****************************************************************************** dorismail 07-Mar-2025 16:46:10 Message No 1433 ****************************************************************************** Author: Couhert Alexandre Subject: Jason-3 CNES POE-G orbit standards Dear colleagues, The first Jason-3 precise orbits (cycle 500) in the new POE-G standards (previously POE-F standards) were delivered last Monday and will soon be available in sp3 to the CDDIS/IGN data servers. They are flagged with the version number VV=3D30 in the file name. We use this opportunity to update the header of our sp3 files accordingly, /* PCV:IGS20 /* OL/AL/SS:FES2014b NONE ITRF2020 YNY ORB:CoM CLK:CoM /* /* to clarify the handling of geocenter motion, as discussed within the Copernicus Quality Working group. See attached for details. As you will see, we also extended with one digit the precision of the position/velocity delivered in the sp3 format (e.g., moving to f14.7 in 'P' and 'V' blocks). Sentinel-6 MF POE orbits will switch to the POE-G standards in April, as well as Sentinel-3A/B. A summary of the changes between the previous POE-F and the new POE-G POD standards can be found on the OSTST web site in John Moyard's presentation https://doi.org/10.24400/527896/a03-2023.3863 and https://ids-doris.org/documents/BC/data/POD_configuration_POEG.pdf Best regards, CNES POD Team