This is a multi-part message in MIME format... ------------=_1098255471-2395-16 ****************************************************************************** dorisreport 19-Oct-2004 19:40:41 Message No 0018 ****************************************************************************** Author: Pascal Willis Subject: IGN/JPL DORIS Report for week 1284 = 04228 ============================================================== Summary report for weekly DORIS IGN/JPL Analysis solution GPS week number: 1284 from 15-08-2004 to 21-08-2004 DORIS name (using day of start): 04228 Days of year: from 2004/228 to 2004/234 ============================================================== Author: Pascal Willis 1) Contacts =========== Email Phone 1-818-393-4748 FAX 1-818-393-4965 2) Products =========== All the following products are available at the CDDIS data center ftp weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign04228wd05.snx.Z weekly sinex in ITRF2000 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ign04228wd04.snx.Z geocenter series pub/doris/products/geoc/ign03wd01.geoc.Z Earth Orientation Parameters time series pub/doris/products/eop/ign03wd01.eop.Z 3) Analysis Strategy ==================== The DORIS data have been processed using the Gipsy/Oasis software at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Suggestions on which solutions should be used or not can be found in pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ign.snx.readme Complete description files can be found at CDDIS at weekly sinex in free-network pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd05.snx.dsc weekly sinex in ITRF2000 pub/doris/products/sinex_series/ignwd/ignwd04.snx.dsc geocenter series pub/doris/products/geoc/ign03wd01.geoc.dsc Earth Orientation Parameters time series pub/doris/products/eop/ign03wd01.eop.dsc For references, the following papers are recommended : Willis, P., Y. Bar-Sever, and G. Tavernier (2003), DORIS as a potential part of a Global Geodetic Observing System, J. Geodyn, G07_10P_D-001, in press. Willis, P., M. Heflin (2004), External validation of the GRACE GGM01C gravity field using GPS and DORIS positioning results, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, 13, L13616, doi:10.1029/2004GL020038. Last changes in the time series data analysis: Week 678 = 93003 : See DORISMail #0288, start of the time series Week 1281 = 04207 : Estimate DORIS wet tropospheric delay per measurement using a randomwalk approch (Psigma = 5 cm per day) no horizontal gradients used yet. See DORISMail #0345 4) Global Statistics ==================== GPS week number 1284 from 15-08-2004 to 21-08-2004 Total number of stations = 41 Total number of satellites = 5 Combinations (daily to weekly) CHI2 / DOF = 2.59 The following table only counts DORIS data that have passed CNES preprocesing step Individual daily DORIS statistics Day total_obs rejected valid_obs %_rejected -------------------------------------------------------- 15-08-2004 23321 59 23262 0.3 16-08-2004 23558 49 23509 0.2 17-08-2004 21636 45 21591 0.2 18-08-2004 21631 73 21558 0.3 19-08-2004 22439 44 22395 0.2 20-08-2004 23530 61 23469 0.3 21-08-2004 23461 47 23414 0.2 5) Individual Statistics per satellite ====================================== The following table includes all data that have been kept in the solution (after pre and post-processing) 5.1) Number of observations per satellite ----------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 4044 4284 3437 3664 4022 4374 4212 SPOT2 3860 4131 3664 3526 3687 4069 4103 SPOT4 4328 4303 3872 3795 4066 4197 4023 SPOT5 5877 6224 6049 5469 5749 5663 5799 TOPEX 5153 4567 4569 5104 4871 5166 5277 5.2) Doppler residuals per satellite in mm/s -------------------------------------------- day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 -------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT 0.509 0.508 0.477 0.498 0.502 0.517 0.517 SPOT2 0.455 0.427 0.415 0.429 0.406 0.438 0.442 SPOT4 0.445 0.449 0.439 0.452 0.439 0.431 0.442 SPOT5 0.414 0.406 0.413 0.434 0.424 0.418 0.420 TOPEX 0.459 0.433 0.442 0.462 0.459 0.454 0.459 6) Individual Statistics per station ====================================== 6.1) Stations given in sinex solutions -------------------------------------- The following table includes all DORIS data that were used to generate the weekly DORIS sinex solutions o = station after a break in the DORIS time series day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- ADEB 1694 1571 1765 1706 1831 1761 1737 ASDB 259 159 92 251 170 171 155 CICB 562 563 560 571 538 472 583 COLA o 502 578 456 557 488 507 546 CROB 583 597 644 616 517 577 803 DIOA o 427 460 529 463 471 514 437 DJIB 535 541 487 570 485 554 360 EASB 641 583 569 687 602 594 655 FAIB o 1162 1070 1050 1152 1205 1162 1161 FUTB 506 518 428 533 586 455 485 GALA 0 123 152 77 167 170 209 GOMB 221 120 166 81 176 64 291 GREB 0 0 52 0 285 492 525 HBKB 634 502 504 589 625 435 591 HEMB 445 352 415 373 384 444 453 JIUB 31 77 0 105 107 37 101 KIUB 542 610 525 677 532 610 661 KOLB 441 448 500 605 690 571 562 KRAB o 575 816 883 873 861 912 838 KRUB 430 495 650 589 585 722 666 LIBB 317 467 437 230 369 509 322 MAHB 461 517 470 0 0 0 0 METB 789 767 797 728 787 749 805 MSPB 743 698 633 743 724 615 755 PAQB 348 491 528 490 383 408 487 PDMB 419 434 371 402 469 343 447 PURA 349 319 333 633 625 513 334 REUB 137 150 100 111 200 161 103 REYB 834 779 728 850 847 741 790 RIDA 408 373 441 419 478 457 392 RIPB 1153 1110 1118 1174 1171 1258 928 SAKA o 944 872 0 0 0 0 0 SALB 460 537 502 445 290 0 0 SANB 652 674 666 680 781 705 627 SODB o 494 545 581 561 508 528 515 STJB 229 358 162 247 408 356 377 SYPB 1601 1580 1662 785 652 1793 1723 TLHA 648 565 736 837 772 655 746 TRIB o 612 635 694 618 597 729 616 YASB 666 650 671 556 648 751 634 YELB 888 874 492 0 361 963 971 6.2) stations rejected from solution ------------------------------------ the following stations were not given in the output sinex solutions : day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 --------------------------------------------------------------- MANB 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 MORB 0 0 31 96 103 70 101 this is due to the lack of data or to some stations related problems as described below MORB 5 2 2004 21 8 2004 equipement problem 6.3) statistics per station and per satellite (stations in sinex) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 TOPEX --------------------------------------------- ADEB 3017 2069 2251 3123 2189 ASDB 286 345 163 126 379 CICB 544 761 728 1155 971 COLA 574 702 833 1193 694 CROB 1008 721 828 1118 896 DIOA 599 855 838 919 207 DJIB 629 715 734 904 732 EASB 623 792 877 1096 1358 FAIB 1180 1248 1353 2706 1996 FUTB 526 496 725 876 1062 GALA 470 506 0 0 0 GOMB 180 83 40 812 11 GREB 304 273 288 500 124 HBKB 732 735 743 1277 785 HEMB 540 474 488 952 715 JIUB 547 0 0 0 0 KIUB 682 766 970 1457 738 KOLB 448 905 682 701 1365 KRAB 758 686 1363 1861 1521 KRUB 572 733 741 1081 1302 LIBB 528 539 480 799 625 MAHB 309 208 274 483 326 METB 1400 1080 1147 1598 370 MSPB 953 893 1038 1137 1171 PAQB 706 511 502 1026 742 PDMB 497 588 641 1093 334 PURA 439 371 604 568 1248 REUB 503 527 0 0 0 REYB 1505 853 852 2656 350 RIDA 638 523 576 1097 423 RIPB 1451 1385 1459 2057 2286 SAKA 215 251 383 400 648 SALB 521 484 463 689 329 SANB 770 903 914 1358 1275 SODB 552 636 656 1124 1077 STJB 639 33 484 722 310 SYPB 2420 1876 1980 3279 1088 TLHA 672 494 445 1589 2157 TRIB 595 800 897 1112 1401 YASB 785 939 924 989 1167 YELB 1088 632 653 1830 819 6.4) statistics per station and per satellite (deleted stations) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ENVISAT SPOT2 SPOT4 SPOT5 TOPEX --------------------------------------------- MANB 26 0 0 0 0 MORB 443 0 0 0 0 7) External Comparisons ======================= (for information) 7.1) Stations coordinates ------------------------- Looking at the transformation results Comparing with solution ign03d02 at epoch of observations Weekly DORIS residuals in mm N E V ------------------- WRMS 16.8 19.5 16.6 7.2) Geocenter estimation -------------------------- Geocenter estimation as provided by 7-parameter transformation to ign03d02 TX = -15.4 +- 2.1 mm TY = 15.2 +- 2.0 mm TZ = 6.3 +- 2.0 mm 7.3) Scale factor ----------------- Scale factor / ITRF2000 using reference ign03d02 S = -1.5 +- 0.3 ppb 7.4) Earth Orientation Parameters --------------------------------- External comparison with JPL/GPS EOP values number of days compared X_POLE_RMS (mas) Y_POLE_RMS (mas) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 1.15 0.70 ============================================================== ------------=_1098255471-2395-16 Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer" Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.footer" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to ------------=_1098255471-2395-16--