Date |
Acronym |
Information provided |
2024/04/27 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:175km |
2022/08/23 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:446km |
2022/01/14 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:177km |
2022/01/13 | CIDB | BEACON INSTALLED |
2021/04/13 | CIDB | BEACON REMOVED |
2021/02/26 | CIDB | invalid data (beacon failure) START |
2020/07/06 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:436km |
2019/08/02 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.9 distance:244km |
2017/12/15 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:184km |
2017/12/15 | CIDB | BEACON CHANGED |
2016/10/19 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:232km |
2016/04/06 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:200km |
2016/01/25 | CIDB | BEACON CHANGED |
2015/07/09 | CIDB | data gap (beacon failure) START |
2015/01/28 | CIDB | BEACON CHANGED |
2014/01/25 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:314km |
2013/06/13 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.7 distance:393km |
2011/08/22 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:310km |
2011/04/03 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.7 distance:385km |
2011/01/17 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:493km |
2010/12/11 | CIDB | invalid data, then data gap (bacon/USO failure => beacon replacement) END |
2010/01/21 | CIDB | invalid data, then data gap (bacon/USO failure => beacon replacement) START |
2009/11/12 | CIDB | invalid DORIS data (BEACON/USO failure) START |
2009/10/16 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:180km |
2009/10/16 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:180km |
2009/09/02 | CIDB | Earthquake of magnitude:7 distance:152km |
2009/09/02 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:7 distance:152km |
2009/01/07 | CIDB | CIDB START - Antenna raising |
2009/01/05 | CICB | CICB END |
2007/08/08 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:7.5 distance:94km |
2007/08/08 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:112km |
2007/06/26 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:468km |
2006/09/21 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:481km |
2006/07/19 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:162km |
2006/07/17 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:364km |
2006/07/17 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:306km |
2006/07/17 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:7.7 distance:317km |
2006/06/05 | CICB | Lack of data END |
2006/05/26 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:430km |
2006/02/14 | CICB | Lack of data START |
2005/05/10 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:411km |
2005/01/15 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:178km |
2004/04/16 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:479km |
2003/05/14 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:182km |
2002/06/27 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:300km |
2002/01/15 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:183km |
2001/05/25 | CICB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:399km |
2000/12/12 | CICB | CICB START |
2000/12/11 | CIBB | CIBB END |
2000/10/25 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.8 distance:135km |
2000/06/09 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:473km |
2000/06/06 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.2 distance:485km |
1999/12/21 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:148km |
1999/08/14 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.4 distance:246km |
1997/07/11 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:446km |
1997/03/17 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.4 distance:148km |
1996/12/09 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.1 distance:176km |
1995/11/05 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.3 distance:438km |
1995/09/23 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:325km |
1994/11/15 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.5 distance:383km |
1994/09/28 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:398km |
1994/09/28 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.6 distance:396km |
1994/02/15 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6.9 distance:329km |
1994/01/21 | CIBB | Earthquake of magnitude:6 distance:397km |