****************************************************************************** dorisreport 04-Jun-2008 15:15:59 Message No 1278 ****************************************************************************** Author: willis@ipgp.fr ( WILLIS Pascal) Subject: IGN/JPL DORIS Updated Report for week 1477 = 08118 ============================================================== Summary report for weekly DORIS IGN/JPL Analysis solution GPS week number: 1477 from 27-04-2008 to 03-05-2008 DORIS name (using day of start): 08118 Days of year: from 2008/118 to 2008/124 ============================================================== Author: Pascal Willis 1) Contacts =========== Email pascal.willis@ign.fr Phone +33-1-4427-2484 FAX +33-1-4427-7340 2) Products =========== All the following products are available at the CDDIS data center ftp cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign08118wd05.snx.Z weekly sinex in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign08118wd06.snx.Z geocenter series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/geoc/ign07wd01.geoc.Z Earth Orientation Parameters time series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/eop/ign07wd01.eop.Z 3) Analysis Strategy ==================== The DORIS data have been processed using the Gipsy/Oasis software from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Suggestions on which solutions should be used or not can be found in pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ign.snx.readme Complete description files can be found at CDDIS at weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd05.snx.dsc weekly sinex in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd06.snx.dsc geocenter series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/geoc/ign07wd01.geoc.dsc Earth Orientation Parameters time series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/eop/ign07wd01.eop.dsc For references, the following papers are recommended : Willis, P., Y.E. Bar-Sever, G. Tavernier (2005), DORIS as a potential part of a Global Geodetic Observing System, J. Geodyn., 40(4-5), 494-501, DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.06.011 Willis, P., C. Boucher, H. Fagard, Z. Altamimi (2005), Applications geodesiques du systeme DORIS a l'Institut Geographique National, Geodetic applications of the DORIS system at the French Institut Geographique National, C.R. Geoscience, 337(7), 653-662, DOI: 10.1016/j.crte.2005.03.002 Last changes in the time series data analysis: Week 678: See DORISMail #0288, start of the time series 4) Global Statistics ==================== GPS week number 1477 from 27-04-2008 to 03-05-2008 Total number of stations = 51 Total number of satellites = 4 Combinations (daily to weekly) CHI2 / DOF = 2.13 The following table only counts DORIS data that have passed CNES preprocesing step Individual daily DORIS statistics Day total_obs rejected valid_obs %_rejected -------------------------------------------------------- 27-04-2008 22133 3 22130 0.0 28-04-2008 21501 11 21490 0.1 29-04-2008 20650 11 20639 0.1 30-04-2008 20909 1 20908 0.0 01-05-2008 21557 1 21556 0.0 02-05-2008 21661 3 21658 0.0 03-05-2008 20785 12 20773 0.1 5) Individual Statistics per satellite ====================================== The following table includes all data that have been kept in the solution (after pre and post-processing) 5.1) Number of observations per satellite ----------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 6581 6571 6138 6469 6424 6439 6075 SPOT2 2931 2663 2463 2670 2731 3008 2854 SPOT4 4992 4704 4540 4539 4800 4798 4546 SPOT5 7626 7552 7498 7230 7601 7413 7298 5.2) Doppler residuals per satellite in mm/s -------------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 -------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 0.425 0.406 0.408 0.404 0.404 0.391 0.431 SPOT2 0.416 0.454 0.446 0.427 0.430 0.418 0.426 SPOT4 0.403 0.415 0.408 0.415 0.416 0.412 0.405 SPOT5 0.384 0.370 0.368 0.378 0.368 0.365 0.392 6) Individual Statistics per station ====================================== 6.1) Stations given in sinex solutions -------------------------------------- The following table includes all DORIS data that were used to generate the weekly DORIS sinex solutions o = station after a break in the DORIS time series day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ADFB 1685 1700 1690 1737 1673 1771 1808 AMUB 460 473 467 507 486 501 430 ARFB 438 401 472 300 321 389 378 ASDB o 263 259 286 278 300 312 261 BEMB 1516 1452 1393 1444 1466 1540 1471 CADB 465 418 425 453 449 490 537 CHAB 720 690 613 641 676 697 678 CICB 418 397 413 445 416 497 392 CRPB 273 228 237 350 354 313 167 DIOB 376 373 379 403 305 359 393 DJIB 362 447 371 404 442 417 394 EASB 410 446 362 405 474 382 383 FAIB o 993 927 873 966 985 952 910 FUTB 283 377 396 386 332 327 251 GAVB 257 207 214 294 308 245 235 GREB 465 459 422 480 578 480 503 HBMB 406 516 344 478 453 552 376 HEMB 400 423 345 329 408 345 273 JIUB 438 400 437 454 555 640 317 KETB 449 586 482 419 465 443 445 KIUB 512 254 0 0 0 0 0 KOLB 539 587 480 540 509 571 655 KRUB 485 413 413 419 379 423 377 LICB 380 401 403 397 336 402 520 MALB 430 448 432 394 455 397 414 MANB o 346 419 428 394 373 394 467 MATB o 468 432 466 426 418 397 438 METB 672 610 614 608 624 659 584 MIAB 498 365 391 400 396 443 434 MOOB 468 560 271 0 0 0 0 MORB 430 454 463 369 479 501 415 MSPB 509 494 570 402 484 468 496 NOWB 314 278 265 366 328 305 357 PATB 422 475 446 442 472 514 484 PDMB 32 23 21 32 29 18 16 REUB 40 75 129 41 156 57 73 REZB 709 702 704 618 678 599 776 RIKB 379 427 180 437 349 424 412 RIQB 373 324 678 586 617 600 679 ROUB 1206 1160 942 1186 1236 1177 993 SANB 491 423 346 511 495 418 408 SCRB 0 0 398 418 435 447 528 SODB o 458 295 414 418 375 400 282 SPJB 1365 1541 1426 1449 1451 1405 1451 STJB o 633 690 650 545 633 700 569 SYPB 1313 1272 1350 1253 1254 1357 1275 THUB 1215 1114 1216 1117 1284 1242 1034 TLSB 561 575 51 0 0 0 0 TRIB o 290 266 216 334 270 244 390 YASB 582 505 412 489 516 464 533 YEMB 768 800 834 754 845 811 830 6.2) stations rejected from solution ------------------------------------ all available stations were processed and given in the output sinex solutions 6.3) statistics per station and per satellite (stations in sinex) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- ADFB 3830 2378 3133 3183 AMUB 1184 610 600 1092 ARFB 1061 366 472 933 ASDB 845 68 495 890 BEMB 4412 583 1705 4023 CADB 1111 516 829 996 CHAB 1644 805 1093 1348 CICB 1188 439 738 930 CRPB 816 101 340 782 DIOB 923 321 647 856 DJIB 1019 379 751 938 EASB 1025 437 823 1094 FAIB 2732 596 1145 2541 FUTB 1078 246 486 939 GAVB 949 126 0 822 GREB 1415 276 655 1231 HBMB 1089 618 678 971 HEMB 1095 343 357 927 JIUB 1311 525 757 1075 KETB 1354 276 685 1151 KIUB 1001 314 823 824 KOLB 1330 662 1100 978 KRUB 1246 328 668 972 LICB 1039 512 632 913 MALB 1028 501 713 954 MANB 1239 203 615 940 MATB 1257 99 651 1217 METB 1837 477 550 1787 MIAB 1236 207 633 1054 MOOB 450 132 308 466 MORB 1094 461 747 929 MSPB 1293 291 809 1165 NOWB 966 191 350 851 PATB 1231 453 818 968 PDMB 0 91 551 0 REUB 484 21 339 631 REZB 2067 390 800 1887 RIKB 1075 321 547 912 RIQB 1293 720 400 1640 ROUB 3189 586 1400 2975 SANB 1254 391 535 1090 SCRB 805 409 498 674 SODB 1066 529 526 953 SPJB 4121 1365 1692 3285 STJB 1691 616 864 1424 SYPB 3520 1524 1145 3199 THUB 2971 701 1445 3387 TLSB 897 457 444 722 TRIB 1192 2 45 1118 YASB 1294 407 841 1151 YEMB 2369 732 944 2099 6.4) statistics per station and per satellite (deleted stations) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- 7) External Comparisons ======================= (for information) 7.1) Stations coordinates ------------------------- Looking at the transformation results Comparing with solution ign07d02 at epoch of observations Weekly DORIS residuals in mm N E V ------------------- WRMS 11.5 16.8 13.3 7.2) Geocenter estimation -------------------------- Geocenter estimation as provided by 7-parameter transformation to ign07d02 TX = -5.1 +- 2.0 mm TY = 16.4 +- 2.2 mm TZ = 27.6 +- 1.9 mm 7.3) Scale factor ----------------- Scale factor / ITRF2005 using reference ign07d02 S = -1.5 +- 0.3 ppb 7.4) Earth Orientation Parameters --------------------------------- External comparison with JPL/GPS EOP values number of days compared X_POLE_RMS (mas) Y_POLE_RMS (mas) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 0.45 0.41 ============================================================== ------------=_1212592704-6474-4 Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer" Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.footer" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr ------------=_1212592704-6474-4--