boundary="_000_MRZP264MB2826F9049924207FAB4916ACC3B3AMRZP264MB2826FRAP_" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 13-Nov-2023 16:18:07 Message No 1371 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: SWOT DORIS data at CDDIS and IGN Data Centers Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the delivery of DORIS/SWOT data to IDS has = begun: DORIS/RINEX, sp3 POE orbits, mass, maneuver and attitude history fil= es. Quaternions files and solar panel angles will be provided in a second step. DORIS/RINEX and sp3 POE orbits are available at IDS Data Centers: CDDIS: (authenticated https) ; (authenticat= ed ftp-ssl) IGN: (anonymous ftp) or * DORIS/RINEX Files are delivered on a daily basis (from 2023/01/12) and stored in the di= rectory doris/data/swo/ File name : sworxYYDDD.LLL.Z Note that some DORIS/RINEX files do not exit (information given at https://= iles) sworx23140.001.Z (2023/05/20) sworx23141.001.Z (2023/05/21) sworx23265.001.Z (2023/09/22) sworx23266.001.Z (2023/09/23) sworx23267.001.Z (2023/09/24) sworx23268.001.Z (2023/09/25) sworx23269.001.Z (2023/09/26) Consequently, you will note some gaps in POE sp3 series. * Precise Orbit Ephemeris from CNES/SOD (in sp3c format) One file per 7-day arc stored in the directory doris/products/orbits/ssa/swo File name: ssaswoVV.bXXDDD.eYYEEE.DG_.sp3.LLL.Z Mass, maneuver and attitude history files are available at IDS Central Bure= au * mass & center of mass history file: swomass.txt * maneuver history file: swoman.txt * attitude history file: swoatt.txt (includes angle values of Solar Pan= el 1 after rotation; see satellite model description) Note that SWOT initial values of mass and center of gravity coordinates are= added in s.txt Documentation DORIS satellites models implemented in POE processing by the CNES SOD : htt= ps:// (update= d) Description of the theoretical attitude laws for the satellites Sentinel-6 = and Swot : titudeLaws.pdf Description of the quaternion files for Swot : nts/BC/ancillary/quaternions/swot_quaternions_CNES_product_description.pdf Reference IDS data structure and formats : a-Structure-Formats.pdf Best regards, Laurent