****************************************************************************** dorisreport 18-Mar-2005 13:06:04 Message No 0174 ****************************************************************************** Author: Christophe FERRIER Subject: SAT Envisat CY138 Doris Data and final orbit delivery Satellite: Envisat Cycle: 138 arc 3 cycle 34 01 fev. 05 to 07 fev. 05 Events: none Missing data: doris from 4/02 1h58 to 4/02 16h11 4/02 22h18 to 5/02 6h39 5/02 20h33 to 6/02 7h31 6/02 20h31 to 7/02 6h54 fortunately, laser helps in the covergage of these gaps. The POD team delivered data to SSALTO 's Data Server. These data will be automatically delivered to the IDS Data Centers. Regards, Christophe Ferrier -- | Dr Christophe FERRIER || CNES DCT/SB/OR | | Christophe.Ferrier@cnes.fr || bpi 1323 | | tel (+33) (0)5 61 28 31 70 || 18 av E. Belin | | fax (+33) (0)5 61 28 18 55 || 31401 Toulouse cedex 4 | Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr