****************************************************************************** dorismail 18-Dec-2020 10:17:44 Message No 1257 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: [ids.newsletter] IDS Newsletter #8 Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the publication of IDS Newsletter #8. This issue contains the following articles: * "2020 celebrates 30 years of the DORIS system" + IDS and DORIS milest= ones * "2020, two new missions have joined the DORIS constellation" * "Pascal Willis retires" and as always, find the latest news from the International DORIS Service in= the "IDS life" section. You will find the IDS Newsletter #8 attached to this message and on the IDS= website at the following address: https://ids-doris.org/ids/reports-mails/newsletter.html We wishes you a pleasant reading, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Laurent Soudarin IDS Central Bureau