2003 IDS Analysis Campaign:

"Impact of GRACE gravity field models on IDS products"

[Campaign announcement]

PRODUCTS RECEIVED (as of July 2004)

Weekly sinex files, Oct-Dec 2002
Center                Gravity field models
            EGM96  GRIM5-C1  GGM01C   GGM01S  EIGEN-GRACE01S
 lca        [ x ]    [ x ]    [ x ]    [ x ]    [ x ] 

Weekly sinex files, 1993-2002          Weekly TRF origin/scale, 1999-2002
------------------------------         ----------------------------------
Center    Gravity field models         Center    Gravity field model         
            EGM96    GGM01C                        JGR-3    
------------------------------         ----------------------------------
 ign        [ x ]    [ x ]             ina         [ x ]    
------------------------------         ----------------------------------

Daily ephemerides comparisons, Oct-Dec 2002
Center      Gravity field models (difference with GGM01C)
            EGM96  GRIM5-C1   GGM01S  EIGEN-GRACE01S
 lca        [ x ]    [ x ]     [ x ]    [ x ] 
Analysis centers and contacts:            
                               csr    J. Ries
                               grg    J.-M. Lemoine
                               gau    R.Govind	        
                               ign    P.Willis
                               ina    S.Tatevian
                               lca    L.Soudarin
                      Data centers    C. Noll, E. Gaulué
Comparison/Combination of products    J.-J. Valette
      Coordination of the campaign    M. Feissel-Vernier


  • 18.12.03 - M. Feissel-Vernier: IERS combination campaign, TRF reference epoch, ...
  • 07.12.03 - John Ries: Choide of gravity field, SAA and Jason data
  • 03.12.03 - Pascal Willis: SAA-affected stations, order of the gravity field development, IERS combination campaign, ...
  • 03.12.03 - M. Feissel-Vernier: Some requests concerning the analyses
  • 31.10.03 - M. Feissel-Vernier: General rules for the submissions


    The results are requested as Sinex files (see format), with a normalized 
    description of the analyses. Special attention should be paid to the 
    recommended constraints. The time interval of the series of Sinex files is 
    one week. To match the product structure already existing in parallel services, 
    the start of each week is Sunday, 00:00 UT. The series of Sinex files should start 
    with data on 29 Sept 2002, 00:00 UT.
    Reminder of the filename structure for Sinex files
          ccc = center three-character acronym
          YY  = last two digits of year of the first observation 
          DDD = three-digit day of year of the first observation.
          t   = type of the solution : m/w/d for monthly/weekly/daily solutions
          u   = d for "Doris only", c for "multitechnique"
          VV  = version number of the solution. Please use the following 
          01: EGM96   02: GRIM5-C1   03: GGM01C   13: GGM01S   04: EIGEN-GRACE01S
          snx = fixed part (refers to the format)
          Z (upper cap) points to compacted file (Unix)
    Examples: gau solutions based on two gravity field models, EGM96 and
              GGM01, using data starting 29 Sept 2002 (Sunday, 00:00 UT)
              gau02272wd01.snx.Z   gau02272wd03.snx.Z   
              gau02279wd01.snx.Z   gau02279wd03.snx.Z   
              ...                  ...
    Requested documentation file 
    One IDS standard analysis description file may be used for the set of solutions 
    referred to the various gravity fields. Use the filename: cccwd00.snx.dsc 
    Providing product and documentation files to the IDS Data Centers
    The files will be stored in a special area (products/2003campaign) at the IDS 
    Data Centers. Analysis centers should contact C. Noll or E. Gaulué to organise 
    their submissions.
    For more details on the IDS file naming and data center structure, see here.