****************************************************************************** dorisreport 14-Apr-2005 20:14:31 Message No 0200 ****************************************************************************** Author: Laurent soudarin Subject: new LEGOS/CLS DORIS weekly sinex at CDDIS Dear all, A set of weekly sinex was delivered this week by the LEGOS/CLS analysis center. They are available at the CDDIS data center in the following directory : pub/doris/products/sinex_series/lcawd . An anomaly detected in ENVISAT data processing has been corrected (error in our modelling of the satellite's center of mass). The main effect of this mismodelling was an important annual signal of the scale and translation parameters for this satellite. All the ENVISAT mission has been re-processed with the center of mass correction given in the data files, and the combined weekly solutions re-created. The previous files for 2002/07/21 (lca02202wd12.snx.Z) to 2004/10/02 (lca04270wd12.snx.Z) have been removed and new files with the same name have been delivered. We recommand to get these new files for all terrestrial reference frame studies. New sinex for the period 2004/10/03 to 2005/01/29 were also delivered. Best regards, Laurent Soudarin Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr