****************************************************************************** dorisreport 10-Jun-2005 14:52:51 Message No 0261 ****************************************************************************** Author: Martine Feissel-Vernier Subject: Viewing the IDS contribution to ITRF2004 Dear colleagues In the course of the preparation of the IDS contribution to ITRF2004, we have set up a special webpage at http://lareg.ensg.ign.fr/IDS/ITRF2004.html where information on the Analysis centers contributions and their analysis are available. The topics to be covered are the stability of the stations, the list of discontinuities, the core network, etc. Results are posted as they become available. Best regards. Martine Feissel-Vernier IDS Analysis Coordinator -- Martine Feissel-Vernier Observatoire de Paris and Institut Geographique National Telephone: 33 (0) 1 64 15 32 83 DT/LAREG Fax: 33 (0) 1 64 15 32 53 8 Av. Blaise Pascal, Champs sur Marne 77455 Marne la Vallee Cedex 2, France -- Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr