****************************************************************************** dorisreport 16-Jan-2014 21:02:50 Message No 3536 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-6980)" Subject: Delivery of the GSCWD23 SINEX files (1993 - 2013) This report documents the delivery of the GSCWD23 SINEX series to the IDS data centers. We have completed a delivery of the entire time series of DORIS data based on the reprocessing of data to the following satellites: TOPEX, SPOT-2, SPOT-3, SPOT-4, Envisat, SPOT-5, Jason-2, Cryosat-2. The new SINEX series, expressed in NEQ format, contain one primary update with respect to the previous series (wd21) and two updates with respect to the antecedent series (wd20). The primary update is the application of weekly solutions of time-variable gravity based on SLR+DORIS tracking to 18 satellites. These 18 satellites were Starlette, Stella, Lageos-1, Lageos-2, Ajisai, TOPEX, SPOT-2, SPOT-3, SPOT-4, Envisat, Jason-2, Cryosat-2, Larets, Westpac, LARES, Blits, Etalon1, Etalon2. The base static model (for L >5) remains GOCO2S; the new TVG solutions apply only for L=2,5. We observe a reduction in the WRMS with respect to both wd21, and wd20, and in addition we see improvements in the Tx and Ty parameters, especially following 2002. For SPOT-5 the wd23 series uses the SAA-corrected files supplied by H. Capdeville. As with wd20, and wd21, the wd23 series applies the IERS2010 standards for the modelling of the mean pole, and applies the IERS2010 definition for the background model of C21, S21. As with wd21, wd23 applies the phase map corrections for the Starec and Alcatel antennae that were supplied by the CNES. The wd23 series was developed as part of the NASA GSFC contribution to the DORIS combination for ITRF2013. Contacts for further information: Frank Lemoine (Frank.G.Lemoine@nasa.gov) Douglas Chinn (Douglas.S.Chinn@nasa.gov) Cliquez sur l'url suivante https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/CpzwrbwIEf7GX2PQPOmvUlvAwUAcTfZnzx!Q8QeZPsnAHxFQJtHrT80ItyVbdZAIDCJ0sweyMqKcrfMeL1fPjw== si ce message est indésirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr