Governing Board

Activity Reports | Minutes of meeting | Recommendations | Presentations | Other documents




Activity Reports


Activity reports of the IDS components

IDS activity report 2023 IDS activity report 2022 IDS activity report 2021

IDS activity report 2019-2020 IDS activity report 2018 IDS activity report 2017

IDS activity report 2016 IDS activity report 2015 IDS activity report 2014

IDS activity report 2013 IDS activity report 2012 IDS activity report 2011

IDS activity report 2010 IDS activity report 2009 IDS activity report 2006-2008

IDS activity report 2003-2005



Activity reports for the International Association of Geodesy (IAG reports)

 2015-2019 Report for the International Association of Geodesy

 2015-2017 Report for the International Association of Geodesy

 2011-2015 Report for the International Association of Geodesy

 2007-2011 Report for the International Association of Geodesy

 2007-2009 Report for the International Association of Geodesy

Activity reports for the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (link to IERS annual reports)

 2020-2023 Report for IERS

 2019 Report for IERS

 2018 Report for IERS

 2017 Report for IERS

 2016 Report for IERS

 2015 Report for IERS

 2014 Report for IERS

 2013 Report for IERS

 2012 Report for IERS

 2011 Report for IERS

 2010 Report for IERS

 2008-2009 Report for IERS

 2001 Activity Report related to the joint CSTG/IERS DORIS Pilot Experiment

 2000 Activity Report related to the joint CSTG/IERS DORIS Pilot Experiment

 1999 Activity Report related to the joint CSTG/IERS DORIS Pilot Experiment

Activity reports for the ICSU World Data System (link to WDS members' biennial reports)

 2013-2014 Report for ICSU-WDS




Minutes of the Governing Board meetings


 Minutes of the meeting held in Montpellier, France (September 5, 2024)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Saint-Mandé, France (November 29, 2023)

 Minutes of the meeting held online (February 13, 2023)

 Minutes of the meeting held online (July 8, 2022)

 Minutes of the meeting held online (October 12, 2021)

 Minutes of the meeting held online (June 29, 2021)

 Minutes of the meeting held online (January 26, 2021)

 Minutes of the meeting held online (November 24 & 27, 2020)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Paris, France (September 30, 2019)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Munich, Germany (April 5, 2019)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Caussens, France (June 15, 2018)

 Minutes of the meeting held in London, UK (May 24, 2017)

 Minutes of the meeting held in La Rochelle, France (November 1, 2016)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Delft, The Netherlands (May 27, 2016)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Greenbelt, USA (October 16, 2015)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Toulouse, France (May 29, 2015)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Konstanz, France (October 28, 2014)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Paris, France (March 27, 2014)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Washington, USA (October 16, 2013)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Toulouse, France (April 5, 2013)

 Minutes of the meeting held in San Francisco, California (December 4, 2012)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Prague, Czech Republic (June 1, 2012)

 Minutes of the meeting held in San Francisco, California (December 8, 2011)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Paris, France (May 24, 2011)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal (October 22, 2010)

 Minutes of the meeting held in San Francisco, California (December 14, 2009)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Paris, France (March 23-24, 2009)

 Minutes of the meeting held in San Francisco, California (December 17, 2008)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Nice, France (November 13, 2008)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Paris, France (March 13, 2008)

 Minutes of the meeting held in San Francisco, California (December 10, 2007)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Venice, Italy (March 14, 2006)

 Minutes of the meeting held in St Petersburg, Florida (November 5, 2004)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Biarritz, France (June 14, 2002)

 Minutes of the meeting held in Lanham U.S.A. (March 13,2002)

 Minutes of the meeting of opportunity held in San Francisco U.S.A. (December 12, 2001)






 Analysis Coordination's position paper including recommendations of the workshop held in Venice, Italy (13-15 March 2006)

 Recommendations of the Analysis Workshop held in Paris, France (3-4 May 2004)

 Recommendations of the Analysis Workshop held in Marne la Vallée, France (20-21 February 2003)






IERS Directing Board meetings

 2023 November

 2023 April

 2021 May

 2020 May

 2019 April

 2018 December

 2018 April

 2017 December

 2017 April

 2016 December

 2016 April

 2015 December

 2014 December

 2014 April

 2013 December

 2013 May

 2012 December

 2011 April

 2010 October

 2006 December

GGOS Bureau for Networks and Observations meetings

 2023 July

 2018 December

 2018 April

 2017 December

 2017 April

 2016 December

 2016 April

 2015 September

 2014 April

 2013 April

 2012 December

 2011 April

 2010 December

 2010 May

 2009 April

 2008 December

 2008 April

 2007 December

 2007 April 

IAG Service Assessment

 2014 April

IERS Working Group on Site Surveys and Co-location

 2014 October




Other documents


 IDS support letter to GRASP proposal (06 November 2015)

 Review of IDS Workshop 2014 for IAG's page in GIM magazine (22 January 2015)

 CNES letter to IDS about ground antenna (20 November 2013)

 IDS letter to CNES about ground antenna (5 August 2013)

 ICSU WDS acceptance letter (IDS accepted as a Network Member; 10 October 2013)

 IDS 10th anniversary (July 2013)

 IVS letter regarding compatibility of DORIS and geodetic VLBI (6 August 2012)

 IDS letter of support to the CDDIS (16 February 2007)

 IDS letter regarding cessation of Canadian VLBI activities (29 November 2006)

 Present organization of the IDS (document related to IDS candidature as IAG service; July 2003)