IDS CONTRIBUTION TO ITRF2004 TIME SERIES OF STATION COORDINATES IDS Analysis Coordination team June 2005 SERIES OF COORDINATE RESIDUALS TO LINEAR MOTION Time series of N, E, U residual coordinates with respect to linear motion are plotted for all stations that were analysed by the three analysis centers listed in table 1. The residuals are output from the CATREF analysis of series of unconstrained weekly solutions available at the IDS Data Centers. Table 1. The sets of station coordinates analysed ------------------------------------------ Solution Time span No of stations ------------------------------------------ ignwd05 1993.0-2005.3 120 inawd03 1993.0-2004.5 116 lcawd12 1993.0-2005.1 119 ------------------------------------------ The graphs show the residuals with color codes as follows. Blue: ignwd05, brown: inawd03, green: lcawd12. An average annual variation is superimposed (yellow solid line). It is derived as the mean of the annual sine waves for ign and lca analysis centers. When a discontinuity was defined by the Analysis Centers, a red line shows the corresponding date. Note that the derivation of coordinates residuals by the CATREF software took those declared discontinuity into account by estimating independent positions and velocities before and after the break date. Therefore the corresponding sets of residuals do not belong to the same set. An additional list of discontinuities is under discussion in June 2005. The proposed dates are marked by a green line. An additional zone shows the number of satellites used for positioning according to the time frame. At the bottom of the page, the number of weekly coordinates and some statistics extracted from the the core_net software output files - ignwd05.a.txt - inawd03.a.txt - lcawd12.a.txt are listed with the same color code as the plots. The extracted statistics include the Allan standard deviation (in millimetres) for the one-year sampling time and the spectral signature in the East, North and Up directions, and the stability index derived from the plotted data. For more details about the core_net software (explanation). Note that the correct Ottawa DOMES number for the period Feb 1, 1994 - Jan 31, 1998 is 40102S009. The ina and lca contributions were corrected accordingly.