Location Acronym DOMES Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Indicate wether date of event or source Information provided Source Comment Miami MIAB 49914S003 2015-07-02 EVENT Lack of data END Miami MIAB 49914S003 2015-04-30 EVENT Lack of data START Miami MIAB 49914S003 2015-03-19 EVENT Lack of data END Miami MIAB 49914S003 2015-02-09 EVENT Lack of data START Miami MIAB 49914S003 2014-09-24 EVENT Lack of data END Miami MIAB 49914S003 2014-08-19 EVENT Lack of data START Miami MIAB 49914S003 2014-08-15 EVENT Lack of data END Miami MIAB 49914S003 2014-07-09 EVENT Lack of data START Terre-Adelie ADGB 91501S004 2014-06-12 EVENT Lack of data END Terre-Adelie ADGB 91501S004 2014-03-29 EVENT Lack of data START (problem of mazer) Marion-Island MATB 30313S004 2014-04-16 EVENT Lack of data END Marion-Island MATB 30313S004 2012-08-23 EVENT Lack of data START (antenna failure) Cold-Bay COBB 49804S004 2014-11-24 EVENT Lack of data END Cold-Bay COBB 49804S004 2014-08-14 EVENT Lack of data START (beacon failure) Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2015-07-17 EVENT BEACON CHANGED DORISstations 0109 Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2015-07-24 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED DORISstations 0108 Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2015-05-22 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 0107 Ponta-Delgada PDNC 31906S003 2015-04-14 EVENT invalid data (corrupted data) END dorisstations 0106 Ponta-Delgada PDNC 31906S003 2014-09-25 EVENT invalid data (corrupted data) START dorisstations 0106 Toulouse TLSB 10003S005 2015-04-17 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 0105 Toulouse TLSB 10003S005 2015-04-17 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 0104 Terre-Adelie ADHC 91501S005 2015-03-18 EVENT ADHC START dorismail 0966 Goldstone GONC 40405S043 2015-03-11 EVENT GONC START dorismail 0964 Kerguelen KEUC 91201S006 2015-01-27 EVENT KEUC START dorismail 0962 Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2014-12-12 EVENT KETB END dorismail 0962 Rothera ROWC 66007S005 2015-01-10 EVENT ROWC START dorismail 0961 Rothera ROVB 66007S004 2015-01-10 EVENT ROVB END dorismail 0961 Terre-Adelie ADGB 91501S004 2014-12-23 EVENT ADGB END dorismail 0966 Chatam CHAB 50207S001 2014-11-19 EVENT CHAB END dorismail 0948 Owenga OWEC 50253S001 2014-11-20 EVENT OWEC START dorismail 0947 Ponta-Delgada PDNC 31906S003 2014-09-25 EVENT PDNC START dorismail 0940 Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2014-09-24 EVENT PDMB END dorismail 0940 Marion-Island MAUB 30313S005 2014-04-16 EVENT MAUB START dorismail 0934 Marion-Island MATB 30313S004 2014-04-14 EVENT MATB END dorismail 0934 Syowa SYQB 66006S005 2014-02-06 EVENT SYQB START dorismail 0927 Syowa SYPB 66006S004 2014-01-30 EVENT SYPB END dorismail 0927 Socorro SOEB 40503S005 2014-04-25 EVENT SOEB START dorismail 0925 Socorro SODB 40503S004 2014-04-19 EVENT SODB END dorismail 0925 Cibinong CIDB 23101S003 2015-01-28 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 0103 Cold-Bay COBB 49804S004 2014-11-09 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 0102 Toulouse TLSB 10003S005 2014-02-06 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 2014/09/12 Toulouse TLSB 10003S005 2013-12-04 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 2014/09/12 Noumea NOXB 92701S004 2014-09-09 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2014/09/10 Le-Lamentin LAOB 97205S001 2014-07-18 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2014/07/21 Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2013-09-17 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 2014/07/01 Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2012-11-19 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 2014/07/01 Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2013-02-22 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 2014/07/01 Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2014-03-31 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 2014/07/01 Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2014-06-30 EVENT TRACKING OSCILLATOR CHANGED dorisstations 2014/07/01 Terre-Adelie ADGB 91501S004 2014-06-10 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2014/06/10 Amsterdam-Island AMVB 91401S005 2014-03-30 EVENT BEACON INSTALLED dorisstations 2014/03/31 Amsterdam-Island AMVB 91401S005 2014-03-21 EVENT BEACON REMOVED dorisstations 2014/03/31 Grasse GR4B 10002S019 2014-01-09 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2014/03/24 Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2014-03-24 EVENT BEACON INSTALLED dorisstations 2014/03/24 Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2014-03-24 EVENT BEACON REMOVED dorisstations 2014/03/24 Crozet CRQB 91301S003 2013-12-20 EVENT data gap END dorisstations 2014/01/13 Crozet CRQB 91301S003 2013-08-08 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2014/01/13 Crozet CRQB 91301S003 2013-12-19 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/12/19 St-John-s STKB 40101S003 2013-09-20 EVENT data gap END dorisstations 2013/11/15 St-John-s STKB 40101S003 2013-07-13 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2013/11/15 St-John-s STJB 40101S002 2013-07-12 EVENT data gap END dorisstations 2013/11/15 St-John-s STJB 40101S002 2013-04-21 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2013/11/15 Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2013-10-23 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/11/05 Betio BETB 50305S001 2013-09-07 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/09/09 Betio BETB 50305S001 2013-09-07 EVENT data gap END dorisstations 2013/09/09 Betio BETB 50305S001 2012-08-12 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2013/09/09 Dionysos DIOB 12602S012 2013-08-13 EVENT data gap END dorisstations 2013/09/09 Dionysos DIOB 12602S012 2013-07-16 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2013/09/09 Port-Moresby MOSB 51001S003 2013-06-26 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2013/09/09 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2013-07-17 EVENT data gap END dorisstations 2013/09/09 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2012-11-21 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2013/09/09 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2013-07-16 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/07/18 Male MALB 22901S002 2013-06-10 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/06/17 Male MALB 22901S002 2013-05-13 EVENT data gap END dorisstations 2013/06/04 Male MALB 22901S002 2013-09-23 EVENT data gap START dorisstations 2013/06/04 Kitab KIUB 12334S006 2013-05-27 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/05/28 Jiufeng JIVB 21602S006 2013-05-28 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/05/28 Jiufeng JIVB 21602S006 2013-05-27 EVENT invalid data END Jiufeng JIVB 21602S006 2013-08-13 EVENT invalid data START dorisstations 2013/05/16 Papeete PAUB 92201S010 2013-02-19 EVENT BEACON CHANGED dorisstations 2013/02/20 Grasse GR4B 10002S019 2013-07-27 EVENT GR4B START dorismail 0901 Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2013-07-27 EVENT GR3B END dorismail 0901 Le-Lamentin LAOB 97205S001 2013-06-29 EVENT LAOB START dorismail 0897 St-John-s STKB 40101S003 2013-07-13 EVENT STKB START dorismail 0896 St-John-s STJB 40101S002 2013-07-12 EVENT STJB END dorismail 0896 Jiufeng JIVB 21602S006 2012-10-12 EVENT JIVB START dorismail 0870 Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2012-10-11 EVENT JIUB END dorismail 0870 Mahe MAIB 39801S006 2012-12-07 EVENT MAIB START dorismail 0867 Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2012-12-06 EVENT MAHB END dorismail 0867 Port-Moresby MOSB 51001S003 2012-08-30 EVENT MOSB START dorismail 0865 Port-Moresby MORB 51001S002 2012-08-29 EVENT MOSB END dorismail 0865 Tristan-Da-cunha TRJB 30604S003 2012-06-11 EVENT TRJB START dorismail 0862 Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIB 30604S002 2012-06-11 EVENT TRJB START dorismail 0862 Futuna FUUB 92902S003 2012-05-18 EVENT FUUB START dorismail 0843 Futuna FUTB 92902S001 2012-05-17 EVENT FUTB END dorismail 0843 Metsahovi MEUB 10503S016 2012-06-29 EVENT MEUB START dorismail 0835 Metsahovi METB 10503S015 2012-06-28 EVENT METB END dorismail 0835 Greenbelt GRFB 40451S178 2012-05-14 EVENT GRFB START dorismail 0825 Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2012-05-13 EVENT GREB END dorismail 0825 Rio-Grande RIRB 41507S007 2012-03-29 EVENT RIRB START dorismail 0812 Rio-Grande RIQB 41507S006 2012-03-28 EVENT RIQB END dorismail 0812 Sal SALB 39601S002 2012-10-31 EVENT data gap (electrical problem) END dorisstations 2013/01/21 Sal SALB 39601S002 2012-09-03 EVENT data gap (electrical problem) START dorisstations 2013/01/21 Male MALB 22901S002 2012-09-23 EVENT data gap (charger problem) START dorisstations 2013/01/21 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2012-11-21 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2013/01/21 Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2013-01-15 EVENT data gap (software problem) END dorisstations 2013/01/21 Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2012-12-17 EVENT data gap (software problem) START dorisstations 2013/01/21 Djibouti DJIB 39901S003 2012-09-14 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2012/10/22 beacon changed Djibouti DJIB 39901S003 2012-07-17 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2012/10/22 Betio BETB 50305S001 2012-08-12 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2012/10/22 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2012-08-23 EVENT data gap (electric material failure) START dorisstations 2012/10/22 Sal SALB 39601S002 2012-06-12 EVENT data gap (electrical problem) END dorisstations 2012/07/27 Sal SALB 39601S002 2012-05-03 EVENT data gap (electrical problem) START dorisstations 2012/07/27 Male MALB 22901S002 2012-05-15 EVENT data gap (electric failure rif) END dorisstations 2012/07/09 electrical connection problems have led to some cuts from the station. Other shorter gaps occurred after this period, we'll keep you informed of the next events Male MALB 22901S002 2012-04-16 EVENT data gap (electric failure rif) START dorisstations 2012/07/09 Syowa SYPB 66006S003 2012-07-01 EVENT invalid data (problem RF) END dorisstations 2012/07/09 due to RF connection problem, the data were invalid during that period Syowa SYPB 66006S003 2012-04-07 EVENT invalid data (problem RF) START dorisstations 2012/07/09 Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2012-05-10 EVENT data gap (connection problem) END dorisstations 2012/05/29 connection repaired Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2012-04-03 EVENT data gap (connection problem) START dorisstations 2012/05/29 Reykjavik REZB 10202S003 2012-05-16 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2012/05/29 beacon changed Reykjavik REZB 10202S003 2012-02-22 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2012/05/29 Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2012-03-12 EVENT data gap (Beacon failure) END dorisstations 2012/05/10 Beacon replaced Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2011-10-25 EVENT data gap (Beacon failure) START dorisstations 2012/05/10 Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2012-03-12 EVENT data gap (Beacon failed) END dorisstations 2012/04/11 the beacon was replaced and the station has been working nominaly since March 12 2012 Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2011-10-25 EVENT data gap (Beacon failed) START dorisstations 2012/04/11 Cachoeira CADB 41609S002 2012-03-14 EVENT data gap (beacon interrupted due to works on site) END dorisstations 2012/04/11 the station has been working nominaly since March 14, 2012 Cachoeira CADB 41609S002 2011-05-02 EVENT data gap (beacon interrupted due to works on site) START dorisstations 2012/04/11 St-Helena HEMB 30606S004 2011-12-21 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2012/02/29 The beacon was replaced and the station has been working nominaly since December 21, 2011. St-Helena HEMB 30606S004 2011-08-11 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2012/02/29 Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2011-10-25 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2012/02/29 Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2011-11-02 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2011/11/29 The beacon was replaced by a new one (V3.2), it has been working nominaly since November 2, 2011. Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2011-08-31 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2011/11/29 St-Helena HEMB 30606S004 2011-08-11 EVENT data gap (Beacon failed) START dorisstations 2011/10/26 Manille MANB 22006S002 2011-10-19 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2011/10/26 The beacon has been replaced and the new one has been working nominaly since October 19, 2011. Manille MANB 22006S002 2010-12-28 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2011/10/26 Metsahovi METB 10503S015 2011-08-08 EVENT data gap (power outage following a storm) END dorisstations 2011/09/19 Metsahovi METB 10503S015 2011-07-14 EVENT data gap (power outage following a storm) START dorisstations 2011/09/19 Rikitea RIMB 92301S004 2011-07-31 EVENT RIMB START dorismail 0769 Rikitea RILB 92301S003 2011-07-31 EVENT RILB END dorismail 0769 Noumea NOXB 92701S004 2011-07-29 EVENT NOXB START dorismail 0768 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-07-27 EVENT NOWB END dorismail 0768 Papeete PAUB 92201S010 2009-11-19 EVENT PAUB START dorismail 0520 (change in beacon status from standard beacon (PATB) to master beacon (PAUB), but both points are exactly identical) Papeete PATB 92201S010 2009-11-16 EVENT PATB END dorismail 0520 Easter-Island EASB 41703S009 2011-07-05 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2011/08/08 The beacon has been replaced and the new one has been working nominaly since July 05, 2011. Easter-Island EASB 41703S009 2011-01-14 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2011/08/08 Rikitea RILB 92301S003 2011-04-08 EVENT invalid data and data gap (beacon and antenna failures) START dorisstations 2011/06/24 The beacon and the antenna are going to be replaced this summer, we'll let you know as soon as the station is operational again. Kourou KRWB 97301S006 2011-02-24 EVENT KRWB START dorismail 0755 Kourou KRVB 97301S004 2011-02-21 EVENT KRVB END dorismail 0755 Terre-Adelie ADGB 91501S004 2011-05-30 EVENT ADGB START dorismail 0754 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2011-05-30 EVENT ADFB END dorismail 0754 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2011-05-30 EVENT invalid data (problem of maser & antenna failure) END dorisstations 2011/06/08 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2011-01-16 EVENT invalid data (problem of maser & antenna failure) START dorisstations 2011/06/08 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-05-09 EVENT data gap (beacon replacement) START dorisstations 2011/05/13 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-04-20 EVENT data gap / invalid data END dorisstations 2011/05/13 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-03-19 EVENT data gap / invalid data START dorisstations 2011/05/13 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-02-25 EVENT data gap / invalid data END dorisstations 2011/05/13 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-02-12 EVENT data gap / invalid data START dorisstations 2011/05/13 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-01-25 EVENT data gap / invalid data END dorisstations 2011/05/13 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2011-01-07 EVENT data gap / invalid data START dorisstations 2011/05/13 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2011-03-17 EVENT invalid doris data (power flaws) END dorisstations 2011/04/18 the problem has been solved and the station has been working nominaly since March 17, 2011 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2010-12-09 EVENT invalid doris data (power flaws) START dorisstations 2011/04/18 Rothera ROVB 66007S004 2011-02-03 EVENT ROVB START dorismail 0743 Rothera ROUB 66007S003 2011-01-31 EVENT ROUB END dorismail 0743 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2011-01-16 EVENT invalid data (problem of maser) START dorisstations 2011/02/24 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2010-12-20 EVENT invalid data (problem of maser) END dorisstations 2011/02/24 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2010-12-18 EVENT invalid data (problem of maser) START dorisstations 2011/02/24 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2011-01-12 EVENT invalid data (problem of maser) END dorisstations 2011/02/24 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2010-12-23 EVENT invalid data (problem of maser) START dorisstations 2011/02/24 Cibinong CIDB 23101S003 2010-12-11 EVENT invalid data, then data gap (bacon/USO failure => beacon replacement) END dorisstations 2011/02/24 the beacon was replaced after an USO failure, and has been working nominaly since December 11, 2010. Cibinong CIDB 23101S003 2010-01-21 EVENT invalid data, then data gap (bacon/USO failure => beacon replacement) START dorisstations 2011/02/24 Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2010-12-09 EVENT invalid data (caesium failure) END dorisstations 2011/01/10 The caesium clock has been replaced and the data has been again since December 09, 2010. Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2010-09-30 EVENT invalid data (caesium failure) START dorisstations 2011/01/10 Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2010-11-04 EVENT invalid data (abnormal maser frequency drift) END dorisstations 2010/11/30 The analysis is still in progress, but the beacon has been and has been working nominaly since November 16, Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2010-09-07 EVENT invalid data (abnormal maser frequency drift) START dorisstations 2010/11/30 Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2010-11-04 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2010/11/30 The beacon has been replaced and the new one has been working nominaly since November 04, 2010. Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2010-08-10 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2010/11/30 Fairbanks FAIB 40408S005 2010-10-07 EVENT FAIB END dorismail 0729 Monument-Peak MOOB 40497S009 2010-02-06 EVENT MOOB END dorismail 0728 Cold-Bay COBB 49804S004 2010-11-12 EVENT COBB START dorismail 0718 Fairbanks FAIB 40408S005 2010-07-26 EVENT end of data (beacon failure - station stopped) START dorisstations 2010/11/18 Due to a beacon failure, no measurement has been received since July 26, later on, the the station was stopped. It will be replaced by the station of Coldbay in a few days. Toulouse TLSB 10003S005 2010-10-13 EVENT potential perturbation on DORIS data (wrong meteorological data (humidity, temperature)) START dorisstations 2010/11/17 the beacon will be replaced soon in 2011 Amsterdam-Island AMVB 91401S005 2010-09-17 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2010/11/17 The beacon has been replaced and the new one has been working nominaly since September 17, 2010. Amsterdam-Island AMVB 91401S005 2010-07-15 EVENT data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2010/11/17 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2010-08-31 EVENT invalid data (problem of mazer) END dorisstations 2010/10/06 The mazer has been repaired and the remote control has been installed in Yelloknife. The station has been working nominaly since August 31, 2010. Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2010-06-30 EVENT invalid data (problem of mazer) START dorisstations 2010/10/06 Ascension ASEB 30602S005 2010-08-03 EVENT data gap (station renovation) END dorisstations 2010/09/22 As described in the DORISmail 679, the station has been working nominaly since August 03, 2010. Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2010-07-16 EVENT Invalid data (Maser failure) END dorisstations 2010/08/23 the Maser has been replaced by a new one and the beacon has been working nominaly since july 16 Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2010-06-02 EVENT Invalid data (Maser failure) START dorisstations 2010/08/23 Ascension ASEB 30602S005 2010-06-14 EVENT ASEB START dorismail 0679 Ascension ASDB 30602S004 2009-06-25 EVENT ASDB END dorismail 0679 Santiago SANB 41705S009 2010-04-13 source Coordinates update dorismail 0659a Santiago SANB 41705S009 2010-02-27 EVENT Earthquake 8.8 dorismail 0659a Krasnoyarsk KRBB 12349S002 2009-10-24 EVENT KRBB Start dorismail 0641 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2010-05-21 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon failure and replacement) END dorisstations 2010/07/09 the beacon has been replaced by a new one and has been working nominaly since May 21, 2010 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2009-04-17 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon failure and replacement) START dorisstations 2010/07/09 Chatam CHAB 50207S001 2010-03-16 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon failed) END dorisstations 2010/04/13 the beacon has been replaced by a new one and has been working nominaly since March 16, 20 Chatam CHAB 50207S001 2009-12-13 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon failed) START dorisstations 2010/04/13 Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2009-05-06 EVENT DORIS data GAP (Beacon power cut off) END dorisstations 2010/03/18 The problem started with a power cut off, then, the difficult access to the island in winter explains the long period of unavailability of the data. Note also that the station works but with a low level of power. Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2008-08-01 EVENT DORIS data GAP (Beacon power cut off) START dorisstations 2010/03/18 Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2010-01-27 EVENT invalid DORIS data (Beacon in re-start mode) END dorisstations 2010/03/18 the beacon was not in nominal mode Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2009-11-24 EVENT invalid DORIS data (Beacon in re-start mode) START dorisstations 2010/03/18 Easter-Island EASB 41703S009 2010-01-10 EVENT DORIS data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2010/03/18 A new beacon has been sent. Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIB 30604S002 2010-01-23 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon failed) START dorisstations 2010/03/18 no reception of measurement from this station since January 23, 2010 Krasnoyarsk KRAB 12349S001 2010-01-21 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon replacement) END dorisstations 2010/03/18 The station was OFF since November 2005. A new DORIS beacon 3.0 was finally settled last September. Krasnoyarsk KRAB 12349S001 2005-11-25 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon replacement) START dorisstations 2010/03/18 Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2008-08-01 EVENT DORIS data GAP (Beacon power cut off) START dorisstations 2010/03/18 Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2009-05-06 EVENT DORIS data GAP (Beacon power cut off) END dorisstations 2010/03/18 The problem started with a power cut off, then, the difficult access to the island in winter explains the long period of unavailability of the data. Note also that the station works but with a low level of power. Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2008-08-01 EVENT DORIS data GAP (Beacon power cut off) START dorisstations 2010/03/18 Cibinong CIDB 23101S003 2009-11-12 EVENT invalid DORIS data (BEACON/USO failure) START dorisstations 2010/02/11 due to a USO stability problem the measurements from the station are invalid. It is planned to replace the beacon as soon = as possible. Manille MANB 22006S002 2010-01-15 EVENT invalid DORIS data (Beacon in re-start mode) END dorisstations 2010/02/11 the beacon was not in nominal mode Manille MANB 22006S002 2009-10-27 EVENT invalid DORIS data (Beacon in re-start mode) START dorisstations 2010/02/11 Monument-Peak MOOB 40497S009 2010-02-06 EVENT DORIS data gap / end of DATA (station stopped) START dorisstations 2010/02/10 Due to a problem of interference with the 2Ghz relay system of KFMB-TV, a CBS Television affiliate, the station has been stopped. Port-Moresby MORB 51001S002 2009-04-18 EVENT DORIS data gap (power cut off) START dorisstations 2010/01/29 due to several power cut off, the station has not been working nominaly and measurement have not been received continuously since April 2009. Sal SALB 39601S002 2009-11-12 EVENT invalid data (power cut off) END dorisstations 2010/01/29 Sal SALB 39601S002 2009-09-16 EVENT invalid data (power cut off) START dorisstations 2010/01/29 Socorro SODB 40503S004 2009-10-12 EVENT invalid DORIS data / DORIS data gap (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2010/01/29 The DORIS beacon (V1.0) of SOCCORO doesn't work any more. No measurement has been sent from SOCCORO since October 12, 2009. It is planned this year to renew the station and to replace the beacon by a beacon of the 3rd generation. Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2010-01-12 EVENT invalid DORIS data (beacon/MASER failure) END dorisstations 2010/01/29 The microprocessor control board on the MASER was failed, the measurements were corrupted during that period. Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2010-01-07 EVENT invalid DORIS data (beacon/MASER failure) START dorisstations 2010/01/29 Badary BADB 12338S002 2009-09-09 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon replacement) END dorisstations 2009/12/16 The station of BADARY was OFF since January 2005. Badary BADB 12338S002 2005-01-19 EVENT DORIS data gap (Beacon replacement) START dorisstations 2009/12/16 The station of BADARY was OFF since January 2005. Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIB 30604S002 2009-08-19 EVENT DORIS data GAP (beacon not scheduled on satellites) END dorisstations 2009/12/16 as announced in Nov 2008, No measure of TRIB was sent = The beacon was canceled on all satellites. After = beacon works but is not recognized by Spot4. = the beacon was rescheduled on all the satellites = Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIB 30604S002 2008-07-31 EVENT DORIS data GAP (beacon not scheduled on satellites) START dorisstations 2009/12/16 as announced in Nov 2008, No measure of TRIB was sent = The beacon was canceled on all satellites. After = beacon works but is not recognized by Spot4. = the beacon was rescheduled on all the satellites = Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2009-08-13 EVENT invalid DORIS data (synchronization problem between beacon and Caesium) END dorisstations 2009/09/02 "beacon  was  not in ""nominal"" mode during that period" Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2009-07-06 EVENT invalid DORIS data (synchronization problem between beacon and Caesium) START dorisstations 2009/09/02 Santa-Cruz SCRB 42005S001 2009-06-05 EVENT invalid DORIS data / DORIS data gap START (beacon failure) dorisstations 2009/08/06 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2009-06-08 EVENT invalid DORIS data (beacon failure) END dorisstations 2009/07/28 The failed beacon has been replaced by a new one and worked nominaly since June 8, 2009 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2009-04-30 EVENT invalid DORIS data (beacon failure) START dorisstations 2009/07/28 Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2009-06-12 EVENT invalid DORIS data / DORIS data gap END dorisstations 2009/07/28 The failed beacon has been replaced by a new one and worked nominaly since June 12, 2009. Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2008-12-20 EVENT invalid DORIS data / DORIS data gap START (beacon failure) dorisstations 2009/07/28 Ascension ASDB 30602S004 2009-04-05 EVENT Invalid DORIS data / DORIS data gap START ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/30 from April 5, 2009 the data were damaged due to antenna problem, then the beacon was stopped on June 25, 2009. Sal SALB 39601S002 2009-06-04 EVENT Invalid DORIS data END (beacon replacement) ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/29 The beacon failure was anounced by mail (Beacon events: SALB, May 6, 2009). The failed beacon has been replaced by and worked nominaly since June 04 , 2009. Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2009-05-27 EVENT Invalid DORIS data END ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/04 The failed beacon has been replaced by a new one and worked nominaly since May 27, 2009 Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2009-04-10 EVENT Invalid DORIS data START (beacon failure) ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/04 Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2009-04-19 EVENT Damaged DORIS data END ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/02 longitudinal impact on localization: about 50cm => DORIS data should not be used during that period Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2009-04-26 EVENT Damaged DORIS data START ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/02 Rikitea RILB 92301S003 2009-04-15 EVENT Data not to be used END ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/02 As announced in DORIS mail 559 (H. Fagard): on June 4, 2008, a shift of the DORIS antenna at Rikitea (RIKB) led to an offset of 5cm horizontally. Then,  the tower has been repaired, and  the new antenna reference point is identified as RILB ( March 2009), see DORISmail 595 from H. Fagard.  From mid of April 2009, valid DORIS DATA are received from RILB. Rikitea RILB 92301S003 2009-03-13 EVENT Data not to be used START (RILB START) ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/02 Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2009-03-11 EVENT Data not to be used END (RIKB END) ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/02 Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2008-06-14 EVENT Data not to be used START ids.analysis.forum 2009/06/02 Sal SALB 39601S002 2009-02-14 EVENT Corrupted data START ids.analysis.forum 2009/05/06 Male MALB 22901S002 2009-04-06 EVENT Corrupted data END ids.analysis.forum 2009/05/06 Male MALB 22901S002 2009-02-02 EVENT Corrupted data START ids.analysis.forum 2009/05/06 Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2009-04-06 EVENT Corrupted data END ids.analysis.forum 2009/05/06 Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2009-03-10 EVENT Corrupted data START ids.analysis.forum 2009/05/06 Libreville LICB 32809S004 2009-05-01 EVENT Corrupted data END ids.analysis.forum 2009/05/06 Libreville LICB 32809S004 2009-02-19 EVENT Corrupted data START ids.analysis.forum 2009/05/06 Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2009-04-06 EVENT Corrupted data END ids.analysis.forum 2009/04/22 Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2009-03-28 EVENT Corrupted data START (abnormal frequency bias) ids.analysis.forum 2009/04/22 Amsterdam AMVB 91401S005 2009-04-08 EVENT AMVB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0598 Amsterdam AMUB 91401S004 2009-04-07 EVENT AMUB END dorismail 0598 Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2009-04-16 source Antenna centering control dorismail 0596 Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2009-03-31 EVENT "antenna verticality adjusted; back to the initial position of 2007-04-11 within 1 mm" dorismail 0596 Rikitea RILB 92301S003 2009-03-13 EVENT RILB START - Antenna support repair dorismail 0595 Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2009-03-11 EVENT RIKB END dorismail 0595 Crozet CRQB 91301S003 2009-03-27 EVENT CRQB START - Antenna change and raising dorismail 0593 Crozet CRPB 91301S002 2009-03-25 EVENT CRPB END dorismail 0593 Arequipa ARFB 42202S007 2009-03-02 EVENT Corrupted data END ids.analysis.forum 2009/03/17 Arequipa ARFB 42202S007 2009-02-08 EVENT Corrupted data START (beacon failure suspected) ids.analysis.forum 2009/03/17 and 2009/03/05 La-Reunion REUB 97401S002 2009-02-18 EVENT Lack of data END (beacon replacement) ids.analysis.forum 2009/02/24 La-Reunion REUB 97401S002 2009-01-10 EVENT Lack of data START (beacon failure) ids.analysis.forum 2009/02/24 Cibinong CIDB 23101S003 2009-01-07 EVENT CIDB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0574 Cibinong CICB 23101S002 2009-01-05 EVENT CICB END dorismail 0574 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2008-12-26 EVENT Lack of data START Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2008-12-20 EVENT Corrupted data START (USO problem) ids.analysis.forum 2009/02/25 Futuna FUTB 92902S001 2008-12-16 EVENT Lack of data START (power and PC problems) ids.analysis.forum 2009/02/11 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2008-12-11 EVENT Lack of data END Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2008-12-04 EVENT Lack of data END Amsterdam AMUB 91401S004 2008-12-04 EVENT => 2009-04-07* 2mm offset dorismail 0598 Amsterdam AMUB 91401S004 2008-12-04 EVENT Antenna change and transmissions resumed immediately after the change dorismail 0566 Amsterdam AMUB 91401S003 2008-12-04 EVENT Lack of data END Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2008-11-26 EVENT => 2009-03-31* sligthly offset (3 mm west, 3mm south) wrt to the initial position dorismail 0596 Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2008-11-26 EVENT Antenna change and transmissions resumed immediately after the change dorismail 0565 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2008-11-14 EVENT Lack of data START Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2008-11-13 EVENT Lack of data START Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2008-10-24 source Antenna accidental displacement dorismail 0559 Grasse GR3B 10002S018 2008-10-02 EVENT GR3B START - New station dedicated to the T2L2 technical experience dorismail 0557 Everest EVEB 21501S001 2008-09-23 EVENT Lack of data END Santa-Cruz SCRB 42005S001 2008-09-15 EVENT Lack of data END Amsterdam AMUB 91401S003 2008-09-14 EVENT Lack of data START (Antenna problem) Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2008-09-11 EVENT Lack of data START (Antenna problem) Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2008-09-09 EVENT Station down due to antenna failure dorismail 0565 Port-Moresby MORB 51001S002 2008-09-04 EVENT Lack of data END Male MALB 22901S002 2008-08-20 EVENT Lack of data END Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2008-08-08 EVENT Lack of data START Port-Moresby MORB 51001S002 2008-08-06 EVENT Lack of data START Everest EVEB 21501S001 2008-07-30 EVENT Lack of data START La-Reunion REUB 97401S002 2008-07-29 EVENT Corrupted data END Male MALB 22901S002 2008-07-13 EVENT Lack of data START Male MALB 22901S002 2008-07-09 EVENT Lack of data END Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2008-07-07 EVENT Lack of data END Rio-Grande RIQB 41507S006 2008-07-03 source Erratum: coordinates dorismail 0543 Sal SALB 39601S002 2008-07-01 EVENT Lack of data END Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2008-06-07 EVENT Corrupted data END Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2008-06-04 EVENT => 2009-03-11* 74 mm offset after car bump dorismail 595 Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2008-06-04 EVENT Corrupted data START (antenna drift) Santa-Cruz SCRB 42005S001 2008-06-01 EVENT Lack of data START Everest EVEB 21501S001 2008-05-31 EVENT Lack of data END Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2008-05-28 EVENT Lack of data START Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2008-05-24 EVENT Lack of data END Betio BETB 50305S001 2008-05-22 EVENT Lack of data END Male MALB 22901S002 2008-05-05 EVENT Lack of data START Sal SALB 39601S002 2008-05-04 EVENT Lack of data START La-Reunion REUB 97401S002 2008-04-24 EVENT Corrupted data START (connection problem) Rio-Grande RIQB 41507S006 2008-04-17 EVENT RIQB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0536 Rio-Grande RIPB 41507S005 2008-04-15 EVENT RIPB END dorismail 0536 Mahe-Island MAHB 39801S005 2008-03-25 EVENT Lack of data START Everest EVEB 21501S001 2008-03-23 EVENT Lack of data START Betio BETB 50305S001 2008-03-08 EVENT Lack of data START Santiago SANB 41705S009 2008-03-04 EVENT Lack of data END Manilla MANB 22006S002 2008-03-03 EVENT Lack of data END Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2008-02-25 EVENT Lack of data END Thule THUB 43001S005 2008-02-19 EVENT Lack of data END Terre-Adelie ADFB 91501S003 2008-02-08 EVENT ADFB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0533 Terre-Adelie ADEB 91501S002 2008-02-06 EVENT ADEB END dorismail 0533 Everest EVEB 21501S001 2008-02-04 EVENT Lack of data END Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2008-02-02 EVENT Lack of data END Sal SALB 39601S002 2008-01-29 EVENT Lack of data END Santiago SANB 41705S009 2008-01-16 EVENT Lack of data START Santiago SANB 41705S009 2008-01-16 EVENT Corrupted data END Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2008-01-15 EVENT Lack of data START Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2008-01-14 EVENT Lack of data END Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2008-01-05 EVENT Corrupted data START (antenna problem) Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2008-01-05 EVENT Lack of data END Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2008-01-02 EVENT Lack of data START Santiago SANB 41705S009 2007-12-31 EVENT Corrupted data START (beacon problem) Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2007-12-14 EVENT Lack of data END Monument-Peak MOOB 40497S009 2007-12-14 EVENT MOOB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0526 Monument-Peak MONB 40497S008 2007-12-12 EVENT MONB END dorismail 0526 Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2007-12-02 EVENT Corrupted data END Papeete PATB 92201S010 2007-11-13 source Erratum: DOMES number dorismail 0520 Rothera ROUB 66007S003 2007-11-13 EVENT ROUB START - Antenna change and raising dorismail 0521 Thule THUB 43001S005 2007-11-01 EVENT Lack of data START Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2007-10-29 EVENT Lack of data START Kourou KRVB 97301S004 2007-10-28 EVENT Lack of data END Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2007-10-17 EVENT Lack of data START Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIB 30604S002 2007-10-16 EVENT Lack of data END Everest EVEB 21501S001 2007-10-15 EVENT Lack of data START Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2007-10-09 EVENT Lack of data END Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2007-10-05 EVENT Lack of data START Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2007-10-02 EVENT Corrupted data START Papeete PATB 92201S010 2007-10-02 EVENT PATB START - Equipment upgrade (antenna,cables) dorismail 0518 Papeete PAQB 92201S008 2007-10-01 EVENT PAQB END dorismail 0518 Sal SALB 39601S002 2007-09-30 EVENT Lack of data START Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2007-09-03 EVENT Lack of data START Kourou KRVB 97301S004 2007-08-15 EVENT Lack of data START Manilla MANB 22006S002 2007-08-03 EVENT Lack of data START Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2007-08-02 EVENT Corrupted data END Rothera ROTB 66007S002 2007-07-17 EVENT ROTB END dorismail 0521 Toulouse TLSB 10003S005 2007-07-04 EVENT TLSB START - Antenna change dorismail 0504 Toulouse TLHA 10003S003 2007-07-03 EVENT TLHA END dorismail 0504 Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIB 30604S002 2007-06-17 EVENT Lack of data START Papeete PAQB 92201S007 2007-06-05 EVENT Lack of data END Yellowknife YEMB 40127S009 2007-05-16 EVENT YEMB START - Antenna change and raising dorismail 0499 Yellowknife YELB 40127S008 2007-05-15 EVENT YELB END dorismail 0499 Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2007-05-08 EVENT Lack of data END Ascension ASDB 30602S004 2007-04-17 source Antenna tilt dorismail 0492 Amsterdam AMUB 91401S004 2007-04-17 EVENT AMUB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0497 Amsterdam AMTB 91401S003 2007-04-17 EVENT AMTB END dorismail 0497 Kerguelen KETB 91201S005 2007-04-11 EVENT KETB START - Antenna change and raising dorismail 0493 Kerguelen KESB 91201S004 2007-04-10 EVENT KESB END dorismail 0493 Papeete PAQB 92201S007 2007-04-07 EVENT Lack of data START Crozet CRPB 91301S002 2007-04-05 EVENT CRPB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0491 Crozet CROB 91301S001 2007-04-05 EVENT CROB END dorismail 0491 Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2007-04-03 EVENT Corrupted data START (connection problem) Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2007-04-03 EVENT Lack of data END Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2007-03-16 EVENT Lack of data START Easter-Island EASB 41703S009 2007-03-09 EVENT Lack of data END Socorro SODB 40503S004 2007-02-26 EVENT Lack of data END Rapa RAQB 92403S007 2007-02-19 source Station removed dorismail 0482 Belgrano BEMB 66018S002 2007-02-18 EVENT Lack of data END Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2007-02-11 EVENT Lack of data END Mount-Stromlo MSPB 50119S004 2007-01-13 EVENT Lack of data END Ascension ASDB 30602S004 2007-01-08 source Corrupted data START (antenna tilt) Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2006-12-17 EVENT Lack of data START Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2006-12-07 EVENT Lack of data START Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2006-12-07 EVENT Corrupted data END Manilla MANB 22006S002 2006-11-22 EVENT Lack of data END Hartebeesthoek HBMB 30302S008 2006-11-22 EVENT HBMB START - Antenna raising dorismail 0474 Hartebeesthoek HBLB 30302S006 2006-11-21 EVENT HBLB END dorismail 0474 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2006-11-09 EVENT Antenna change, centred (NB: the DOMES number is wrong in the DORISmail) dorismail 0479 Sal SALB 39601S002 2006-10-30 EVENT Lack of data END Socorro SODB 40503S004 2006-10-25 source Lack of data START Betio BETB 50305S001 2006-10-22 EVENT BETB START - New site dorismail 0466 Manilla MANB 22006S002 2006-09-28 EVENT Lack of data START Easter-Island EASB 41703S009 2006-09-26 EVENT Lack of data START Rikitea RIKB 92301S002 2006-09-23 EVENT RIKB START - New site dorismail 0463 Sal SALB 39601S002 2006-09-18 EVENT Lack of data START Manilla MANB 22006S002 2006-09-14 EVENT Lack of data END St-John-s STJB 40101S002 2006-08-30 EVENT Lack of data END Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2006-08-24 EVENT Lack of data END Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2006-08-23 EVENT Lack of data END Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2006-08-05 EVENT Corrupted data START (antenna problem) Mount-Stromlo MSPB 50119S004 2006-08-03 EVENT Lack of data START Arequipa ARFB 42202S007 2006-08-02 EVENT ARFB START - Upgrade and antenna raising dorismail 0458 Arequipa AREB 42202S006 2006-08-02 EVENT AREB END dorismail 0458 Manilla MANB 22006S002 2006-08-01 EVENT Lack of data START Belgrano BEMB 66018S002 2006-07-31 EVENT Lack of data START Cachoeira CADB 41609S002 2006-07-23 EVENT Lack of data END Everest EVEB 21501S001 2006-07-15 EVENT Corrupted data END Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2006-07-13 EVENT Lack of data START Thule THUB 43001S005 2006-07-10 EVENT Lack of data END Djibouti DJIB 39901S003 2006-06-28 EVENT Antenna change dorismail 0456 Djibouti DJIB 39901S003 2006-06-27 EVENT Lack of data END Hartebeesthoek HBKB 30302S006 2006-06-13 EVENT Lack of data END Djibouti DJIB 39901S003 2006-06-12 source Antenna plate corrosion dorismail 0454 St-John-s STJB 40101S002 2006-06-07 EVENT Lack of data START Cibinong CICB 23101S002 2006-06-05 EVENT Lack of data END Cachoeira CADB 41609S002 2006-06-05 EVENT Lack of data START Everest EVEB 21501S001 2006-06-01 EVENT Corrupted data START (beacon problem) Dionysos DIOB 12602S012 2006-05-17 EVENT DIOB START dorismail 0452 Dionysos DIOA 12602S011 2006-05-17 EVENT DIOA END dorismail 0452 Dionysos DIOA 12602S011 2006-05-09 EVENT => 2006-05-16* Beacon switched back on but data incomplete dorismail 0452 Thule THUB 43001S005 2006-05-04 EVENT Lack of data START Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2006-04-29 EVENT Corrupted data END Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2006-04-29 EVENT => 2006-11-07* Repaired, slightly skew (1 cm towards NW) dorismail 0479 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2006-04-29 EVENT Antenna repaired dorismail 0453 Sal SALB 39601S002 2006-04-25 EVENT Lack of data END Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2006-04-14 EVENT Corrupted data START (antenna drift) Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2006-04-14 EVENT Antenna found broken dorismail 0453 Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2006-04-13 EVENT Lack of data START Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2006-04-13 EVENT => 2006-04-28* Broken, skew (8 cm towards ESE) dorismail 0479 Hartebeesthoek HBKB 30302S006 2006-03-27 EVENT Lack of data START Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2006-03-12 EVENT Lack of data END Sal SALB 39601S002 2006-03-02 EVENT Lack of data START Cibinong CICB 23101S002 2006-02-14 EVENT Lack of data START Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2006-01-19 EVENT Lack of data START Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2006-01-19 EVENT Lack of data END Dionysos DIOA 12602S011 2005-12-14 EVENT Transmission stopped dorismail 0452 Amsterdam AMTB 91401S003 2005-12-04 EVENT Lack of data END Monument-Peak MONB 40497S008 2005-11-30 EVENT MONB START - New site dorismail 0430 Libreville LICB 32809S004 2005-11-30 EVENT LICB START dorismail 0432 Libreville LIBB 32809S003 2005-11-28 EVENT LIBB END dorismail 0432 Krasnoiarsk KRAB 12349S001 2005-11-25 EVENT Lack of data START Krasnoiarsk KRAB 12349S001 2005-11-25 EVENT Corrupted data END Djibouti DJIB 39901S003 2005-11-24 EVENT Lack of data START Amsterdam AMTB 91401S003 2005-11-24 EVENT => 2007-04-17* Stable and offset dorismail 0497 Amsterdam AMTB 91401S003 2005-11-24 EVENT Antenna change dorismail 0497 Dionysos DIOA 12602S011 2005-11-10 EVENT Lack of data END Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2005-11-01 EVENT Lack of data END Rio-Grande RIPB 41507S005 2005-10-25 EVENT Lack of data START Kerguelen KESB 91201S004 2005-10-19 EVENT Lack of data END Dionysos DIOA 12602S011 2005-09-30 EVENT Lack of data START Colombo COLA 23501S001 2005-09-20 EVENT Station removed dorismail 0407 Hartebeesthoek HBLB 30302S006 2005-09-12 EVENT HBLB START dorismail 0474 (change in beacon status from standard beacon (HBKB) to master beacon (HBLB), but both points are exactly identical) Hartebeesthoek HBKB 30302S006 2005-09-11 EVENT HBKB END dorismail 0474 Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2005-09-11 EVENT Lack of data START Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2005-09-11 EVENT Corrupted data END Amsterdam AMTB 91401S003 2005-09-08 EVENT Lack of data START Noumea NOWB 92701S003 2005-08-25 EVENT NOWB START dorismail 0399 Sal SALB 39601S002 2005-07-28 EVENT Lack of data END Manilla MANB 22006S002 2005-07-19 source Antenna displacement survey dorismail 0395 Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2005-07-15 EVENT Corrupted data START (beacon problem) Manilla MANB 22006S002 2005-06-30 EVENT => xx.xx.xx New position dorismail 0395 Mahe MAHB 39801S005 2005-06-24 EVENT Lack of data END Krasnoiarsk KRAB 12349S001 2005-06-13 EVENT Corrupted data START (beacon problem) St-John-s STJB 40101S002 2005-06-08 EVENT Lack of data END Rio-Grande RIPB 41507S005 2005-06-06 EVENT Lack of data END Metsahovi METB 10503S015 2005-05-30 EVENT Corrupted data END Kerguelen KESB 91201S004 2005-05-13 EVENT Lack of data START Ascension ASDB 30602S004 2005-04-27 EVENT Lack of data END Metsahovi METB 10503S015 2005-04-07 EVENT Corrupted data START (parafoudre défectueux) Santa-Cruz SCRB 42005S001 2005-04-03 EVENT SCRB START - New site frequency shift START K=+12 dorismail 0379 Sal SALB 39601S002 2005-03-25 EVENT Lack of data START Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2005-03-11 EVENT Lack of data START Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2005-03-11 EVENT Corrupted data END Rothera ROTB 66007S002 2005-03-01 EVENT ROTB START dorismail 0375 Belgrano BEMB 66018S002 2005-02-21 EVENT BEMB START - Upgrade dorismail 0393 Everest EVEB 21501S001 2005-02-14 EVENT Lack of data END Miami MIAB 49914S003 2005-02-10 EVENT MIAB START - Replaces RIDA dorismail 0374 Richmond RIDA 40499S016 2005-02-09 EVENT RIDA END - Replaced by MIAB dorismail 0374 Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2005-02-06 EVENT Corrupted data START (beacon problem) Manilla MANB 22006S002 2005-02-03 EVENT Lack of data END Male MALB 22901S002 2005-01-15 EVENT MALB START - New site frequency shift START K=-12 dorismail 0371 Ascension ASDB 30602S004 2005-01-12 EVENT Lack of data START St-John-s STJB 40101S002 2005-01-06 EVENT Lack of data START Colombo COLA 23501S001 2004-10-19 EVENT COLA END - Thunderstorm dorismail 0407 Everest EVEB 21501S001 2004-10-13 EVENT Lack of data START Manilla MANB 22006S002 2004-10-04 EVENT => 29.06.05* Antenna displacement (loose foot) dorismail 0395 Reykjavik REZB 10202S003 2004-09-02 EVENT REZB START dorismail 0355 Reykjavik REYB 10202S002 2004-09-01 EVENT REYB END dorismail 0355 Reykjavik REYB 10202S002 2004-09-01 source Phase center tilted dorismail 0355 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2004-08-21 EVENT => 12.04.06* OK and centred dorismail 0479 Marion-Island MATB 30313S003 2004-08-21 EVENT MATB START dorismail 0348 Sakhalinsk SAKB 12329S002 2004-08-19 EVENT SAKB START - New antenna dorismail 0341 Sakhalinsk SAKA 12329S001 2004-08-17 EVENT SAKA END dorismail 0341 Marion-Island MARB 30313S002 2004-08-15 EVENT MARB END dorismail 0348 Badary BADB 12338S002 2004-08-11 EVENT BADB START dorismail 0340 Marion-Island MARB 30313S002 2004-08-03 source Antenna drift dorismail 0335 Manilla MANB 22006S002 2004-07-18 EVENT Lack of data START Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2004-05-08 EVENT Lack of data START Rothera ROTA 66007S001 2004-03-31 EVENT ROTA END dorismail 0375 Cachoeira CADB 41609S002 2004-03-25 EVENT CADB START dorismail 0312 Belgrano BELB 66018S001 2004-02-06 EVENT BELB START - New site dorismail 0306 Mount-Stromlo MSPB 50119S004 2004-01-07 EVENT MSPB START dorismail 0313 Jiufeng JIUB 21602S005 2003-12-10 EVENT JIUB START - New site (frequency shift K=+18) dorismail 0283 Crozet CROB 91301S001 2003-12-21 EVENT CROB START - New site dorismail 0299 Yarragadee YASB 50107S011 2003-11-27 EVENT YASB START dorismail 0282 Yarragadee YARB 50107S010 2003-11-27 EVENT YARB END dorismail 0282 Gavdos GAVB 12618S001 2003-09-27 EVENT GAVB START - New station dorismail 0266 Wettzell WETB 14201S042 2003-05-20 EVENT WETB START - New station (frequency shift: K=+12) dorismail 0243 Futuna FUTB 92902S001 2003-05-16 source Coordinates update dorismail 0241 Cachoeira CACB 41609S001 2003-03-31 source CACB END dorismail 0312 St-Helena HEMB 30606S004 2003-03-21 EVENT HEMB START (new antenna) dorismail 0236 Ascension ASDB 30602S004 2003-03-16 EVENT ASDB New antenna dorismail 0235 Manilla MANB 22006S002 2003-02-26 EVENT => xx.10.04 Ref. position dorismail 0395 Manilla MANB 22006S002 2003-02-26 EVENT MANB START dorismail 0232 Manilla MANA 22006S001 2003-02-24 EVENT MANA END dorismail 0232 Mount-Stromlo MSOB 50119S002 2003-01-18 EVENT MSOB END (destroyed by fire) dorismail 0217 Sal SALB 39601S002 2002-12-12 EVENT SALB START - New site dorismail 0216 Kauai KOLB 40424S009 2002-11-17 EVENT KOLB START dorismail 0208 Thule THUB 43001S005 2002-11-15 EVENT THUB Re-START dorismail 0207 Kauai KOKA 40424S008 2002-11-12 EVENT KOKA END dorismail 0208 Guam GUAB 50501S001 2002-10-29 source GUAB Antenna damaged dorismail 0204 Guam GUAB 50501S001 2002-04-10 EVENT GUAB END dorismail 0389 Noumea NOUB 92701S002 2002-10-01 source NOUB END dorismail 0399 Thule THUB 43001S005 2002-09-28 EVENT THUB START and damaged - New site dorismail 0205 Badary BADA 12338S001 2002-08-23 source BADA END dorismail 0340 St-Helena HELB 30606S003 2002-08-13 source Antenna drift (update) dorismail 0199 St-Helena HELB 30606S003 2002-08-09 source Antenna drift dorismail 0198 Noumea NOUB 92701S002 2002-06-25 source Improved coordinates dorismail 0194 Arequipa AREB 42202S006 2002-06-25 source Improved coordinates dorismail 0194 Port-Moresby MORB 51001S002 2002-03-21 EVENT MORB START dorismail 0185 Port-Moresby MORA 51001S001 2002-03-18 EVENT MORA END dorismail 0185 Terre-Adelie ADEB 91501S002 2002-03-01 EVENT ADEB START dorismail 0182 Terre-Adelie ADEA 91501S001 2002-03-01 EVENT ADEA END dorismail 0182 Ajaccio AJAB 10077S002 2002-02-13 EVENT AJAB START - Temp. station dorismail 0181 Arequipa AREB 42202S006 2002-01-30 source AREB coordinates dorismail 0163 Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIB 30604S002 2002-01-24 EVENT TRIB START dorismail 0172 Noumea NOUB 92701S002 2001-12-25 EVENT NOUB START dorismail 0174 Noumea NOUA 92701S001 2001-12-01 EVENT NOUA END dorismail 0174 Chatham CHAB 50207S002 2001-11-29 EVENT Antenna strengthened dorismail 00158a Arequipa AREB 42202S006 2001-11-21 EVENT AREB START dorismail 00146a Arequipa AREA 42202S005 2001-11-20 EVENT AREA END dorismail 00146a Yellowknife YELB 40127S008 2001-11-19 EVENT YELB START dorismail 0145 Yellowknife YELA 40127S007 2001-11-16 EVENT YELA END dorismail 0145 Ponta-Delgada PDMB 31906S002 2001-08-22 EVENT PDMB START dorismail 0142 Ponta-Delgada PDLB 31906S001 2001-08-21 EVENT PDLB END dorismail 0142 Mahe Island MAHB 39801S005 2001-06-20 EVENT MAHB START - New site dorismail 0137 Kerguelen KESB 91201S004 2001-05-28 source Erratum:ITRF97 velocities dorismail 0131 Tristan-Da-Cunha TRIA 30604S001 2001-05-23 EVENT TRIA END dorismail 0172 Kitab KIUB 12334S006 2001-04-25 EVENT KIUB START dorismail 0130 Kitab KITB 12334S005 2001-04-24 EVENT KITB END dorismail 0130 Kerguelen KESB 91201S004 2001-04-04 EVENT KESB START dorismail 0129 Kerguelen KERB 91201S003 2001-04-01 EVENT KERB END dorismail 0129 Amsterdam AMTB 91401S003 2001-03-29 EVENT => 2005-11-24* Stable and centred dorismail 0497 Amsterdam AMTB 91401S003 2001-03-28 EVENT AMTB START dorismail 0128 Amsterdam AMSB 91401S002 2001-03-28 EVENT AMSB END dorismail 0128 Santiago SANB 41705S009 2001-02-28 EVENT SANB START dorismail 0121 Easter-Island EASB 41703S009 2001-02-26 EVENT EASB START dorismail 0122 Easter-Island EASA 41703S008 2001-02-23 EVENT EASA END dorismail 0122 Santiago SAOB 41705S008 2001-02-20 EVENT SAOB END dorismail 0121 Rio-Grande RIPB 41507S005 2001-01-10 EVENT RIPB START dorismail 0122 Rio-Grande RIOB 41507S004 2001-01-08 EVENT RIOB END dorismail 0122 Amsterdam AMSB 91401S002 2000-12-28 source Antenna drift dorismail 0114 Futuna FUTB 92902S001 2000-12-13 EVENT FUTB START - Repl. WALA dorismail 0115 Cibinong CICB 23101S002 2000-12-12 EVENT CICB START dorismail 0113 Cibinong CIBB 23101S001 2000-12-11 EVENT CIBB END dorismail 0113 Wallis WALA 92901S001 2000-12-08 EVENT WALA END - Repl. FUTB dorismail 0115 Ottawa OTTB 40102S011 2000-11-06 source OTTB END dorismail 0106 Fairbanks FAIB 40408S005 2000-11-06 source Error in local tie dorismail 0107 Metsahovi METB 10503S015 2000-10-26 EVENT METB START dorismail 0109 Metsahovi META 10503S013 2000-10-26 EVENT META END dorismail 0109 Hartebeesthoek HBKB 30302S006 2000-08-10 EVENT HBKB START dorismail 0103 Hartebeesthoek HBLA 30302S005 2000-08-10 EVENT HBLA END dorismail 0103 Djibouti DJIB 39901S003 2000-07-04 EVENT DJIB START dorismail 0102 Djibouti DJIA 39901S002 2000-07-04 EVENT DJIA END dorismail 0102 Greenbelt GREB 40451S176 2000-06-29 EVENT GREB START - New site dorismail 0101 Fairbanks FAIB 40408S005 1999-10-08 EVENT FAIB START dorismail 0084 Yarragadee YARB 50107S010 1999-10-05 EVENT YARB START dorismail 0085 Fairbanks FAIA 40408S004 1999-10-05 EVENT FAIA END dorismail 0084 Yarragadee YARA 50107S006 1999-10-04 EVENT YARA END dorismail 0085 St-John-s STJB 40101S002 1999-09-26 EVENT STJB START - New site dorismail 0086 Arlit ARMA 33710S002 1999-07-31 EVENT ARMA END dorismail 0384 Ny-Alesund SPIB 10317S004 1999-07-29 EVENT SPIB START dorismail 0078 Marion-Island MARB 30313S002 1999-05-31 EVENT MARB START dorismail 0080 Ascension ASDB 30602S004 1999-04-08 EVENT ASDB Re-START dorismail 0074 Ny-Alesund SPIA 10317S002 1999-03-31 EVENT SPIA END dorismail 0078 Chatham CHAB 50207S001 1999-02-28 EVENT CHAB START - New site dorismail 0072 Libreville LIBB 32809S003 1999-02-09 EVENT LIBB START dorismail 0071 Libreville LIBA 32809S002 1999-02-02 EVENT LIBA END dorismail 0071 Syowa SYPB 66006S003 1999-01-31 EVENT SYPB START dorismail 0073 Ottowa OTTA 40102S000 1999-01-04 source Antenna falls, moving and change dorismail 0062 La-Reunion REUB 97401S002 1998-12-16 EVENT REUB START dorismail 0066 La-Reunion REUA 97401S001 1998-12-10 EVENT REUA END dorismail 0066 Ponta-Delgada PDLB 31906S001 1998-11-22 EVENT PDLB START - New site dorismail 0065 Reykjavik REYB 10202S002 1998-10-22 source Erratum: dates END/START dorismail 0054 Mount-Stromlo MSOB 50119S002 1998-10-22 EVENT MSOB START - Repl. ORRB dorismail 0055 Orroral ORRB 50103S202 1998-10-10 EVENT ORRB END dorismail 0055 Reykjavik REYB 10202S002 1998-08-26 EVENT REYB START dorismail 0052 Reykjavik REYA 10202S001 1998-08-24 EVENT REYA END dorismail 0052 Marion-Island MARA 30313S001 1998-07-07 EVENT MARA END dorismail 0050 Socorro SODB 40503S004 1998-06-08 source Erratum: SODB height dorismail 0046 Socorro SODA 40503S003 1998-06-05 source SODA END dorismail 0045 Socorro SODB 40503S004 1998-05-20 EVENT SODB START dorismail 0045 Syowa SYOB 66006S001 1998-05-03 EVENT SYOB END dorismail 0048 Papeete PAQB 92201S008 1998-04-19 EVENT PAQB START dorismail 0044 Papeete PAPB 92201S007 1998-04-17 EVENT PAPB END dorismail 0044 Paramushir PASB .....S... 1998-02-25 source Antenna fall dorismail 0036 Ottowa OTTB 40102S011 1998-01-29 EVENT OTTB START dorismail 0030 Ottowa OTTA 40102S010 1998-01-28 EVENT OTTA END dorismail 0030 Ottowa OTTA 40102S010 1998-01-04 EVENT => 1998-01-28* dubious position (3rd fall) dorismail 0062 Santa-Maria SAMB 31903S001 1997-11-22 EVENT SAMB END dorismail 0025 Socorro SODA 40503S003 1997-09-22 EVENT Hurricane damage dorismail 0034 Toulouse TLHA 10003S003 1997-08-12 EVENT TLHA START dorismail 0020 Hartebeesthoek HBLA 30302S005 1997-05-30 EVENT HBLA START dorismail 0019 Hartebeesthoek HBKA 30302S202 1997-05-23 EVENT HBKA END dorismail 0019 Amsterdam AMSB 91401S002 1997-04-21 EVENT => 2001-03-28* Progressive tilt dorismail 0497 Amsterdam AMSB 91401S002 1997-04-21 EVENT AMSB START dorismail 0018 Amsterdam AMSA 91401S001 1997-04-21 EVENT AMSA END dorismail 0598 St-Helena HELB 30606S003 1997-04-09 EVENT HELB START dorismail 0017 St-Helena HELA 30606S002 1997-04-08 EVENT HELA END dorismail 0017 Ascension ASDB 30602S004 1997-02-28 EVENT ASDB START - New site dorismail 0014 Orroral ORRB 50103S202 1997-01-12 EVENT ORRB START dorismail 0012 Santiago SAOB 41705S008 1996-12-05 EVENT SAOB START dorismail 0009 Goldstone GOMB 40405S037 1996-09-25 EVENT GOMB START dorismail 0005 Goldstone GOMA 40405S005 1996-09-16 EVENT GOMA END dorismail 0005 Kitab KITB 12334S005 1996-05-22 EVENT KITB START dorismail 0002 Kitab KITA 12334S004 1996-05-21 EVENT KITA END dorismail 0002 Rapa RAQB 92403S007 1996-04-08 EVENT RAQB START - New site dorismail 0001 Orroral ORRA 50103S201 1996-03-19 EVENT ORRA END dorismail 0012 Ottowa OTTA 40102S009 1994-02-01 EVENT => 1998-01-03* between 2nd and 3rd fall dorismail 0062 Ottowa OTTA 40102S008 1993-09-01 EVENT => 1994-01-31* dubious position (2nd fall) dorismail 0062 Rothera ROTA 66007S001 1993-02-03 EVENT ROTA START Richmond RIDA 40499S016 1993-01-04 source RIDA START Arequipa AREA 42202S005 1993-01-01 source AREA START Arlit ARMA 33710S002 1992-12-11 source ARMA START Arlit ARLA 33710S001 1992-12-08 source ARLA END Richmond RICA 40499S015 1992-09-16 source RICA END Kourou KRUB 97301S004 1992-06-25 source KRUB START Kourou KRUA 97301S005 1992-06-24 source KRUA END Colombo COLA 23501M002 1991-06-06 source COLA START Ottowa OTTA 40102S007 1991-05-29 EVENT => 1993-08-31* between 1st and 2nd fall dorismail 0062 Ottowa OTTA 40102S006 1991-04-25 EVENT => 1991-05-28* dubious position (1st fall) dorismail 0062 Sakhalinsk SAKA 12329S001 1990-05-17 source SAKA START Richmond RICA 40499S015 1989-01-01 source RICA START Ottowa OTTA 40102S005 1988-11-15 EVENT => 1991-04-24* original location dorismail 0062 Arlit ARLA 33710S001 1987-12-05 source ARLA START Amsterdam AMSA 91401S001 1987-02-01 EVENT AMSA START dorismail 0598 Kourou KRUA 97301S005 1986-12-05 source KRUA START Marion-Island MARA 30313S001 1980-01-01 source MARA START Badary BADA 12338S001 1980-01-01 source BADA START