boundary="_000_PR0P264MB2854AC614473618B22013837C3482PR0P264MB2854FRAP_" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 12-Feb-2024 17:50:59 Message No 1386 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: Call for Papers, IDS Workshop 26-27 September --_000_PR0P264MB2854AC614473618B22013837C3482PR0P264MB2854FRAP_ Dear Colleagues, We would like to inform you that on 26 and 27 September 2024, the IDS works= hop 2024 will be held in Montpellier, France, as part of the "30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry" Symposium. The abstract submission process for these events is open. To submit an abstract, please follow the link on the "Abstract submission" = section: The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 March 2024. Logistical details are available on the meeting website https://www.altimet= The IDS workshop will highlight current developments and the status of scie= ntific results that use DORIS data, and will provide a platform for discuss= ion and coordination of future activities. IDS contributors are invited to submit a presentation (oral or poster) to t= he IDS workshop for presenting results in relation with topics such as: * DORIS network and constellation: status and evolution * IDS processing and Terrestrial Reference Frame * Precise orbit modeling and Precise Orbit Determination * Research activities and new applications using DORIS data, or new met= hods of processing DORIS data. We also welcome papers that describe the progress of the activities pertain= ing to the DORIS operational combination. POD modelling issues related to r= adiation pressure, atmospheric drag, geocenter motion model, tropospheric d= elay and mapping functions, and phase center corrections that affect the qu= ality of the DORIS products and papers that review progress in these areas = will be especially welcome. We also welcome papers that synergistically use= DORIS data in combination with other geodetic techniques, including multi-= technique combinations for the terrestrial reference frame. DORIS being a dual-frequency radio technique, provides a means to sound the= ionosphere, and we welcome papers that use or compare the DORIS measuremen= ts with models or to calibrate the performance of satellite radar altimeter= s or make other uses of these ionospheric data. The Scientific Committee will draw up a programme and an agenda at a later = stage, according to the submitted abstracts. Please contact the IDS Central Bureau if you have any questions: email: We look forward to seeing you all there! Best regards, Laurent Soudarin ________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pi?ces jointes (ci-apr?s le "message") sont ?tabli= s ? l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vo= us recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas destin?, merci de = le d?truire ainsi que toute copie de votre syst?me et d'en avertir imm?diat= ement l'exp?diteur. Toute lecture non autoris?e, toute utilisation de ce me= ssage qui n'est pas conforme ? sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute pub= lication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne permettant pas = d'assurer l'int?grit? de ce message ?lectronique susceptible d'alt?ration, = l'exp?diteur (et ses filiales) d?cline(nt) toute responsabilit? au titre de= ce message dans l'hypoth?se o? il aurait ?t? modifi? ou falsifi?. This message and any attachments (the "message") is intended solely for the= intended recipient(s) and is confidential. If you receive this message in = error, or are not the intended recipient(s), please delete it and any copie= s from your systems and immediately notify the sender. Any unauthorized vie= w, use that does not comply with its purpose, dissemination or disclosure, = either whole or partial, is prohibited. Since the internet cannot guarantee= the integrity of this message which may not be reliable, the sender (and i= ts subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if modified or falsifi= ed. --_000_PR0P264MB2854AC614473618B22013837C3482PR0P264MB2854FRAP_

 Dear Colleagues,


We would like to inform you th= at on 26 and 27 September 2024, the IDS workshop 2024 will be held in Montp= ellier, France,

as part of the "30 Years = of Progress in Radar Altimetry" Symposium.


The abstract submission proces= s for these events is open.

To submit an abstract, please = follow the link on the "Abstract submission" section:


The deadline for submission of= abstracts is 15 March 2024.


Logistical details are availab= le on the meeting website http= s://




The IDS workshop will highligh= t current developments and the status of scientific results that use DORIS = data, and will provide a platform for discussion and coordination of future= activities.

IDS contributors are invited t= o submit a presentation (oral or poster) to the IDS workshop for presenting= results in relation with topics such as:


  • DORIS network and constellation: status and evolu= tion
  • IDS processing and Terrestrial Reference = Frame
  • Precise orbit modelin= g and Precise Orbit Determination
  • Research activities and new applications using DORIS data, or new me= thods of processing DORIS data.



We also welcome papers that de= scribe the progress of the activities pertaining to the DORIS operational c= ombination. POD modelling issues related to radiation pressure, atmospheric= drag, geocenter motion model, tropospheric delay and mapping functions, and phase center corrections that affect the = quality of the DORIS products and papers that review progress in these area= s will be especially welcome. We also welcome papers that synergistically u= se DORIS data in combination with other geodetic techniques, including multi-technique combinations for the = terrestrial reference frame.

DORIS being a dual-frequency r= adio technique, provides a means to sound the ionosphere, and we welcome pa= pers that use or compare the DORIS measurements with models or to calibrate= the performance of satellite radar altimeters or make other uses of these ionospheric data.=


The Scientific Committee will = draw up a programme and an agenda at a later stage, according to the submit= ted abstracts.



Please contact the IDS Central= Bureau if you have any questions:



We look forward to seeing you = all there!


Best regards,

Laurent Soudarin

Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes (ci-après = le "message") sont établis à l'intention exclusive = de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou s'il ne vous est pas destiné, merci de le détruire= ainsi que toute copie de votre système et d'en avertir imméd= iatement l'expéditeur. Toute lecture non autorisée, toute uti= lisation de ce message qui n'est pas conforme à sa destination, tout= e diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite. L'Internet ne pe= rmettant pas d'assurer l'intégrité de ce message élect= ronique susceptible d'altération, l’expéditeur (et ses = filiales) décline(nt) toute responsabilité au titre de ce mes= sage dans l'hypothèse où il aurait été modifié ou falsifié.

This message and any attachments (the "message") is in= tended solely for the intended recipient(s) and is confidential. If you rec= eive this message in error, or are not the intended recipient(s), please delete it and any copies from your systems and immedi= ately notify the sender. Any unauthorized view, use that does not comply wi= th its purpose, dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is pr= ohibited. Since the internet cannot guarantee the integrity of this message which may not be reliable, the sen= der (and its subsidiaries) shall not be liable for the message if modified = or falsified.  

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