****************************************************************************** dorisreport 24-Jun-2010 12:42:32 Message No 2071 ****************************************************************************** Author: Laurent soudarin Subject: CNES/CLS SP3c orbit files at IDS DCs Dear colleagues, The CNES/CLS Analysis Center has submitted a new series of orbit files in sp3c format to the IDS Data Centers. These orbits, starting on 2008/12/28, are available for Jason-2, ENVISAT, SPOT-2, SPOT-4, and SPOT-5 in pub/doris/products/orbits/lca This new sp3 series version 01 (e.g. lcaja201....sp3.001.Z) may be considered as homogeneous with the series 03 of orbit files available in sp1 format (e.g. lcaja203....sp1.001.Z). The orbits are derived from the homogeneous computation of the DORIS data performed in the continuation of our contribution to the IDS-3 solution included in ITRF2008. They correspond to the SINEX weekly series lcawd24 (without Jason2) and lcawd26 (with Jason2). See pub/doris/products/orbits/lca/lca.sp3.readme and lca.sp1.readme to get more informations Best regards, Laurent Soudarin Cliquez sur l'url suivante https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/sgy81yUhQ5jTndxI!oX7UgSMDW1NL1iy9R!TH6sNc8Ya79FbuoVaXFk9+NQx+5OslZA5Jkql93w7tgCviQCIXg== si ce message est indésirable (pourriel). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr