New page with tables of Data and Products
All the presentations in IDS meetings (AWG and Workshop) are gathered on the page "Meeting presentations"
Updated the Governing Board's organization page with a table of the composition of the GB since 2003
Added all minutes of AWG meetings on the Analysis Coordination's documents page
Updated version of the document satellite macromodels implemented in CNES POE processing including the new adopted value of the initial center of mass position in Z for Saral
Added a link to the new document “Modelling of the ground beacons and ground antennas”
New version of the document "Modelling of the DORIS instruments 1G (Spot-2, -3, -4, Topex) and 2G (Envisat)" (sections about ground beacons and ground antennas removed)
New description file for the mass history
Added a presentation (Ries, 2013) and a paper (Gerasimenko et al., 2005) in "DORIS-related presentations"