****************************************************************************** dorisreport 18-Dec-2007 08:46:27 Message No 1098 ****************************************************************************** Author: WILLIS Pascal Subject: IGN/JPL DORIS Updated Report for week 1452 = 07308 ============================================================== Summary report for weekly DORIS IGN/JPL Analysis solution GPS week number: 1452 from 04-11-2007 to 10-11-2007 DORIS name (using day of start): 07308 Days of year: from 2007/308 to 2007/314 ============================================================== Author: Pascal Willis 1) Contacts =========== Email pascal.willis@ign.fr Phone +33-1-4427-2484 FAX +33-1-4427-7340 2) Products =========== All the following products are available at the CDDIS data center ftp cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign07308wd05.snx.Z weekly sinex in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign07308wd06.snx.Z geocenter series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/geoc/ign07wd01.geoc.Z Earth Orientation Parameters time series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/eop/ign07wd01.eop.Z 3) Analysis Strategy ==================== The DORIS data have been processed using the Gipsy/Oasis software from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Suggestions on which solutions should be used or not can be found in pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ign.snx.readme Complete description files can be found at CDDIS at weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd05.snx.dsc weekly sinex in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd06.snx.dsc geocenter series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/geoc/ign07wd01.geoc.dsc Earth Orientation Parameters time series in ITRF2005 pub/doris/products/eop/ign07wd01.eop.dsc For references, the following papers are recommended : Willis, P., Y.E. Bar-Sever, G. Tavernier (2005), DORIS as a potential part of a Global Geodetic Observing System, J. Geodyn., 40(4-5), 494-501, DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2005.06.011 Willis, P., C. Boucher, H. Fagard, Z. Altamimi (2005), Applications geodesiques du systeme DORIS a l'Institut Geographique National, Geodetic applications of the DORIS system at the French Institut Geographique National, C.R. Geoscience, 337(7), 653-662, DOI: 10.1016/j.crte.2005.03.002 Last changes in the time series data analysis: Week 678: See DORISMail #0288, start of the time series 4) Global Statistics ==================== GPS week number 1452 from 04-11-2007 to 10-11-2007 Total number of stations = 47 Total number of satellites = 4 Combinations (daily to weekly) CHI2 / DOF = 1.93 The following table only counts DORIS data that have passed CNES preprocesing step Individual daily DORIS statistics Day total_obs rejected valid_obs %_rejected -------------------------------------------------------- 04-11-2007 21640 5 21635 0.0 05-11-2007 20440 5 20435 0.0 06-11-2007 16005 12 15993 0.1 07-11-2007 18664 2 18662 0.0 08-11-2007 20017 4 20013 0.0 09-11-2007 21888 7 21881 0.0 10-11-2007 21788 4 21784 0.0 5) Individual Statistics per satellite ====================================== The following table includes all data that have been kept in the solution (after pre and post-processing) 5.1) Number of observations per satellite ----------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 5980 5931 5968 5789 5953 6101 6136 SPOT2 4192 3958 1311 1608 2712 4088 4074 SPOT4 4681 3882 1951 4675 4778 4823 4729 SPOT5 6782 6664 6763 6590 6570 6869 6845 5.2) Doppler residuals per satellite in mm/s -------------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 -------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 0.424 0.429 0.411 0.430 0.414 0.410 0.395 SPOT2 0.451 0.439 0.449 0.420 0.447 0.464 0.428 SPOT4 0.435 0.428 0.404 0.426 0.421 0.421 0.431 SPOT5 0.384 0.396 0.378 0.381 0.364 0.366 0.366 6) Individual Statistics per station ====================================== 6.1) Stations given in sinex solutions -------------------------------------- The following table includes all DORIS data that were used to generate the weekly DORIS sinex solutions o = station after a break in the DORIS time series day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ADEB o 1264 1285 1330 1343 1335 1332 1380 AMUB 483 504 373 418 369 514 476 ARFB 373 384 279 447 372 388 389 ASDB o 345 303 325 305 291 334 349 BEMB 1855 1733 1266 1727 1672 1772 1764 BETB 399 362 316 418 376 425 407 CADB 395 465 395 447 384 506 521 CHAB 729 620 485 699 629 689 707 CICB 448 462 420 411 466 518 430 CRPB 195 271 221 318 287 312 310 DIOB 484 446 284 434 356 429 457 DJIB 454 473 451 338 423 462 439 EASB 461 494 277 320 474 502 442 FAIB o 986 981 793 928 1024 966 1003 FUTB 389 394 296 294 296 420 424 GREB 544 534 331 466 488 469 495 HBMB 460 475 417 402 442 464 492 HEMB 370 339 154 309 370 335 346 JIUB 507 565 476 478 571 611 604 KETB 623 612 361 460 526 576 523 KIUB 611 603 415 463 572 631 602 KOLB 537 457 468 608 489 560 575 KRUB 454 380 299 460 340 376 410 LICB 421 376 256 449 383 440 416 MAHB 332 368 319 304 343 394 301 MALB 457 470 355 358 430 456 456 MATB o 581 460 379 456 506 519 482 METB 680 664 632 641 621 659 708 MIAB 463 396 391 443 505 452 471 MONB 0 0 164 468 497 556 533 MORB 463 429 371 375 357 458 375 MSPB 487 412 395 476 549 523 449 NOWB 348 267 327 346 350 280 361 PATB 186 152 303 444 439 458 487 REUB 366 378 280 316 317 379 398 REZB 707 612 568 684 759 776 763 RIPB 706 714 625 654 677 689 691 SANB 482 413 405 496 446 486 476 SCRB 436 489 350 340 429 473 461 SODB o 379 408 397 335 337 455 470 SPJB 1482 1467 1307 1378 1431 1394 1481 STJB o 740 700 552 551 731 693 655 SYPB 1334 1226 581 0 554 1308 1301 TLSB 548 462 464 610 648 585 531 TRIB o 615 448 360 455 479 508 574 YASB 571 525 377 563 570 485 518 YEMB 513 412 378 252 205 292 144 6.2) stations rejected from solution ------------------------------------ all available stations were processed and given in the output sinex solutions 6.3) statistics per station and per satellite (stations in sinex) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- ADEB 3842 889 1694 3175 AMUB 1218 393 564 1132 ARFB 1021 308 475 958 ASDB 902 296 460 817 BEMB 5075 1384 1742 4107 BETB 1051 379 590 871 CADB 1092 567 687 950 CHAB 1647 685 1018 1346 CICB 1196 463 725 1002 CRPB 908 119 326 810 DIOB 895 608 704 865 DJIB 1071 463 784 953 EASB 1122 517 804 1035 FAIB 2862 603 988 2637 FUTB 1088 323 385 990 GREB 1408 420 492 1179 HBMB 1139 550 630 1015 HEMB 947 257 375 838 JIUB 1338 588 967 1164 KETB 1421 533 699 1166 KIUB 1486 581 978 1277 KOLB 1324 670 815 1046 KRUB 1190 497 635 859 LICB 1051 421 610 915 MAHB 1049 264 394 929 MALB 1042 505 714 940 MATB 1258 529 584 1184 METB 1923 431 751 1789 MIAB 1204 477 601 992 MONB 1140 445 692 1023 MORB 1100 356 664 950 MSPB 1292 353 639 1153 NOWB 950 200 470 797 PATB 913 569 617 536 REUB 950 323 427 942 REZB 2208 464 608 1994 RIPB 2185 378 628 1751 SANB 1329 334 590 1142 SCRB 1093 378 634 969 SODB 1186 360 543 982 SPJB 3908 1216 1595 3602 STJB 1617 647 1079 1466 SYPB 2608 739 899 2319 TLSB 1692 306 718 1291 TRIB 1260 531 870 1036 YASB 1294 599 850 1060 YEMB 1336 286 503 1098 6.4) statistics per station and per satellite (deleted stations) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- 7) External Comparisons ======================= (for information) 7.1) Stations coordinates ------------------------- Looking at the transformation results Comparing with solution ign07d02 at epoch of observations Weekly DORIS residuals in mm N E V ------------------- WRMS 11.5 16.1 10.7 7.2) Geocenter estimation -------------------------- Geocenter estimation as provided by 7-parameter transformation to ign07d02 TX = -1.8 +- 1.2 mm TY = 9.3 +- 1.3 mm TZ = -4.2 +- 1.2 mm 7.3) Scale factor ----------------- Scale factor / ITRF2005 using reference ign07d02 S = -0.9 +- 0.2 ppb 7.4) Earth Orientation Parameters --------------------------------- External comparison with JPL/GPS EOP values number of days compared X_POLE_RMS (mas) Y_POLE_RMS (mas) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 1.39 0.66 ============================================================== Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr