***************************************************************************= *** dorisreport 08-Dec-2014 17:14:13 Message No 3746 ***************************************************************************= *** Author: "Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-6980)" Subject: Redelivery of gscwd25 and gscwd26 SINEX files with HY2A. Dear IDS Users. We have redelivered as of this morning the SINEX files associated with the ITRF2013-related series, gscwd25 and gscwd26 that included HY2A. All SINEX files from 2011/DOY303 to the end of 2013 were redelivered to the IDS Data Centers. The reason for the change was an incorrect Edit Multiplier was used in the POD for HY2A (MULT=3D6 instead of MULT=3D4). This resulted in a slightly higher RMS of fit than desired, since the dynamic editing retained data that should otherwise have been deleted. Whereas the previous fits averaged 0.43 mm/s the new fits are closer to 0.40 mm/s. So the consequence is that a small amount of spurious DORIS data was deleted from the new weekly solutions which should slightly improve=20 the results. Best regards, Frank Lemoine & Doug Chinn NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Cliquez sur l'url suivante=20 https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/Lm+R0!TPKIjGX2PQPOmvUuVVUPRNd!I!qyMZDz8vjdVC= lbyWsZ9fp+2fvKRWDWKvX2TT0kzuQXEoKRuEdgZyEA=3D=3D=20=20 si ce message est ind=E9sirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr