****************************************************************************** dorismail 27-Jan-2021 17:38:59 Message No 1262 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: IDS election results Dear colleagues, The IDS recently organized elections to fill the three vacancies in the IDS= Governing Board for the next 4 year term, 2021-2024: Analysis Centers' Representative, Member-at-Large, Data Center Representat= ive. The members elected by the IDS Associates are: Member at-large: Karine Le Bail (Chalmers University, Onsala Space Observat= ory, Sweden) Analysis Centers' Representative: Frank Lemoine (NASA Goddard Space Flight = Center, USA) Data Center Representative: Benjamin Patrick Michael (NASA Goddard Space Fl= ight Center, USA) We also welcome Tonie van Dam (IERS Directing Board Chair) as the new IERS = Representative to the IDS GB. During the first Governing Board meeting with the new members on January 2= 6, 2021, following the procedures outlined in the IDS Terms of Reference, Frank Lemoine was elected as IDS Chairperson for a second term. The new members take office on January 26, 2021. The new list of the GB members is given on the IDS website at https://ids-doris.org/ids/organization/governing-board.html Congratulations to the newly elected members and thank you to the excellent= candidates who participated in the IDS Governing Board elections. We thank the IDS Elections committee (Claudio Abbondanza, Ernst Schrama, Pa= scal Willis) for organizing the GB elections. We also thank the IDS associates for participating in the elections. The IDS also thanks Brian Luzum (US Naval Observatory, Scientific Director)= for his membership of the IDS GB from 2013-2020 as IERS Representative. The IDS would also like to express their sincere appreciation to Denise Det= tmering (DGFI, Technical University of Munich) for serving as Member-at-Large to the IDS Governing Board from 2017-2020. Denise remains an ex officio member of the IDS GB, in the role of Chair of = the IDS Working Group on Near Real Time Data. Best regards, Laurent Soudarin IDS Central Bureau