****************************************************************************** dorisreport 31-Dec-2012 23:23:24 Message No 3200 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-6980)" Subject: Submission of GSC wd15 series for 2012 (2012-doy001 to 2012-doy274) SUMMARY OF GSC DORIS SUBMISSION December 31, 2012 NB. 5 satellites (SPOT4, SPOT5, ENVISAT, CRYOSAT2, JASON2) are included from 2012-doy001 through the week of 2012-doy085. From the week of 2012-doy092, only 4 satellites contribute to this series: (SPOT4, SPOT5, CRYOSAT2, JASON2) SPECIAL NOTE: 12/31/2012. We make a new series delivery, wd15, that supercedes the previous delivery, wd13. The wd13 series will no longer be updated. It is intended that wd15 will be the progenitor of the GSC DORIS submission to the IDS combination for the next ITRF, pending investigation of other improvements that we wish to implement. With respect to the wd13-series, we make the following changes and updates: I. Correct an input error to GEODYN that appears to have affected the tide model computations for some of the SPOT satellites. II. Replaced the "fit" coefficients for C20, using a 18.6yr fit rather than a 9.3 yr fit to the 1993-2012 SLR/DORIS 4x4 time-variable gravity time series. III. Apply the ocean pole tide. IV. Systematically estimate 2hr Cd's (Drag coefficients) with a time correlation of 2hrs and exponential decay from t=t0 for SPOT4, SPOT5, ENVISAT & Cryosat2 (The lower altitude DORIS satellites). (Previously some satellites had 4hr time periods for cd estimation). Also the mean (a priori) value of drag is applied per satellite (calculated by year (2004-2012) or by quarter (2010-2011), - as suggested by the results of the previous series (wd13). There was no change in Jason-2 cd estimation strategy which remains cd-per 8 hrs. V. Apply updates to SLR modelling and bias estimation for 2010 - 2012 (this does not affect the DORIS SINEX below per se, but comes into play regarding some of the SLR/DORIS vs DORIS-only orbit comparisons). For the period of this submission (2012), we notice no significant difference in the Helmert Parameters (Tx, Ty, Tz, scale) and WRMS between wd13 and wd15. ----------------------------------------------------- 1. List of files submitted for 2012 SINEX files in Normal equation format. All files have 7 X and 7 Y EOP weekly parameters. wd15 series (Envisat, Spot4, Spot5, Jason 2, Cryosat 2) NAME DATE No. of Station Coord parms gsc12001wd15.snx 120101 150 gsc12008wd15.snx 120108 153 gsc12015wd15.snx 120115 153 gsc12022wd15.snx 120122 153 gsc12029wd15.snx 120129 153 gsc12036wd15.snx 120205 153 gsc12043wd15.snx 120212 147 gsc12050wd15.snx 120219 153 gsc12057wd15.snx 120226 147 gsc12064wd15.snx 120304 147 gsc12071wd15.snx 120311 153 gsc12078wd15.snx 120318 153 gsc12085wd15.snx 120325 153 gsc12092wd15.snx 120401 150 gsc12099wd15.snx 120408 150 gsc12106wd15.snx 120415 153 gsc12113wd15.snx 120422 147 gsc12120wd15.snx 120429 147 gsc12127wd15.snx 120506 144 gsc12134wd15.snx 120513 123 gsc12141wd15.snx 120520 150 gsc12148wd15.snx 120527 150 gsc12155wd15.snx 120603 153 gsc12162wd15.snx 120610 150 gsc12169wd15.snx 120617 147 gsc12176wd15.snx 120624 150 gsc12183wd15.snx 120701 147 gsc12190wd15.snx 120708 150 gsc12197wd15.snx 120715 153 gsc12204wd15.snx 120722 153 gsc12211wd15.snx 120729 153 gsc12218wd15.snx 120805 153 gsc12225wd15.snx 120812 144 gsc12232wd15.snx 120819 144 gsc12239wd15.snx 120826 138 gsc12246wd15.snx 120902 144 gsc12253wd15.snx 120909 138 gsc12260wd15.snx 120916 141 gsc12267wd15.snx 120923 132 gsc12274wd15.snx 120930 138 2. POD summary of arcs used Satellite Orbit Modelling: 7 calendar arcs beginning on Sundays at 00:00:00 goco02s.fit gravity field (to 4x4) using c(2,1)&s(2,1) from IERS standards (Fit terms derived from a time series of solutions 1993 - 2012 derived using SLR & DORIS data.) goco02s gravity field (5x5 to 180x180) ITRF-2008/DPOD-2008 version 1.9 station coordinates GOT4.8 ocean tide model (20x20) with ocean loading Ocean pole tide MSIS atmospheric density model ECMWF 6hr atmospheric gravity (to 50x50) 10 deg elevation cutoff angle GMF (mapping function) w.Saastamoinen Troposphere Model and GPT for met data. External quaternion attitude data for Jason-2 only UCL model for Envisat radiation pressure modelling Solve combined normal equations for: 6 state parameters Drag (cd/2-hr, Envisat, SPOT4, SPOT5, Cryosat2); (cd/8-hr, Jason2) Drags for ENV, SP4, SP5, CS2 using time correlation of 2hrs. Once per revolution radial and cross track accelerations Troposphere & Range-rate biases (pass-by-pass) X and Y EOP with 1 meter constraint X, Y, Z station positions with 1 meter constraint Envisat START STOP NoDOR DORRMS(mm/sec) CR 120101 0000 0.00 120108 0000 0.00 59811 0.48960 1.0000 120108 0000 0.00 120113 0330 0.00 44264 0.48700 1.0000 120113 0400 0.00 120115 0000 0.00 16083 0.50120 1.0000 120115 0000 0.00 120122 0000 0.00 61467 0.49940 1.0000 120122 0000 0.00 120129 0000 0.00 60519 0.49560 1.0000 120129 0000 0.00 120201 0130 0.00 26078 0.51920 1.0000 120201 0300 0.00 120205 0000 0.00 30090 0.48500 1.0000 120205 0000 0.00 120212 0000 0.00 60054 0.49800 1.0000 120212 0000 0.00 120219 0000 0.00 59824 0.49160 1.0000 120219 0000 0.00 120223 0000 0.00 34415 0.47940 1.0000 120224 0600 0.00 120226 0000 0.00 14483 0.51520 1.0000 120226 0000 0.00 120301 0200 0.00 33705 0.50560 1.0000 120301 0500 0.00 120304 0000 0.00 22451 0.48920 1.0000 120304 0000 0.00 120306 0000 0.00 16386 0.49660 1.0000 120306 0500 0.00 120311 0000 0.00 40236 0.50140 1.0000 120311 0000 0.00 120314 0000 0.00 25089 0.48720 1.0000 120316 0000 0.00 120318 0000 0.00 17724 0.49740 1.0000 120318 0000 0.00 120325 0000 0.00 61031 0.49220 1.0000 120325 0000 0.00 120401 0000 0.00 59961 0.51280 1.0000 Spot-4 START STOP NoDOR DORRMS(mm/sec) CR 120101 0000 0.00 120108 0000 0.00 35371 0.45780 1.0000 120101 0000 0.00 120108 0000 0.00 35375 0.45860 1.0000 120108 0000 0.00 120115 0000 0.00 35595 0.46920 1.0000 120115 0000 0.00 120122 0000 0.00 36472 0.47520 1.0000 120122 0000 0.00 120129 0000 0.00 35726 0.47280 1.0000 120129 0000 0.00 120205 0000 0.00 35423 0.47840 1.0000 120205 0000 0.00 120212 0000 0.00 36274 0.46820 1.0000 120212 0000 0.00 120219 0000 0.00 35639 0.45600 1.0000 120219 0000 0.00 120226 0000 0.00 35805 0.47780 1.0000 120226 0000 0.00 120304 0000 0.00 35130 0.46480 1.0000 120304 0000 0.00 120311 0000 0.00 35710 0.47620 1.0000 120311 0000 0.00 120318 0000 0.00 35839 0.47220 1.0000 120318 0000 0.00 120325 0000 0.00 36459 0.46860 1.0000 120325 0000 0.00 120329 1300 0.00 17364 0.48140 1.0000 120329 1400 0.00 120401 0000 0.00 6404 0.48700 1.0000 120401 0000 0.00 120408 0000 0.00 35621 0.46800 1.0000 120408 0000 0.00 120415 0000 0.00 36383 0.50380 1.0000 120415 0000 0.00 120422 0000 0.00 34790 0.51020 1.0000 120422 0000 0.00 120429 0000 0.00 35597 0.52260 1.0000 120429 1100 0.00 120506 0000 0.00 34110 0.50620 1.0000 120506 0000 0.00 120513 0000 0.00 35340 0.49280 1.0000 120513 0000 0.00 120520 0000 0.00 35225 0.49940 1.0000 120520 0000 0.00 120527 0000 0.00 36128 0.51500 1.0000 120527 0000 0.00 120603 0000 0.00 36327 0.50480 1.0000 120603 0000 0.00 120610 0000 0.00 36374 0.50900 1.0000 120610 0000 0.00 120617 0000 0.00 37097 0.50340 1.0000 120617 0000 0.00 120620 2300 0.00 20635 0.52040 1.0000 120621 0030 0.00 120624 0000 0.00 15277 0.51380 1.0000 120624 0000 0.00 120701 0000 0.00 35463 0.49860 1.0000 120701 0000 0.00 120708 0000 0.00 36254 0.46880 1.0000 120708 0000 0.00 120715 0000 0.00 35560 0.47320 1.0000 120715 0000 0.00 120722 0000 0.00 37257 0.46960 1.0000 120722 0000 0.00 120729 0000 0.00 35505 0.46820 1.0000 120729 0000 0.00 120805 0000 0.00 35958 0.46280 1.0000 120805 0000 0.00 120812 0000 0.00 36986 0.47340 1.0000 120812 0000 0.00 120819 0000 0.00 36702 0.45460 1.0000 120819 0000 0.00 120826 0000 0.00 35735 0.44940 1.0000 120826 0000 0.00 120902 0000 0.00 35142 0.44860 1.0000 120902 0000 0.00 120909 0000 0.00 35272 0.47200 1.0000 120909 0000 0.00 120916 0000 0.00 33792 0.46480 1.0000 120916 0000 0.00 120923 0000 0.00 35119 0.46300 1.0000 120923 0000 0.00 120923 2250 0.00 4789 0.47940 1.0000 120924 0000 0.00 120928 0005 0.00 19041 0.47640 1.0000 120930 0000 0.00 121007 0000 0.00 32464 0.46600 1.0000 Spot-5 START STOP NoDOR DORRMS(mm/sec) CR 120101 0000 0.00 120108 0000 0.00 65819 0.41700 1.0000 120101 0000 0.00 120108 0000 0.00 65819 0.41700 1.0000 120108 0000 0.00 120115 0000 0.00 66032 0.42220 1.0000 120115 0000 0.00 120122 0000 0.00 67042 0.42880 1.0000 120122 0000 0.00 120129 0000 0.00 65979 0.41900 1.0000 120129 0000 0.00 120204 1650 0.00 62201 0.43260 1.0000 120205 0000 0.00 120212 0000 0.00 65325 0.43020 1.0000 120212 0000 0.00 120219 0000 0.00 65390 0.42460 1.0000 120219 0000 0.00 120226 0000 0.00 64875 0.42820 1.0000 120226 0000 0.00 120304 0000 0.00 63710 0.42940 1.0000 120304 0000 0.00 120311 0000 0.00 64384 0.42480 1.0000 120311 0000 0.00 120318 0000 0.00 65342 0.43400 1.0000 120318 0000 0.00 120325 0000 0.00 65881 0.43160 1.0000 120325 0000 0.00 120328 1730 0.00 27552 0.44180 1.0000 120328 1900 0.00 120401 0000 0.00 29861 0.44700 1.0000 120401 0000 0.00 120408 0000 0.00 63700 0.43620 1.0000 120408 0000 0.00 120415 0000 0.00 61718 0.44440 1.0000 120415 0000 0.00 120422 0000 0.00 62110 0.44540 1.0000 120422 0000 0.00 120429 0000 0.00 62017 0.43960 1.0000 120429 0000 0.00 120506 0000 0.00 63476 0.44240 1.0000 120506 0000 0.00 120513 0000 0.00 58401 0.43160 1.0000 120513 0000 0.00 120519 1600 0.00 59296 0.43780 1.0000 120520 0000 0.00 120527 0000 0.00 63422 0.43960 1.0000 120527 0000 0.00 120603 0000 0.00 64858 0.45200 1.0000 120603 0000 0.00 120610 0000 0.00 63762 0.44560 1.0000 120610 0000 0.00 120617 0000 0.00 65381 0.44020 1.0000 120617 0000 0.00 120624 0000 0.00 63624 0.44160 1.0000 120624 0000 0.00 120701 0000 0.00 61625 0.44760 1.0000 120701 0000 0.00 120708 0000 0.00 65123 0.43940 1.0000 120708 0000 0.00 120715 0000 0.00 67450 0.44820 1.0000 120715 0000 0.00 120718 2000 0.00 36533 0.44160 1.0000 120720 1400 0.00 120722 0000 0.00 13857 0.43760 1.0000 120722 0000 0.00 120729 0000 0.00 66649 0.43940 1.0000 120729 0000 0.00 120805 0000 0.00 67197 0.43380 1.0000 120805 0000 0.00 120812 0000 0.00 67738 0.44000 1.0000 120812 0000 0.00 120819 0000 0.00 67671 0.43280 1.0000 120819 0000 0.00 120826 0000 0.00 66427 0.42880 1.0000 120826 0000 0.00 120902 0000 0.00 64953 0.43980 1.0000 120902 0000 0.00 120909 0000 0.00 65101 0.44940 1.0000 120909 0000 0.00 120913 1700 0.00 42926 0.43380 1.0000 120913 1900 0.00 120916 0000 0.00 19792 0.44320 1.0000 120916 0000 0.00 120923 0000 0.00 64766 0.43860 1.0000 120923 0000 0.00 120930 0000 0.00 62667 0.46560 1.0000 120930 0000 0.00 121007 0000 0.00 61986 0.43800 1.0000 Jason-2 START STOP NoDOR DORRMS(mm/sec) CR 120101 0000 0.00 120108 0000 0.00 123172 0.38700 0.9450 120108 0000 0.00 120115 0000 0.00 130929 0.38720 0.9450 120115 0000 0.00 120122 0000 0.00 133399 0.38380 0.9450 120122 0000 0.00 120129 0000 0.00 130998 0.38000 0.9450 120129 0000 0.00 120205 0000 0.00 130804 0.39000 0.9450 120205 0000 0.00 120212 0000 0.00 128756 0.38900 0.9450 120212 0000 0.00 120219 0000 0.00 131334 0.38780 0.9450 120219 0000 0.00 120226 0000 0.00 131859 0.39500 0.9450 120226 0000 0.00 120304 0000 0.00 127719 0.39820 0.9450 120304 0000 0.00 120308 1900 0.00 86522 0.39420 0.9450 120311 0000 0.00 120318 0000 0.00 135972 0.46980 0.9450 120318 0000 0.00 120325 0000 0.00 134667 0.40000 0.9450 120325 0000 0.00 120401 0000 0.00 126706 0.37740 0.9450 120401 0000 0.00 120408 0000 0.00 130766 0.38760 0.9450 120408 0000 0.00 120415 0000 0.00 131460 0.38940 0.9450 120415 0000 0.00 120422 0000 0.00 129069 0.4000 0.9450 120422 0000 0.00 120429 0000 0.00 127623 0.40660 0.9450 120429 0000 0.00 120506 0000 0.00 129510 0.40820 0.9450 120506 0000 0.00 120513 0000 0.00 127364 0.40320 0.9450 120513 0000 0.00 120520 0000 0.00 115221 0.40220 0.9450 120521 0842 0.00 120527 0000 0.00 102436 0.38580 0.9450 120527 0000 0.00 120603 0000 0.00 137747 0.43780 0.9450 120603 0000 0.00 120610 0000 0.00 116077 0.40380 0.9450 120610 0000 0.00 120617 0000 0.00 139428 0.43760 0.9450 120617 0000 0.00 120624 0000 0.00 138066 0.43000 0.9450 120624 0000 0.00 120701 0000 0.00 133351 0.44420 0.9450 120701 0000 0.00 120708 0000 0.00 136352 0.41000 0.9450 120708 0000 0.00 120715 0000 0.00 130013 0.38160 0.9450 120715 0000 0.00 120722 0000 0.00 133692 0.38400 0.9450 120722 0000 0.00 120729 0000 0.00 131212 0.38520 0.9450 120729 0000 0.00 120801 0400 0.00 59639 0.37860 0.9450 120805 0000 0.00 120812 0000 0.00 134838 0.38700 0.9450 120812 0000 0.00 120819 0000 0.00 132341 0.38720 0.9450 120819 0000 0.00 120826 0000 0.00 129628 0.39200 0.9450 120826 0000 0.00 120902 0000 0.00 126718 0.39220 0.9450 120902 0000 0.00 120909 0000 0.00 124789 0.39360 0.9450 120909 0000 0.00 120916 0000 0.00 120210 0.38340 0.9450 120916 0000 0.00 120923 0000 0.00 121017 0.38000 0.9450 120923 0000 0.00 120930 0000 0.00 123402 0.38480 0.9450 120930 0000 0.00 121007 0000 0.00 119485 0.37080 0.9450 Cryosat-2 START STOP NoDOR DORRMS(mm/sec) CR 120101 0000 0.00 120108 0000 0.00 70602 0.44760 1.0000 120108 0000 0.00 120115 0000 0.00 71732 0.45180 1.0000 120115 0000 0.00 120122 0000 0.00 73383 0.45340 1.0000 120122 0000 0.00 120128 0000 0.00 61761 0.44840 1.0000 120129 0000 0.00 120205 0000 0.00 71310 0.44880 1.0000 120205 0000 0.00 120212 0000 0.00 71133 0.45320 1.0000 120212 0000 0.00 120215 1800 0.00 37351 0.45680 1.0000 120216 0700 0.00 120219 0000 0.00 27610 0.43940 1.0000 120219 0000 0.00 120226 0000 0.00 71506 0.44700 1.0000 120226 0000 0.00 120304 0000 0.00 69017 0.44980 1.0000 120304 0000 0.00 120311 0000 0.00 69942 0.45080 1.0000 120311 0000 0.00 120315 0800 0.00 41172 0.44160 1.0000 120315 1430 0.00 120318 0000 0.00 24758 0.45640 1.0000 120318 0000 0.00 120322 0800 0.00 42091 0.44460 1.0000 120322 1500 0.00 120325 0000 0.00 24469 0.45620 1.0000 120325 0000 0.00 120401 0000 0.00 64988 0.45800 1.0000 120401 0000 0.00 120408 0000 0.00 71370 0.45960 1.0000 120408 0000 0.00 120415 0000 0.00 70249 0.46980 1.0000 120415 0000 0.00 120419 0000 0.00 39189 0.45800 1.0000 120419 1200 0.00 120422 0000 0.00 25449 0.45880 1.0000 120422 0000 0.00 120429 0000 0.00 70085 0.46120 1.0000 120429 0000 0.00 120506 0000 0.00 69650 0.46100 1.0000 120506 0000 0.00 120513 0000 0.00 60113 0.46900 1.0000 120513 0000 0.00 120515 0900 0.00 19331 0.46600 1.0000 120515 1130 0.00 120520 0000 0.00 43531 0.46560 1.0000 120520 0000 0.00 120527 0000 0.00 68472 0.46600 1.0000 120527 0000 0.00 120603 0000 0.00 68648 0.48140 1.0000 120603 0000 0.00 120610 0000 0.00 68767 0.48840 1.0000 120610 0000 0.00 120612 0000 0.00 19819 0.47500 1.0000 120612 1030 0.00 120617 0000 0.00 45669 0.47420 1.0000 120617 0000 0.00 120624 0000 0.00 68340 0.47980 1.0000 120624 0000 0.00 120701 0000 0.00 66641 0.47640 1.0000 120701 0500 0.00 120708 0000 0.00 67116 0.46960 1.0000 120708 0000 0.00 120712 0800 0.00 43445 0.47340 1.0000 120712 0900 0.00 120715 0000 0.00 26433 0.47800 1.0000 120715 0000 0.00 120722 0000 0.00 72237 0.46440 1.0000 120722 0000 0.00 120726 0630 0.00 44075 0.46080 1.0000 120726 0700 0.00 120729 0000 0.00 19957 0.48280 1.0000 120729 0000 0.00 120805 0000 0.00 72242 0.47180 1.0000 120805 0000 0.00 120812 0000 0.00 73062 0.46220 1.0000 120812 0000 0.00 120813 0700 0.00 13293 0.49040 1.0000 120813 0730 0.00 120819 0000 0.00 58792 0.45880 1.0000 120819 0000 0.00 120826 0000 0.00 70493 0.45840 1.0000 120826 0000 0.00 120902 0000 0.00 70861 0.45260 1.0000 120902 0000 0.00 120909 0000 0.00 69335 0.46080 1.0000 120909 0000 0.00 120916 0000 0.00 68065 0.45220 1.0000 120916 0000 0.00 120920 0000 0.00 39574 0.46200 1.0000 120920 0900 0.00 120923 0000 0.00 26346 0.44400 1.0000 120923 0000 0.00 120930 0000 0.00 67504 0.45880 1.0000 120930 0000 0.00 121007 0000 0.00 67094 0.43700 1.0000 RMS of orbit differences: Doris only arc vs SLR/Doris arc (cm) radial cross along en120101 0.26179 1.78054 1.77422 en120108 0.52327 1.77583 1.99478 en120113 0.47662 2.63763 1.25158 en120115 0.18749 1.42492 1.29417 en120122 0.50097 2.04189 1.85370 en120129 0.35733 1.29124 1.51439 en120201 0.23471 1.83813 0.96322 en120205 0.29063 2.65262 1.12945 en120212 0.32005 1.33157 1.75800 en120219 0.40396 2.21934 1.37170 en120224 0.20072 1.14448 1.69190 en120226 0.38749 1.77257 1.42859 en120301 0.23014 1.75562 0.97665 en120304 0.54362 1.94697 3.24749 en120306 0.51425 2.31230 1.77533 en120311 0.29338 1.89381 1.22319 en120316 0.21925 1.61351 1.84032 en120318 0.26961 1.69742 1.20843 en120325 0.31508 1.98189 1.15362 j2120101 0.37617 2.17770 1.84584 j2120108 0.46959 2.18706 1.92737 j2120115 0.50890 2.22171 1.66742 j2120122 0.49319 1.81328 1.65178 j2120129 0.60542 3.08020 4.47593 j2120205 0.65775 2.65510 2.07895 j2120212 0.49104 1.91117 1.71532 j2120219 0.31157 1.84206 1.42859 j2120226 0.32937 2.16643 2.00759 j2120304 0.48746 3.38242 2.74960 j2120311 0.70238 2.23237 2.97279 j2120318 0.45502 2.15757 2.29703 j2120325 0.39294 1.56288 1.74165 j2120401 0.39764 1.60184 1.88817 j2120408 0.36830 2.07680 1.39688 j2120415 0.51936 2.34618 1.58694 j2120422 0.88768 2.65767 2.84451 j2120429 0.45283 1.59106 1.78834 j2120506 0.48240 2.18589 1.95914 j2120513 0.43517 2.30078 1.88963 j2120520 0.68824 2.47172 2.57849 j2120527 0.46422 1.94744 1.51237 j2120603 0.45515 1.86113 1.72762 j2120610 0.31348 2.21882 1.49262 j2120617 0.49714 2.85317 1.59114 j2120624 0.45476 2.57669 1.56066 j2120701 0.54997 2.07546 1.90355 j2120708 0.40864 2.15057 1.75948 j2120715 0.53760 1.88312 2.12665 j2120722 0.31784 2.29655 1.40730 j2120729 0.28547 3.21739 1.69093 j2120805 0.36346 1.71371 1.20590 j2120812 0.60009 1.70140 2.13406 j2120819 0.53538 1.79300 2.04749 j2120826 0.60749 1.68581 2.31185 j2120902 0.55098 1.88741 2.23901 j2120909 0.62970 2.48477 2.09528 j2120916 0.52821 3.14594 2.50610 j2120923 0.52123 2.44457 2.05348 j2120930 0.68540 1.83411 2.65219 c2120101 0.47397 1.25380 1.64997 c2120108 0.70514 1.81579 2.71342 c2120115 0.70490 1.51221 2.13827 c2120122 0.74230 1.22304 2.14348 c2120129 0.65108 1.09927 2.62740 c2120205 0.73186 1.73104 2.26717 c2120212 0.63587 1.54894 3.84919 c2120219 0.63056 1.74060 1.80274 c2120226 0.61419 1.82720 1.62297 c2120304 0.67710 2.18829 1.97788 c2120311 0.78623 1.67530 2.09386 c2120315 0.50218 1.29778 1.97300 c2120318 0.55282 3.43206 1.75578 c2120322 0.43124 1.96450 1.81257 c2120325 0.59858 1.83966 1.84462 c2120401 0.44109 2.43941 2.51808 c2120408 0.40249 1.16181 1.43288 c2120415 0.36672 1.44780 2.31910 c2120422 0.39081 1.46749 1.96604 c2120429 0.53916 1.10062 1.89396 c2120506 0.63405 1.47365 1.67506 c2120513 0.68800 2.07685 2.04121 c2120520 0.59751 1.33707 1.92100 c2120527 0.54060 2.04530 1.71585 c2120603 0.43102 1.87262 1.33340 c2120610 0.31522 0.83671 6.68762 c2120617 0.48171 1.91478 2.67937 c2120624 0.49430 2.31960 2.52366 c2120701 0.52608 1.31961 2.47936 c2120708 0.42803 2.06510 1.89612 c2120715 0.59374 1.31338 2.28228 c2120722 0.83585 2.10516 2.30129 c2120729 0.63521 1.94996 1.74915 c2120805 0.49475 2.25874 1.27721 c2120812 0.40266 1.26311 2.14279 c2120819 0.68476 1.35821 2.20741 c2120826 0.74409 2.68262 1.86776 c2120902 0.59350 2.21450 1.70178 c2120909 0.87200 2.44778 2.44638 c2120916 0.82583 1.94484 3.02119 c2120920 0.52865 2.46570 1.85420 c2120923 0.68332 2.49076 1.98431 c2120930 0.70034 1.96402 1.82537 3. Contact information for questions Frank Lemoine, GSFC/NASA Greenbelt, MD USA frank.g.lemoine@nasa.gov Douglas Chinn, SGT Inc., Greenbelt MD USA douglas.s.chinn@nasa.gov References: Le Bail, K. et al., GSFC DORIS Contribution to ITRF2008, Advances in Space Research, 45 (2010) 1481-1499. Zelensky, N. et al., DORIS/SLR POD modelling improvements for Jason-1 and Jason-2, Advances in Space Research, 46 (2010) pp.1541-1558 4. Internal comparison: Inversion of weekly combined normal equation and comparison with reference (ITRF2008). Stations used in comparisons ADGB AMVB ARFB ASEB BADB BEMB BETB CHAB CIDB COBB CRQB DIOB DJIB EASB EVEB GAVB GR3B GREB GRFB HBMB HEMB JIUB KETB KIUB KOLB KRBB KRWB LICB MAHB MALB MATB METB MEUB MIAB MSPB NOWB NOXB PAUB PDMB REUB REZB RILB RIMB RIQB RIRB ROVB SALB SANB SPJB SYPB THUB TLSB YASB YEMB WRMS, TX, TY, TZ, Scale in mm (with respect to the above reference station set) (Note: Stations with less than 1200 points are not used.) Envisat, Spot-4, Spot-5, Jason-2, Cryosat-2 solution Year Mon Day DOY No.of STA WRMS TX TY TZ Scale 2012 01 01 001 50 13.24 3.18 -15.04 14.06 -1.57 2012 01 08 008 51 12.74 5.97 -20.13 8.16 -2.38 2012 01 15 015 51 12.22 5.41 -18.56 -1.84 -3.30 2012 01 22 022 51 13.89 4.71 -17.16 -8.33 -4.90 2012 01 29 029 51 13.18 -1.18 -18.82 -25.37 -3.71 2012 02 05 036 51 14.07 0.14 -15.01 1.61 -1.81 2012 02 12 043 49 13.61 4.36 -15.96 -12.90 -2.92 2012 02 19 050 51 13.75 0.94 -15.29 27.34 -2.90 2012 02 26 057 49 13.23 -1.64 -14.68 16.60 -3.50 2012 03 04 064 49 12.63 -5.91 -19.56 18.42 -0.64 2012 03 11 071 51 13.33 0.21 -15.29 0.29 -4.46 2012 03 18 078 51 13.92 -8.63 -11.14 18.82 -6.36 2012 03 25 085 51 13.29 -3.46 -10.72 5.39 -6.64 2012 04 01 092 50 15.92 -5.67 -10.31 87.32 -9.05 2012 04 08 099 50 12.89 -10.62 -7.51 -18.55 -6.89 2012 04 15 106 51 12.90 -11.62 -5.35 -29.79 -5.52 2012 04 22 113 49 12.58 -7.46 -1.85 -30.53 -5.92 2012 04 29 120 49 12.34 -11.33 -4.54 -9.39 -6.31 2012 05 06 127 48 12.58 -11.01 -8.68 -30.13 -4.47 2012 05 13 134 41 10.96 -8.81 -8.66 5.75 -3.11 2012 05 20 141 50 15.76 -4.81 -0.07 -86.52 -2.15 2012 05 27 148 50 13.20 -5.78 -3.58 -36.12 -4.88 2012 06 03 155 51 14.37 -0.86 -1.83 -29.17 -5.80 2012 06 10 162 50 13.48 -4.95 -3.34 -34.76 -4.19 2012 06 17 169 49 13.24 -2.45 -2.13 -43.50 -5.57 2012 06 24 176 50 12.37 -6.60 -2.95 -19.82 -5.41 2012 07 01 183 49 12.99 -10.54 -7.86 79.99 -5.42 2012 07 08 190 50 14.31 -5.80 -7.28 4.03 -3.37 2012 07 15 197 51 13.52 -6.48 -10.53 21.40 -2.50 2012 07 22 204 51 14.46 -7.71 -14.47 12.84 -2.30 2012 07 29 211 51 15.20 -0.43 -11.15 35.34 1.01 2012 08 05 218 51 14.38 -3.91 -17.35 33.37 -0.51 2012 08 12 225 48 14.59 -10.58 -17.19 12.97 0.40 2012 08 19 232 48 14.06 -5.43 -12.13 2.91 -0.59 2012 08 26 239 46 14.63 -3.81 -13.40 18.01 -1.94 2012 09 02 246 48 15.81 -6.14 -21.88 9.71 -1.19 2012 09 09 253 46 14.20 0.41 -10.60 18.60 0.24 2012 09 16 260 47 15.32 -1.23 -13.12 -1.38 -3.53 2012 09 23 267 44 15.37 3.09 -11.59 5.25 1.70 2012 09 30 274 46 15.55 6.13 -15.41 14.74 1.64 Cliquez sur l'url suivante https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/SYI9fvnJqTXGX2PQPOmvUsQN7C0BBstkwlHO+BEm!6kJq1aeRxNMQtgU1HAG0UIl90UgFG12HcXLq66BGWNXYg== si ce message est indésirable (pourriel). 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