2003 IDS Analysis Campaign:
"Impact of GRACE gravity field models on IDS products"
[Participations and organisation]
First gravity field models derived form the Grace mission were recently released by CSR and GFZ. This new generation of gravity field models is expected to bring better accuracy and consistency in satellite geodesy applications, particularly for low orbiting satellites, hence for the IDS products.
Taking the opportunity of the availability of these new models, the IDS organizes an Analysis Campaign to investigate the impact of these new models on the IDS products.
The requested products are as follows.
The organisation will be as follows.
If you are interested in participating in this project, please complete the form hereunder and send it to M. Feissel-Vernier not later than 15 October 2003. The proposal leaves some flexibility to the Analysis Centers for defining their contributions. However it should be understood that useful comparisons will be possible only if the same products are gathered on a common time interval.
Analysis center:
Contact person & email address:
Data to be analyzed: (mark [x] your intent)
Gravity field models to be involved: (mark [x] your intent)
Products to be compared: (mark [x] your intent)
Submission deadline: (mark [x] your intent)