****************************************************************************** dorisreport 27-Feb-2008 14:53:32 Message No 1177 ****************************************************************************** Author: WILLIS Pascal Subject: IGN/JPL DORIS Report for week 1463 = 08020 ============================================================== Summary report for weekly DORIS IGN/JPL Analysis solution GPS week number: 1463 from 20-01-2008 to 26-01-2008 DORIS name (using day of start): 08020 Days of year: from 2008/20 to 2008/26 ============================================================== Author: Pascal Willis 1) Contacts =========== Email pascal.willis@ign.fr Phone +33-1-4427-2484 FAX +33-1-4427-7340 2) Products =========== All the following products are available at the CDDIS data center ftp cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign08020wd05.snx.Z weekly sinex in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign08020wd06.snx.Z geocenter series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/geoc/ign07wd01.geoc.Z Earth Orientation Parameters time series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/eop/ign07wd01.eop.Z 3) Analysis Strategy ==================== The DORIS data have been processed using the Gipsy/Oasis software from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Suggestions on which solutions should be used or not can be found in pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ign.snx.readme Complete description files can be found at CDDIS at weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd05.snx.dsc weekly sinex in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd06.snx.dsc geocenter series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/geoc/ign07wd01.geoc.dsc Earth Orientation Parameters time series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/eop/ign07wd01.eop.dsc For references, the following papers are recommended : Willis, P., Y.E. Bar-Sever, G. Tavernier (2005), DORIS as a potential part of a Global Geodetic Observing System, J. Geodyn., 40(4-5), 494-501, DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.06.011 Willis, P., C. Boucher, H. Fagard, Z. Altamimi (2005), Applications geodesiques du systeme DORIS a l'Institut Geographique National, Geodetic applications of the DORIS system at the French Institut Geographique National, C.R. Geoscience, 337(7), 653-662, DOI: 10.1016/j.crte.2005.03.002 Last changes in the time series data analysis: Week 678: See DORISMail #0288, start of the time series 4) Global Statistics ==================== GPS week number 1463 from 20-01-2008 to 26-01-2008 Total number of stations = 48 Total number of satellites = 4 Combinations (daily to weekly) CHI2 / DOF = 2.22 The following table only counts DORIS data that have passed CNES preprocesing step Individual daily DORIS statistics Day total_obs rejected valid_obs %_rejected -------------------------------------------------------- 20-01-2008 19814 7 19807 0.0 21-01-2008 20052 2 20050 0.0 22-01-2008 19801 4 19797 0.0 23-01-2008 19571 17 19554 0.1 24-01-2008 20588 4 20584 0.0 25-01-2008 20107 3 20104 0.0 26-01-2008 19930 3 19927 0.0 5) Individual Statistics per satellite ====================================== The following table includes all data that have been kept in the solution (after pre and post-processing) 5.1) Number of observations per satellite ----------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 4587 4792 4868 4609 4812 4955 5065 SPOT2 2842 2996 2786 2603 3181 2948 2769 SPOT4 5059 4841 4856 4983 5125 4977 4876 SPOT5 7319 7421 7287 7359 7466 7224 7217 5.2) Doppler residuals per satellite in mm/s -------------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 -------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 0.387 0.387 0.389 0.382 0.383 0.378 0.412 SPOT2 0.450 0.426 0.438 0.427 0.422 0.416 0.424 SPOT4 0.421 0.413 0.423 0.422 0.428 0.418 0.416 SPOT5 0.371 0.353 0.372 0.368 0.353 0.363 0.370 6) Individual Statistics per station ====================================== 6.1) Stations given in sinex solutions -------------------------------------- The following table includes all DORIS data that were used to generate the weekly DORIS sinex solutions o = station after a break in the DORIS time series day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ADEB o 1433 1265 1370 1367 1350 1361 1387 AMUB 358 473 458 360 453 367 429 ARFB 300 440 400 405 354 416 375 ASDB o 291 230 358 295 285 303 269 BEMB 1072 1161 1085 1064 1109 1203 1080 BETB 87 403 357 314 373 335 341 CADB 353 328 418 412 381 481 416 CHAB 566 621 582 539 612 578 561 CICB 335 388 369 349 393 416 306 CRPB 194 150 170 155 153 219 263 DIOB 276 381 364 379 269 295 481 DJIB 354 385 358 322 469 354 398 EASB 378 348 336 294 358 342 405 FAIB o 876 820 860 765 926 930 875 FUTB 279 348 348 303 311 273 342 GAVB 252 137 266 281 213 290 117 GREB 416 407 360 400 420 430 358 HEMB 371 275 243 303 261 239 328 JIUB 400 575 402 423 643 407 378 KETB 429 411 463 427 406 415 488 KIUB 452 562 475 481 544 469 427 KOLB 496 400 533 424 441 695 506 KRUB 343 313 332 306 375 281 325 LICB 347 412 349 288 363 407 430 MAHB 226 273 263 248 272 118 0 MALB 384 403 427 409 336 336 375 MATB o 422 374 355 466 360 318 496 METB 541 604 642 610 593 546 616 MIAB 358 306 327 386 374 482 365 MOOB 435 465 399 442 508 402 475 MORB 359 421 312 412 362 370 315 MSPB 493 404 250 401 394 468 445 NOWB 228 274 226 327 283 273 287 PATB 386 409 362 266 395 313 352 PDMB 56 0 33 42 11 19 26 REUB 314 327 340 366 368 373 267 REZB 747 697 584 636 705 740 766 RIPB 529 616 389 353 635 495 468 ROUB 993 704 884 894 799 916 1035 SCRB 423 362 341 314 388 400 360 SODB o 297 366 379 365 356 332 257 SPJB 1451 1335 1466 1393 1342 1381 1405 STJB o 535 600 455 522 623 507 571 SYPB 1194 1280 1352 1174 1191 1211 1319 TLSB 491 436 473 513 477 468 550 TRIB o 469 395 420 503 402 358 485 YASB 497 412 530 416 417 480 589 YEMB 806 864 824 865 875 818 878 6.2) stations rejected from solution ------------------------------------ all available stations were processed and given in the output sinex solutions 6.3) statistics per station and per satellite (stations in sinex) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- ADEB 3077 2254 1748 3185 AMUB 806 516 625 1103 ARFB 628 418 778 981 ASDB 669 185 491 877 BEMB 1851 563 1675 3954 BETB 812 291 670 831 CADB 638 543 836 950 CHAB 994 708 1223 1342 CICB 745 257 766 969 CRPB 406 69 225 775 DIOB 630 371 768 871 DJIB 691 453 773 949 EASB 527 322 873 1100 FAIB 1408 789 1230 2889 FUTB 593 196 568 978 GAVB 779 228 2 815 GREB 807 288 685 1202 HEMB 668 220 407 906 JIUB 737 604 863 1145 KETB 873 278 896 1174 KIUB 637 552 1169 1233 KOLB 837 859 1039 991 KRUB 577 349 689 885 LICB 649 460 724 916 MAHB 423 57 333 707 MALB 686 480 739 924 MATB 840 141 777 1215 METB 1246 456 841 1823 MIAB 665 400 672 987 MOOB 1034 348 792 1151 MORB 652 331 721 952 MSPB 752 364 710 1187 NOWB 534 208 460 823 PATB 682 405 652 939 PDMB 201 43 529 0 REUB 538 482 570 877 REZB 1451 389 845 2441 RIPB 1011 764 492 1415 ROUB 1541 494 1473 2967 SCRB 679 371 686 977 SODB 669 359 567 933 SPJB 2470 1563 2219 3926 STJB 918 649 899 1503 SYPB 2765 1634 1622 3144 TLSB 907 592 754 1310 TRIB 736 424 980 1101 YASB 933 538 979 1105 YEMB 1903 1261 1010 2326 6.4) statistics per station and per satellite (deleted stations) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- 7) External Comparisons ======================= (for information) 7.1) Stations coordinates ------------------------- Looking at the transformation results Comparing with solution ign07d02 at epoch of observations Weekly DORIS residuals in mm N E V ------------------- WRMS 13.6 17.2 12.9 7.2) Geocenter estimation -------------------------- Geocenter estimation as provided by 7-parameter transformation to ign07d02 TX = 4.5 +- 1.9 mm TY = -0.2 +- 2.0 mm TZ = -27.4 +- 2.0 mm 7.3) Scale factor ----------------- Scale factor / ITRF2005 using reference ign07d02 S = -1.1 +- 0.3 ppb 7.4) Earth Orientation Parameters --------------------------------- External comparison with JPL/GPS EOP values number of days compared X_POLE_RMS (mas) Y_POLE_RMS (mas) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 1.12 0.71 ============================================================== Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr