This is a multi-part message in MIME format... ------------=_1119646311-10648-70 ****************************************************************************** dorisreport 24-Jun-2005 22:51:44 Message No 0279 ****************************************************************************** Author: Pascal Willis Subject: IGN/JPL DORIS Report for week 1323 = 05135 ============================================================== Summary report for weekly DORIS IGN/JPL Analysis solution GPS week number: 1323 from 15-05-2005 to 21-05-2005 DORIS name (using day of start): 05135 Days of year: from 2005/135 to 2005/141 ============================================================== Author: Pascal Willis 1) Contacts =========== Email Phone 1-818-393-4748 FAX 1-818-393-4965 2) Products =========== All the following products are available at the CDDIS data center ftp weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign05135wd05.snx.Z weekly sinex in ITRF2000 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign05135wd04.snx.Z geocenter series pub/doris/products/geoc/ign03wd01.geoc.Z Earth Orientation Parameters time series pub/doris/products/eop/ign03wd01.eop.Z 3) Analysis Strategy ==================== The DORIS data have been processed using the Gipsy/Oasis software at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Suggestions on which solutions should be used or not can be found in pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ign.snx.readme Complete description files can be found at CDDIS at weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd05.snx.dsc weekly sinex in ITRF2000 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd04.snx.dsc geocenter series pub/doris/products/geoc/ign03wd01.geoc.dsc Earth Orientation Parameters time series pub/doris/products/eop/ign03wd01.eop.dsc For references, the following papers are recommended : Willis, P., M. Heflin (2004), External validation of the GRACE GGM01C gravity field using GPS and DORIS positioning results, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(13), L13616, DOI:10.1029/2004GL020038. Willis, P., C. Boucher, H. Fagard, Z. Altamimi (2005), Applications geodesiques du systeme DORIS a l'Institut Geographique National, Geodetic applications of the DORIS system at the French Institut Geographique National, C.R. Geoscience, 337(7), 653-662, DOI:10.1016/j.crte.2005.03.002. Last changes in the time series data analysis: Week 678 = 93003 : See DORISMail #0288, start of the time series Week 1281 = 04207 : Estimate DORIS wet tropospheric delay per measurement using a randomwalk approch (Psigma = 5 cm per day) no horizontal gradients used yet. See DORISMail #0345 Week 1287 = 04249 : Start using cumulative solution ign04d02 to perform the ITRF2000 transformation (when needed) Week 1293 = 04291 : Start using actual mass information for all satellites (as provided in the new *mass.txt files) instead of nominal values as before 4) Global Statistics ==================== GPS week number 1323 from 15-05-2005 to 21-05-2005 Total number of stations = 45 Total number of satellites = 4 Combinations (daily to weekly) CHI2 / DOF = 2.52 The following table only counts DORIS data that have passed CNES preprocesing step Individual daily DORIS statistics Day total_obs rejected valid_obs %_rejected -------------------------------------------------------- 15-05-2005 24140 57 24083 0.2 16-05-2005 24827 94 24733 0.4 17-05-2005 24847 41 24806 0.2 18-05-2005 24664 143 24521 0.6 19-05-2005 25516 35 25481 0.1 20-05-2005 22139 62 22077 0.3 21-05-2005 21442 11 21431 0.1 5) Individual Statistics per satellite ====================================== The following table includes all data that have been kept in the solution (after pre and post-processing) 5.1) Number of observations per satellite ----------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 7474 7734 7813 7345 7735 4519 4604 SPOT2 4385 4440 4790 4513 4681 4715 4384 SPOT4 5010 5038 4946 5117 5059 5078 4822 SPOT5 7214 7521 7257 7546 8006 7765 7621 5.2) Doppler residuals per satellite in mm/s -------------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 -------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 0.452 0.449 0.449 0.446 0.452 0.444 0.404 SPOT2 0.487 0.469 0.437 0.448 0.432 0.455 0.439 SPOT4 0.442 0.460 0.430 0.441 0.425 0.424 0.439 SPOT5 0.406 0.409 0.379 0.403 0.390 0.394 0.386 6) Individual Statistics per station ====================================== 6.1) Stations given in sinex solutions -------------------------------------- The following table includes all DORIS data that were used to generate the weekly DORIS sinex solutions o = station after a break in the DORIS time series day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ADEB 1359 1377 1514 1393 1417 1323 1177 AMTB 443 443 457 446 497 419 375 ASDB 330 330 321 347 316 307 250 CADB 478 517 539 460 465 510 439 CICB 443 470 452 457 453 416 375 CROB 319 347 276 275 299 295 329 DIOA o 445 487 534 492 464 384 430 DJIB 344 408 357 388 380 368 249 EASB 488 415 420 536 439 403 363 EVEB 240 240 289 310 239 241 262 FAIB o 920 969 949 1023 1022 872 808 FUTB 492 425 432 493 481 264 328 GREB 473 492 496 503 581 530 409 HBKB 404 371 300 397 491 420 360 HEMB 348 280 310 443 282 201 343 JIUB 451 451 406 450 468 453 385 KIUB 504 579 533 508 562 497 409 KOLB 395 505 527 469 439 407 409 KRAB o 834 880 830 812 872 867 0 KRUB 276 337 372 355 307 338 411 LIBB 338 353 323 323 379 311 269 MAHB 391 411 391 392 401 377 334 MALB 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 MANB o 391 437 435 276 349 353 373 MATB 374 371 407 378 466 319 361 METB 262 256 259 342 574 498 465 MIAB 391 402 488 430 421 428 359 MORB 356 430 325 348 412 309 326 MSPB 531 604 558 589 590 440 555 PAQB 394 417 446 408 505 411 324 PDMB 610 526 448 523 478 456 464 REUB 375 426 378 312 397 388 317 REZB 547 631 532 715 627 541 614 ROTB 1050 1240 1308 1311 1153 1019 1159 SAKB 734 763 587 716 785 639 614 SANB 477 636 612 475 520 539 521 SCRB 110 109 110 108 133 116 80 SODB o 494 527 535 456 501 535 425 SPJB 1563 1534 1542 1453 1590 1361 1362 SYPB 1242 1151 1385 1245 1201 1250 1138 THUB 1261 1074 1182 1045 1334 975 1037 TLHA 525 513 464 477 496 350 470 TRIB o 467 429 529 513 420 348 497 YASB 492 465 525 485 470 484 557 YELB 801 831 801 832 876 778 702 6.2) stations rejected from solution ------------------------------------ all available stations were processed and given in the output sinex solutions 6.3) statistics per station and per satellite (stations in sinex) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- ADEB 3137 1931 2160 2923 AMTB 982 664 631 1057 ASDB 651 483 563 677 CADB 1019 782 864 1009 CICB 955 695 700 1156 CROB 847 330 360 780 DIOA 928 643 801 1081 DJIB 773 573 544 774 EASB 832 854 862 958 EVEB 455 342 395 691 FAIB 2071 1180 1186 2934 FUTB 807 682 784 909 GREB 1082 603 903 1441 HBKB 797 514 748 907 HEMB 842 374 430 929 JIUB 885 662 744 1041 KIUB 1173 827 888 1022 KOLB 978 524 906 1298 KRAB 1533 1146 1193 1772 KRUB 986 630 96 1079 LIBB 683 264 668 1030 MAHB 907 545 559 917 MALB 50 0 0 0 MANB 716 601 621 908 MATB 1046 397 495 970 METB 699 478 486 1092 MIAB 1056 553 541 1007 MORB 634 823 565 659 MSPB 1174 859 946 1185 PAQB 892 582 802 1050 PDMB 1130 630 894 1386 REUB 819 484 556 930 REZB 1605 534 690 1697 ROTB 2947 1428 1445 3026 SAKB 1457 1215 1220 1376 SANB 1122 760 1039 1403 SCRB 926 0 0 0 SODB 971 812 985 1152 SPJB 3148 2127 2385 3498 SYPB 3010 1369 1611 3661 THUB 2434 1663 1742 2610 TLHA 1243 539 484 1519 TRIB 909 709 782 1164 YASB 1241 755 745 1053 YELB 2193 817 929 2488 6.4) statistics per station and per satellite (deleted stations) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 ------------------------------------- 7) External Comparisons ======================= (for information) 7.1) Stations coordinates ------------------------- Looking at the transformation results Comparing with solution ign04d02 at epoch of observations Weekly DORIS residuals in mm N E V ------------------- WRMS 23.6 16.7 19.8 7.2) Geocenter estimation -------------------------- Geocenter estimation as provided by 7-parameter transformation to ign04d02 TX = -36.0 +- 2.8 mm TY = 36.4 +- 2.3 mm TZ = 90.4 +- 2.5 mm 7.3) Scale factor ----------------- Scale factor / ITRF2000 using reference ign04d02 S = -3.9 +- 0.3 ppb 7.4) Earth Orientation Parameters --------------------------------- External comparison with JPL/GPS EOP values number of days compared X_POLE_RMS (mas) Y_POLE_RMS (mas) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 1.10 1.07 ============================================================== ------------=_1119646311-10648-70 Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer" Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.footer" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to ------------=_1119646311-10648-70--