boundary="_000_GVX0PF8F06D7427A08637284B47E725A2A2F6712GVX0PF8F06D7427_" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 18-Jan-2024 13:47:06 Message No 1381 ****************************************************************************** Author: Karine le Bail Subject: REMINDER: PhD position @ Chalmers University of Technology --_000_GVX0PF8F06D7427A08637284B47E725A2A2F6712GVX0PF8F06D7427_ Dear colleagues, I would like to remind you about the opening at Chalmers University of Tech= nology for a PhD position in space geodesy, and in particular the DORIS tec= hnique. job&rmjob=3D12319&rmlang=3DUK The deadline for applications was postponed to February 4, 2024. For those who already applied, we will begin the interviews in the coming t= wo weeks. Please forward the information to anyone who might be interested. Do not he= sitate to contact me if you need more information. Best, Karine Le Bail. ______________________ Dr. Karine Le Bail Docent | Associate Professor Avdelningen f=F6r Onsala Rymdobservatorium | Division of Onsala Space Obser= vatory Institutionen f=F6r rymd-, geo- och milj=F6vetenskap | Department of Space,= Earth and Environment SE-439 92 Onsala Sweden Chalmers Tekniska H=F6gskola | Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Gothenburg Sweden --_000_GVX0PF8F06D7427A08637284B47E725A2A2F6712GVX0PF8F06D7427_

= Dear colleagues,


I would like to remi= nd you about the opening at Chalmers University of Technology for a PhD&nbs= p;position in space geodesy, and in particular the DORIS technique. ies/?rmpage=3Djob&rmjob=3D12319&rmlang=3DUK


The deadline for app= lications was postponed to February 4, 2024.

For those who alread= y applied, we will begin the interviews in the coming two weeks.

Please forward the in= formation to anyone who might be interested. Do not hesitate to contact me = if you need more information.


Karine Le Bail.


Dr. Karine Le Bail
Docent | Associate Professor
Avdelningen f=F6r Onsala Rymdobservatorium | Division of Onsala Space Obser= vatory
Institutionen f=F6r rymd-, geo- och milj=F6vetenskap | Department of Space,= Earth and Environment
SE-439 92 Onsala


Chalmers Tekniska H=F6gskola | Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Gothenburg
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