****************************************************************************** dorismail 20-Dec-2020 17:48:48 Message No 1258 ****************************************************************************** Author: Pacione Rosa Subject: Call for vEGU21 abstracts: G5.2 – Atmospheric and Environmental Monitoring with Space-Geodetic Techniques ** We apologize for multiple posting ** Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to session G5.2/AS5 Atmospheric and Environmental Monitoring with Space-Geodetic Techniques. The description of the session is given below and it can also be found at https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/session/39986 We encourage you to participate in it by submitting abstracts, https://egu21.eu/abstracts_and_programme/how_to_submit_an_abstract.html. Notice that the DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS 13 JANUARY 2020, 13:00 The General Assembly 2021 of the European Geosciences Union vEGU21: Gather Online (#vEGU21) will be a fully virtual meeting. vEGU21 will feature the 2020 and 2021 awards ceremonies and lectures, mentoring, networking events, and many more activities in addition to nearly 700 scientific sessions. vEGU2 will take place from 19–30 April with all the technical sessions scheduled during the last week of April (26-30 April). Every session will be organized as Virtual PICO (https://egu21.eu/about/provisional_format_of_egu21.html) with a 2-minute oral presentation in one webinar. Do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions. We are looking forward to welcoming you at vEGU2021! The session convenors: Rosa Pacione: Gert Mulder, Maximilian Semmling, Norman Teferle, Henrik Vedel Geodesy contributes to Atmospheric Science by providing some of the ECVs of the GCOS. Water Vapor is under-sampled in the current meteorological and climate observing systems. Obtaining more high-quality humidity observations is essential to weather forecasting and climate monitoring. The production, exploitation and evaluation of operational GNSS-Met for weather forecasting is well established in Europe due to 20+ years of cooperation between the geodetic community and the national met services. Advancements in NWP models to improve forecasting of extreme precipitation require GNSS troposphere products with a higher resolution in space and shorter delivery times than are currently in use. Homogeneously reprocessed GNSS data have high potential for monitoring WV climatic trends and variability. With shortening orbit repeat periods, SAR measurements are a new source of information to improve NWP models. Using NWP data within RT processing of GNSS observations can initialize PPP algorithms, shortening convergence times and improving positioning. GNSS signals can be used for L-band remote sensing when Earth-surface reflected signals are considered. GNSS-R contributes to environmental monitoring with estimates of soil moisture, snow depth, ocean wind speed, sea ice concentration and has the potential to be used to retrieve near-surface WV. We welcome, but not limit, contributions on: •Estimates of the neutral atmosphere using ground-based and space-based geodetic data, use of those estimates in weather forecasting and climate monitoring •Multi-GNSS and multi-instruments approaches to retrieve and inter-compare tropospheric parameters •RT and reprocessed tropospheric products for now-casting, forecasting and climate •Assimilation of GNSS tropospheric products in NWP and in climate reanalysis •Production of SAR-based tropospheric parameters and use of them in NWP •Methods for homogenization of long-term GNSS tropospheric products •Studies of the delay properties of the GNSS signals for propagation experiments •Usage of NWP data in GNSS data processing •Techniques on retrieval of soil moisture from GNSS observations and of ground-atmosphere boundary interactions •Estimates and methods using GNSS-R for the detection and characterization of sea level and sea ice changes •Usage of satellite gravity observations for studying the atmospheric water cycle. This session is also related to the activities of IAG Inter-Commission Committee on "Geodesy for Climate Research". e-GEOS S.p.A. Rosa Pacione Matera Space Center Data Analysis Services Contrada Terlecchie - 75100 Matera - Italy Ph: +39 0835 377 556 | Fax: +39 06 4099-9973 rosa.pacione@e-geos.it e-GEOS.it