****************************************************************************** dorisreport 21-Jul-2006 18:02:08 Message No 0640 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Cerri Luca" Subject: SAT Envisat CY210 Doris Data and final orbit delivery Dear collegues Satellite: Envisat Cycle: 210 arc 5 cycle 48 19 June 06 to 27 June 06 Events: Maneuver on June 20, 2006 Missing data: No doris measurement from june 23 20h26m to june 24 7h20m The POD team delivered data to SSALTO 's Data Server. These data will be automatically delivered to the IDS Data Centers. Best Regards, Luca Cerri __________________________________ Luca CERRI Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales DCT\SB\OR 18, av Edouard Belin 31401 Toulouse Cedex 09 - FRANCE tel. +33 (0)5 61283549 fax +33 (0)5 61281855 bpi 1323 email luca.cerri@cnes.fr Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr