in the phase 0 DORIS on board Galileo (DoG)
9:30 Katsigianni G., Mercier F., Couhert A., Moyard J.: Introduction of 2/rev harmonics in the empirical forces model for Sentinel altimetry satellites ONLINE
9:45 Cherrier M., Yaya P.: Contribution of DORIS System to Global Ionospheric Scintillation Mapping
10:00 Schrama E., Visser P.: Improvements in the Precision Orbit Determination strategy for CryoSat-2
10:15 Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Dettmering D., Zeitlhöfler J.: Evaluation of ITRS 2020 realizations for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites
10:30 Löcher A., Kusche J.: Monthly gravity fields from SLR and DORIS using tailored base functions: final improvements
10:45 Wang N., Dettmering N., Liu A., Schmidt M.: Near-Real-Time DORIS Data for GNSS-based Ionospheric Maps Validation and Combination ONLINE
11:05 – 11:20 Coffee Break
11:20 Time reserve + discussion
12:30 End of the AWG meeting
The IGN is situated on the outskirts of the Paris ring road, near the “Porte de Vincennes”. It can be conveniently reached by metro from any location in Paris:
CNES preliminary POE-G precise obit performances for the Sentinel-6 MF mission (Moyard et al.) (pdf, 1209 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3863
Impact of ITRF2020 on DORIS, GNSS, and SLR observations for the CNES altimeter satellite orbits (Saquet et al.) (pdf, 1364 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3856
Enhancing satellite orbit accuracy for sea level monitoring through Earth radiation pressure modeling (Nocet-Binois et al.) (pdf, 3616 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3869
Updated mean gravity field model for Precise Orbit Determination: CNES_GRGS.RL05MF_combined_GRACE_SLR_DORIS (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 4182 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3882
Introduction of 2/rev harmonics in the empirical forces model for Sentinel altimetry satellites (Katsigianni et al.) (pdf, 2419 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3688
Assessment of Jason-3 and Sentinel-6 MF residual radiation pressure modeling errors (Cherrier et al.) (pdf, 3603 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3851
GPS-Based Precise Orbit Determination of the Sentinel-6 MF Mission (Conrad et al.) (pdf, 4288 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3842
The status of the NASA GSFC altimeter satellite orbits for TOPEX, the Jason satellites and Sentinel-6A (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 10963 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3866
Copernicus POD Service: Status and improvements (Fernandez et al.) (pdf, 3530 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3725
Evaluation of the ITRS 2020 realizations for POD of altimetry satellites (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 2726 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3719
Early SWOT POD Results (Couhert et al.) (pdf, 3436 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3877
SWOT platform contribution to overall Precise Orbit Determination Budget (d'Este et al.) (pdf, 1799 kB
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3772
In-flight GNSS phase map calibration modelling with Zernike polynomials (Banos Garcia et al.) (pdf, 2504 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3850
Precision Orbit Determination summary (not available)
Sentinel 6 radiation pressure model analysis (Mercier et al.) (pdf, 1018 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3517
CNES POE-F precise obit performances for the Jason-3 and Sentinel-6 MF missions (Couhert et al.) (pdf, 12767 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3497
GSFC Std2006: An updated set of altimeter satellite orbits for TOPEX, the Jason satellites and Sentinel-6A (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 2675 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3443
GPS-based Precise Orbit Determination of the Sentinel-6 MF and Jason-3 Missions (Desai et al.) (pdf, 4749 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3432
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich - Precise Orbit Determination based on Galileo and GPS observations (Gini et al.) (pdf, 6488 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3390
Sentinel-6 orbit determination at the Copernicus POD Service (Peter et al.) (pdf, 907 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3271
Cross-calibration of the TRIG and PODRIX GNSS receivers onboard Sentinel-6A (Montenbruck et al.) (pdf, 659 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3307
Assessment of GPS Transmitter Antenna Calibration Maps on Precise Orbit Determination of the Sentinel-6 MF Mission (Conrad et al.) (pdf, 1525 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3433
Satellite altimetry POD using GPS satellite quaternions from IGS CNES/CLS ORBEX files (Katsigianni et al.) (pdf, 1535 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3279
Precise Orbit Determination of DORIS satellites by CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center in the frame of our contribution to the ITRF2020 (Capdeville et al.) (pdf, 1636 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3457
Systematic errors in Satellite Laser Ranging validations of microwave-based orbit solutions (Arnold et al.) (pdf, 7359 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3413
On the accuracy of contemporary orbits of altimetry satellites in the radial direction (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 4470 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3323
Improved time-variable gravity modelling using monthly COST-G models for precise orbit determination of low Earth orbiting satellites (Jäggi et al.) (pdf, 3722 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3299
Copernicus POD Service: Overview and status (Fernández et al.) (pdf, 2897 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3272
Analysis of attitude dependent deficiencies in precise orbit solutions of Jason-3 (Kobel et al.) (pdf, 1449 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3315
POE-F reprocessing of Jason-1 CNES precise orbit solutions (Debout et al.) (pdf, 622 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3478
International Combination Service for Time-Variable Gravity Fields (COST-G) – Overview of Current Activities and Future Perspectives (Jäggi et al.) (pdf, 7766 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3341
Determination of the geocentric gravitational constant to monitor the behavior of the Earth (Cherrier et al.) (pdf, 612 kB)
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a03-2022.3477
Precision Orbit Determination summary (pdf, 891 kB)
2022 virtual meeting
Precision Orbit Determination summary (Bruinsma et al.) (pdf, 701 kB)
Hybrid DORIS+GPS measurements processing using the REGINA and DORIS networks and Sentinel-3A : Ground beacon and onboard clock corrections (Ait-Lakbir et al.) (pdf, 1330 kB)
Evaluation of the Use of High Rate Tracking Data for Jason-3 GPS-Based Precise Orbit Determination (Desai et al.) (pdf, 3019 kB)
Std2006: An improved orbit time series for the TOPEX and Jason missions from 1992-2020 (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 1482 kB)
CNES POE-F precise orbit performances for the current altimeter missions (Moyard et al.) (pdf, 1892 kB)
Copernicus POD Service - Evolutions in Sentinel-3 orbit determination (Peter et al.) (pdf, 2319 kB)
North-South miscentering of the Jason-3 orbit observed by its yaw-flip capability (Saquet et al.) (pdf, 1246 kB)
CNES POE-F precise orbit performances for the current altimeter missions (Moyard et al.) (pdf, 1943 kB)
Improved orbit time series for the TOPEX and Jason missions from 1992-2019. (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 2372 kB)
Performance of the Jason-2 and Jason-3 GPS Receivers and Resulting GPS-Based Precise Orbit Determination Solutions (Desai et al.) (pdf, 5475 kB)
Copernicus POD Service - Model updates and validation of Sentinel-3 orbit determination (Peter et al.) (pdf, 1440 kB)
Precise Orbit Determination of DORIS satellites by CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center in the frame of the next ITRF (Capdeville et al.) (pdf, 2856 kB)
Performance of dynamic and ambiguity-fixed LEO orbits in SLR validation and network calibration (Arnold et al.) (pdf, 1683 kB)
Analysis of Altimetry satellites SLR residuals (Mercier et al.) (pdf, 2342 kB)
An analytical method to propagate errors in the Altimeter system; from space to Earth (orbit, reference frame and mean sea level (EXERTIER et al.) (pdf, 7737 kB)
Impact of satellite yaw attitude regime on in-flight calibration of low-Earth orbiter GPS antenna phase center (Sibois et al.) (pdf, 3143 kB)
Impact of nominal and measured satellite attitude on SLR- and DORIS-derived orbits of Jason satellites and altimetry results (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 1284 kB)
Discussion ( et al.) (pdf, 84 kB)
Single-receiver ambiguity resolution for Sentinel-3 Precise Orbit Determination at the Copernicus POD Service (Calero et al.)
Status of precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites at DGFI-TUM (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 2065 kB)
Performance of the Sentinel-3 A and B GPS Receivers and associated GPS-Based Orbit Solutions (Sibois et al.)
Precision Orbit Determination summary (pdf, 4061 kB)
Jason-2/3 POD Status and First Results for Sentinel-3B (Moyard et al.) (pdf, 2307 kB)
Improved orbit time series for the TOPEX and Jason missions using SLR/DORIS data (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 3868 kB)
GPS-Based Jason-2 and Jason-3 Precision Orbit Determination Solutions in the IGS14 Reference Frame (Desai et al.) (pdf, 3572 kB)
Sentinel-3B - GPS L2C tracking tests during commissioning phase (Fernández et al.) (pdf, 2951 kB)
Precise Orbit Determination status on Jason-2&3 and Sentinel-3A&B by CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center (Capdeville et al.) (pdf, 5982 kB)
Short latency GPS orbit solutions for LEO satellites (Sébastien et al.) (pdf, 1191 kB)
Integer Ambiguity resolved orbits for Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B (Otten et al.) (pdf, 304 kB)
Fixed GPS ambiguity orbit solutions (Mercier et al.) (pdf, 2472 kB)
On the effect of non-tidal atmospheric loading on altimetry orbits (Koenig et al.) (pdf, 1141 kB)
From satellite antenna Centers of Phase to the Center of the Earth: a study in improving the modeling of SLR/DORIS antenna phase centers and of the geocenter (Zelensky et al.) (pdf, 8023 kB)
The new time-variable gravity field model for POD of altimetric satellites based on GRACE+SLR RL04 from CNES/GRGS (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 3357 kB)
Improved determination of the very low-degree Earth’s gravity coefficients for satellite altimetry (Couhert et al.)
On the long-term stability of altimetry satellites orbits (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 2002 kB)
Assessment of Orbit Quality through the SSH calculation Towards GDR-F orbit standards (Ollivier et al.)
Precision Orbit Determination summary (pdf, 608 kB)
OSTM/Jason-2, Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A POD Status (Moyard et al.) (pdf, 1562 kB)
Improvement of the Complete TOPEX and Jason Orbit Time Series (1992-2017): GSFC Status (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 1455 kB)
GPS-Based Precision Orbit Determination for the Jason-2 and Jason-3 Missions (Desai et al.) (pdf, 1264 kB)
Jason 3 GPS derived orbits with ambiguity fixing (Mercier et al.) (pdf, 1313 kB)
Strategy to minimize the impact of the South Atlantic Anomaly effect on the Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A Precise Orbit Determination and on the station position estimation (Capdeville et al.) (pdf, 753 kB)
Update of the EIGEN time variable gravity model for precise orbit determination (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 1436 kB)
Construction of GPS-based LEO orbits referenced to the “instantaneous” Earth’s center of mass, through the adjustment of a parametric correction in the IGS GPS satellite clock solutions (Couhert et al.) (pdf, 644 kB)
SLR-based geocenter estimates with atmospheric pressure station loading for improving orbit centering (Zelensky et al.) (pdf, 2593 kB)
The T2L2 contribution to precise orbit determination and positioning (Belli et al.) (pdf, 1195 kB)
Assessment of the International Terrestrial Reference System 2014 realizations by Precise Orbit Determination of SLR Satellites (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 687 kB)
Consistent estimation of station coordinates, Earth orientation parameters and selected low degree Earth's gravity field coefficients from SLR measurements (Bloßfeld et al.) (pdf, 2591 kB)
Impact of the next foreseen IERS mean pole model (linear) on altimeter satellite precise orbits, validation of updated measurement models (DORIS antenna phase maps and satellite geometry) (Aït-Lakbir et al.) (pdf, 799 kB)
Sentinel-3 orbit determination at the Copernicus POD Service (Fernández et al.) (pdf, 2256 kB)
Comparison of SLR station biases (Reinquin et al.)
Precision Orbit Determination summary (pdf, 1102 kB)
Sentinel-3 orbit determination at the copernicus pod service (Fernández et al.) (pdf, 996 kB)
Jason-2 (OSTM) and Jason-3 POD Status (Jalabert et al.) (pdf, 8086 kB)
Status of Precise Orbit Determination for altimeter satellites at GSFC (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 1759 kB)
Precision Orbit Determination For The Current Jason Missions Using GPS (Bertiger et al.) (pdf, 3087 kB)
Precise and Homogeneous Orbits for Sentinel-3A and Jason-3 (Otten et al.) (pdf, 842 kB)
Systematic errors in the SLR observations to the LAGEOS satellites and impact on TRF scale (Rodríguez et al.) (pdf, 6157 kB)
Using 'mascons' to analyze SLR station biases (Moyard et al.) (pdf, 1199 kB)
New SLR-based geocenter estimates for orbit centering and impact on altimeter sea surface analysis (Zelensky et al.) (pdf, 647 kB)
Doris-derived geocenter motion for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites (Couhert et al.) (pdf, 1585 kB)
Improving the estimation of the geocenter for orbit solutions: Impact on Sea Surface Heigh estimation (Ollivier et al.) (pdf, 4854 kB)
Simultaneous estimation of GPS and Jason-2 satellite orbits (Zoulida et al.) (pdf, 1863 kB)
Reprocessing TOPEX/Poseidon precise orbits in the GDRE standards (Aït-Lakbir et al.) (pdf, 1440 kB)
Possible S3A POD NRT improvements (Andres et al.) (pdf, 2455 kB)
Precise orbit determination and position station estimation status on Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A by CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center (Capdeville et al.)
Status of the CNES precise orbit ephemerides for Sentinel-3A (Couhert et al.) (pdf, 1764 kB)
Evaluation of gps-based orbit solutions for sentinel-3a (Desai et al.)
Challenging the Precision - Impact and Comparison of Non-Gravitational Force Models on Sentinel-3A Orbit Determination (Hackel et al.)
Jason 3 GPS ambiguity fixing status (Mercier et al.) (pdf, 147 kB)
Assessment of Orbit Quality through the SSH calculation Multimission approach and focus on recent missions: Jason-3, Sentinel-3 (Ollivier et al.)
DPOD2014: a new DORIS extension of ITRF2014 for Precise Orbit Determination (Moreaux et al.)
Assessment of ITRF2014 for precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 10394 kB)
Analysis of SLR station biases - continued (Bruinsma et al.)
Precision Orbit Determination summary (pdf, 1108 kB)
Jason-2, Saral/AltiKa and CryoSat-2 POD status (Jalabert et al.) (pdf, 1530 kB)
A new time series of orbits (std1504) for TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2 (OSTM) (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 5280 kB)
Jason-2 Orbit Determination With GPS, Instrument Status And Reference Frame Sensitivity (Bertiger et al.) (pdf, 2706 kB)
Improvements in precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 3854 kB)
GDR-E gravity field model EIGEN-GRGS.RL03-v2.MEAN-FIELD (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 1847 kB)
Improved orbit-centering parameterization for mean sea level applications (Couhert et al.) (pdf, 439 kB)
Status DORIS RINEX Processing at GSFC (Zelensky et al.) (pdf, 3406 kB)
Update of the South-Atlantic Anomaly corrective model for JASON-1 DORIS data using the maps of energetic particles from the CARMEN dosimeter onboard JASON-2 (Capdeville et al.) (pdf, 683 kB)
Analysis of SLR station biases (Bruinsma et al.) (pdf, 2871 kB)
New orbits of ERS-1, ERS-2, TOPEX/Poseidon, Envisat, Jason-1 and Jason-2 for altimetry applications and their validation (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 3484 kB)
Assessment of Orbit Quality through the SSH calculation Towards GDR-E orbit standards (Ollivier et al.)
New phase correction maps for Jason 2 GPS processing (Mercier et al.) (pdf, 290 kB)
A new time series of orbits (std1504) for TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2 (OSTM) (poster) (Lemoine et al.)
Precision Orbit Determination summary (pdf, 5127 kB)
Jason-1 and Jason-2 POD Status (Moyard et al.) (pdf, 1606 kB)
New GSC POD Standards for TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2 (OSTM) (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 3850 kB)
Time-Variable Gravity, Geocenter and Jason-2 Orbit Determination With GPS (Bertiger et al.) (pdf, 5748 kB)
Integer Ambiguity Resolved Precise and Homogeneous Orbits for Jason-1 and Jason-2 (Otten et al.) (pdf, 1552 kB)
Altimeter satellite POD Status at GSC in the context of ITRF2013 (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 4141 kB)
EIGEN-GRGS.RL03.MEAN-FIELD: new mean gravity field model for altimetric satellite orbit computation (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 1802 kB)
Long-Term Analysis of Possible Remaining Sources of Orbit Error (Couhert et al.) (pdf, 5314 kB)
Assessment of Orbit Quality through the SSH calculation- Towards GDR-E standards (Ollivier et al.) (pdf, 9466 kB)
Investigation of long-term stability of precise orbits of altimetry satellites (Rudenko et al.) (pdf, 1843 kB)
Impact of atmosphere loading and geocenter motion modeling on the Jason-2 SLR+DORIS orbit (Zelensky et al.) (pdf, 4364 kB)
Calibrated Semi-Empirical Solar Radiation Pressure Models for Altimeter Satellites (Mercier et al.) (pdf, 3591 kB)
Precise Orbit Determination by CNES/CLS IDS Analysis Center in the frame of ITRF2013 (Capdeville et al.) (pdf, 1927 kB)
Long-Term Analysis of Possible Remaining Sources of Orbit Error II (Couhert et al.)
Satellite Precise Orbit Determination Using Real-Time and Near Real-Time GPS Products (Jalabert et al.) (pdf, 152 kB)
New GSC POD Standards for TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2 (OSTM) -- II (Lemoine et al.) (pdf, 3757 kB)
Dates: Tuesday 18 April 2023 (14:00 CEST, 12:00 UTC)
Organization: Petr Štěpánek (GOP)
Online meeting
Altamimi Zuheir | Le Bail Karine | Rudenko Sergei |
Bloßfeld Mathis | Lemoine Frank G. | Sanchez Laura |
Capdeville Hugues | Lemoine Jean Michel | Saquet Eléonore |
Cherrier Marie | Moreaux Guilhem | Schrama Ernst |
Couhert Alexandre | Otten Michiel | Schreiner Patrick |
Fernández Sánchez Jaime | Papanikolaou Xanthos | Soudarin Laurent |
Filler Vratislav | Peter Heike | Štěpánek Petr |
Kumar Vikash | Pollet Arnaud | Zeitlhöfler Julian |
Kuzin Sergei | Reinhold Anton |
start at 14:00 CEST/Paris time (12:00 UTC)
14:00 Welcome (Štěpánek Petr, Soudarin Laurent)
14:05 Couhert Alexandre: SWOT news
14:20 Moreaux Guilhem: status on the IDS combination and the DPOD2020 with focus on the station position residuals
14:50 Lemoine Frank G.: The current status and future plans of GSC AC
15:05 Capdeville Hugues: The current status and future plans of GRG AC
15:20 Štěpánek Petr: The current status and future plans of GOP AC
15:35 Schreiner Patrick : Status report of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at GFZ
15:50 Bloßfeld Mathis: On the recent activities of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at DGFI-TUM
16:05-16:15 Break
16:15 Nahmani Samuel and Pollet Arnaud: Progress of the restart of our analysis center and the IGN/IPGP research perspectives for the DORIS technique
16:30 Lemoine Jean Michel: New mean gravity field model CNES_GRGS.RL05MF_combined_GRACE_SLR_DORIS
16:45 Sergei Rudenko: Results of tests of the Earth‘s mean time-variable gravity field model CNES_GRGS.RL05MF_combined_GRACE_SLR_DORIS using precise orbit determination of TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason satellites
16:55 Schrama Ernst: CryoSat-2 precise orbit determination in ITRF2020
17:10-18:00 Discussion (proposed topics: Future plans, New satellites modeling/processing, SAA, scale, …)