****************************************************************************** dorisreport 10-Aug-2007 17:52:27 Message No 0964 ****************************************************************************** Author: Jean-Jacques Valette Subject: CATREF combinations (August 2007) Dear colleagues During the last weeks, encouraging progress had occured on the IDS analysis. Firstly, Petr Stepanek from Pecny Observatory, Univ. of Prague, who is being implementing Bernese software to process the DORIS data had provided a few weeks of 2006 Spots+Envisat solutions (pecwd02). Secondly, Laurent Soudarin and Hughes Capdeville have delivered a new lca series (2005-2007) in which the scale bias is corrected. Their project is to provide their solutions regularly. Pascal Willis still furnishes routine ign solutions. In order to make internal validation of those series, CATREF software has been applied to analyse the series. For each series an individual combination is done. Comparison of time series parameters and 3D-rms are given. Also given are example of the residuals per station to the combined solution for 06 day 039 See ftp://ftp.cls.fr/pub/ids-cls/August-07/ We will continue this analysis every month and will also propose standard outputs (stat & graphs). Regards JJ. Valette ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jean-Jacques VALETTE (Jean-Jacques.Valette@cls.fr) COLLECTE LOCALISATION SATELLITES 8-10 Rue Hermès Parc Technologique du Canal 31520 Ramonville St-Agne FRANCE Tel (+33) Fax (+33) http://www.cls.fr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr