boundary="_000_DU0PR08MB748630F74216B4837720BEF895FE2DU0PR08MB7486eurp_" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 14-Feb-2025 09:42:00 Message No 1428 ****************************************************************************** Author: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Rodr=EDguez_P=E9rez_Jos=E9_Carlos?= Subject: Geodetic Infrastructure @IAG Scientific Assembly 2025 --_000_DU0PR08MB748630F74216B4837720BEF895FE2DU0PR08MB7486eurp_ Dear geodesy colleagues, We wish to call your attention to session G06-2: "Global Geodetic Infrastru= cture for Earth System Monitoring" of Symposium 6 "Global Geodetic Observin= g System" at the IAG Scientific Assembly in Rimini (Italy, 1-5 September 20= 25). The geodetic infrastructure is the foundation stone without which our obser= vations, products and flow of data would just not exist. We are eager to he= ar about any developments in this area that contribute to an improvement of= geodetic infrastructure, its quality or capabilities, successful deploymen= t stories, simulation studies, new concepts, and everything else related to= this topic. Please find below the description of this session, and do send us your abst= ract by March 15th. You can find all the details about the IAG Scientific A= ssembly, including abstract guidelines and submission information, here: Hoping for your participation and to seeing you in Rimini. Best regards, Jos=E9 Rodr=EDguez Martin Lidberg Lucia McCallum Cornelia Eschelbach G06-2: Global geodetic infrastructure for Earth System Monitoring The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the IAG provides measurement= s of the static and time-varying shape, orientation and gravity field of th= e Earth, using geodetic instrumentation located on the ground and onboard s= pacecraft. The deployment of the observing networks, technological developm= ents, multi-technique integration, and improvements in modelling capabiliti= es have all led to geodesy being able to provide critical contributions, bo= th scientifically and for wide societal benefit. The refinement in the appl= ications and use cases that depend on geodetic products, especially in scie= nce areas concerned with global change (e.g. global water cycle, sea level,= climate change), or the monitoring and early warning of geohazards, impose= stringent requirements on the products provided by GGOS. What makes this a= ll possible, i.e. the set of observatories, analysis, data and combination = centres, and the human resources involved, is what the United Nations Globa= l Geodesy Centre of Excellence calls the Global Geodesy Supply Chain. The i= nfrastructure part of this supply chain, at the GGOS level, is overseen by = the GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations. Among the most prominent products of the geodesy supply chain are the vario= us reference frames (geometry, height, gravity) required to provide a commo= n link in space and time for scientific observations, as well as for applic= ations such as positioning and navigation on land, sea, air and space. Othe= r than the constant upkeep and modernisation of the geodetic supply chain, = the increasing demands in precision, accuracy and consistency make it param= ount that any systematic errors within and between the techniques be identi= fied and resolved, paving the way to the GGOS requirements of 1 mm and 0.1 = mm/yr (or equivalent). In this session, we solicit contributions on the inf= rastructure aspects of the global geodetic observing system, such as: * Advances in space geodesy technology. * Progress and updates of the networks of the IAG Services, including nationa= l networks. * New space missions with geodetic relevance and related supporting infrastru= cture. * Infrastructure for the realisation of the height and gravity reference syst= ems. * Local geodetic surveys and progress on space ties. * Detection and mitigation of systematic errors. * Simulation results showing pathways to achieve the GGOS goals. --_000_DU0PR08MB748630F74216B4837720BEF895FE2DU0PR08MB7486eurp_