DORIS satellite





cospar :9205201
launch_date :1992/08/10
launch_site :Kourou, French Guiana
vehicle :Ariane 42P
doris_instrument_end :2004/11/01
mission_end_date :2005/10/09
periapsis :1322 km
apoapsis :1341 km
period :112 minutes
inclination :66.5°
eccentricity :9.5E-5
doris_receiver_generation :1G
doris_redundancy :Yes
other_tracking_system :SLR+GPS
sp3_code :L01


Only system events, i.e. space and ground segments as reported by SSALTO
Information provided by IDS about events impacting data can be found in the Table of events
Date Origin Info Consequence
2004/11/17on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2004/11/17on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2004/11/01on boardDORIS software failure. The procedures run to restart this chain were not sucessfull. Attempts to restart the chain 1 receiver also failed. DORIS has been functionning more than 12 years on-board TOPEX, far beyond the instrument and spacecraft nominal data available
2004/09/01on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2004/08/31on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2004/08/31 22:27:32 to 2004/09/01 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2004/08/30on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2004/08/30 14:46:40 to 2004/08/31 22:27:32 TAI)no data available
2004/08/03on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2004/07/20on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2004/07/13on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2004/07/13 23:17:32 to 2004/07/19 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2004/07/09on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2004/07/09 22:26:01 to 2004/07/13 23:17:32 TAI)no data available
2004/06/16on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of TOPEX Safehold mode recovery)all data available
2004/05/27on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for TOPEX Safehold mode recovery) from 2004/05/29 01:45:00 to 2004/06/15 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2004/05/26on boardSafehold Entryno data available
2004/04/17on boardless DORIS data from 2004/04/17 02:00:00 to 2004/04/17 08:00:00 (Tape recorder failure)less data available
2004/04/06on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2004/04/02on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2004/04/02 23:10:32 to 2004/04/05 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2004/04/01on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2004/04/01 04:33:00 to 2004/04/02 23:10:32 TAI)no data available
2004/02/18on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2004/02/14on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for Topex satellite Control Center incident recovery) from 2004/02/13 23:20:32 to 2004/02/17 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2004/02/13groundSatellite Control Center failureno data available
2004/02/11on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2004/02/11 23:27:32 to 2004/02/12 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2004/02/10on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2004/02/10 07:44:21 to 2004/02/11 23:27:32 TAI)no data available
2004/01/31on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2004/01/29on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2004/01/29 21:25:32 to 2004/01/30 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2004/01/28on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2004/01/28 06:48:44 to 2004/01/29 21:25:32 TAI)no data available
2003/09/10on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2003/09/08on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2003/09/08 23:32:32 to 2003/09/09 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2003/09/06on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2003/09/06 02:58:10 to 2003/09/08 23:32:32 TAI)no data available
2003/07/03on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2003/07/01on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2003/07/01 23:26:32 to 2003/07/02 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2003/06/30on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2003/06/30 07:13:00 to 2003/07/01 23:26:32 TAI)no data available
2003/06/18on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2003/06/17on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2003/06/17 23:07:32 to 2003/06/17 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2003/06/16on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2003/06/16 22:04:21 to 2003/06/17 23:07:32 TAI)no data available
2003/04/26on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2003/04/16on boardChained Measurements for DORIS instrument on TOPEX/POSEIDON during Cycle 390 (16-26 April 2003).less data available
2002/12/18on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2002/09/19on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of second part of orbit transfer)all data available
2002/09/16on boardOrbit transfer maneuverless data available
2002/09/13on boardOrbit transfer maneuverless data available
2002/09/10on boardOrbit transfer maneuverless data available
2002/09/05on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required during orbit transfer maneuvers) from 2002/09/05 23:00:32 to 2002/09/18 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2002/08/27on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of first part of orbit transfer)all data available
2002/08/23on boardOrbit transfer maneuverless data available
2002/08/19on boardOrbit transfer maneuverless data available
2002/08/15on boardOrbit transfer maneuverless data available
2002/08/13on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required during orbit transfer maneuvers) from 2002/08/13 00:00:32 to 2002/08/27 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2002/08/08groundBeacons uploads failureno data available
2002/08/02on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2002/07/31on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2002/07/31 22:37:32 to 2002/08/01 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2002/07/30on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2002/07/30 13:24:00 to 2002/07/31 22:37:32)no data available
2002/07/12on boardChained Measurements for DORIS instrument on TOPEX/POSEIDON during Cycle 361 (12-22 July 2002).less data available
2002/06/20on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2002/06/18on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2002/06/18 23:32:32 to 2002/06/19 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2002/06/15on boardDORIS software failure (Bad data from 2002/06/15 07:48:00 to 2002/06/18 23:32:32)no data available
2002/06/05on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2002/06/04on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2002/06/04 23:24:32 to 2002/06/05 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2002/06/03on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2002/06/03 02:15:00 to 2002/06/03 23:24:32)no data available
2002/05/04on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2002/04/25on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2002/04/23on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2002/04/23 23:06:32 to 2002/04/24 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2002/04/21on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2002/04/21 21:19:00 to 2002/04/23 23:06:32)no data available
2002/04/17on boardTape recorder failure (about 8 hours lost)less data available
2002/04/16on boardTape recorder failure (no data from 2002/04/16 16:00:00 to 2002/04/17 00:06:00)less data available
2002/04/09on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2002/04/05on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 2002/04/05 14:26:01 to 2002/04/08 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2002/04/04on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 2002/04/04 05:10:00 to 2002/04/05 14:26:01)no data available
2002/02/25groundNo data from 05:07:11 to 05:58:41 and from 06:24:11 to 07:06:31 (Satellite Control Center failure)less data available
2002/02/04on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2001/11/26on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2001/10/24on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2001/10/20on boardDORIS software failure (No data from 20/10/2001 22:05:50 to 23/10/2001 23:10:20 TAI).no data available
2001/10/12on boardSatellite Control Center Failure (no data from 12/10/2001 23:54:20 to 13/10/2001 23:30:00).no data available
2001/10/12on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2001/10/11on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 11/10/2001 23:10:20 to 11/10/2001 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2001/10/10on boardDORIS software failure (from 10/10/2001 22:14:00 to 11/10/2001 23:10:20)no data available
2001/10/01on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2001/09/28on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery) from 28/09/2001 16:48:40 to 01/10/2001 23:59:32 TAI.less data available
2001/09/26on boardDORIS software failure (from 26/09/2001 18:12:00 to 28/09/2001 16:48:40)less data available
2001/09/18on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2001/08/19on boardChained Measurements for DORIS instrument on TOPEX/POSEIDON during Cycle 329 (19-29 August 2001).less data available
2001/05/02on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2001/04/25groundNo data from 16:24:00 to 17:42:00 due to Satellite Control center failureless data available
2001/01/13on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2000/11/24on boardSatellite Safehold Entry (end : 2000/11/25 01:43:35)all data available
2000/09/26on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2000/07/08on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2000/04/20on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
2000/04/06on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with beacon frequency pre-positioning (end of DORIS incident recovery)all data available
2000/04/05on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery)less data available
2000/04/05on boardSingle Event Upsetless data available
2000/04/03on boardDORIS DOPPLER instrument nominal mode with median frequency bandwith pre-positioning (required for DORIS incident recovery)less data available
2000/04/02on boardSingle Event Upsetless data available
2000/01/12on boardOrbit Maintenance Maneuverall data available
1998/12/22on boardDORIS BACKUP Instrument in nominal modeall data available
1998/12/22on boardDORIS BACKUP Instrument in autonomous modeless data available
1998/12/21on boardDORIS/BACKUP Instrument switch ONno data available
1998/12/20on boardDORIS/NOMINAL Instrument switch OFFno data available
1998/12/13on boardNo data from 1998/12/13 14:31:31 to 1998/12/22 03:59:40 TAI, Instrument failureno data available
1992/09/25groundDORIS data availableall data available
1992/08/10on boardLaunchno data available