****************************************************************************** dorismail 03-Dec-2020 14:45:50 Message No 1253 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: International DORIS Service: election announcement Dear colleagues, The terms for three seats within the IDS Governing Board will expire on Dec= ember, 31 2020: -one seat of at-large member, presently occupied by Denise Dettmering (DGFI= /TUM, Germany), -the seat of Analysis Centers' representative, occupied by Frank Lemoine (N= ASA/GSFC, USA), -the seat of Data Centers' representative, occupied by Pat Michael (NASA/GS= FC, USA). A call for nomination will be sent very soon to invite IDS Associates to pr= opose candidates for the three open positions for the next four-year term, = January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2024. Persons wishing to apply can express their intend to one of the IDS Associa= tes whose names are listed on the IDS website at https://ids-doris.org/ids/organization/associate-members.html Propositions of the IDS Associates will be collected up to December 21 by t= he Nominating Committee formed for the elections. A short CV (1 page) will be requested. Elections for these positions by the IDS Associates will be held from Decem= ber 22 to January 15. The Governing Board meets at least annually, usually twice in conjunction w= ith meetings of the Analysis Working Group and IDS Workshop. The principal role of the Governing Board is to set policy and to exercise= broad oversight of all IDS functions and components. It also controls general activities of the Service, including restructuring= , when appropriate, to maintain Service efficiency and reliability. The composition of the Governing Board can be seen at https://ids-doris.org= /ids/organization/governing-board.html . The roles of the Governing Board and its member are defined in IDS Terms of= Reference (https://ids-doris.org/ids/organization/terms-of-reference.html) Questions regarding these elections may be directed to the IDS Central Bure= au at ids.central.bureau @ ids-doris.org Best regards, Laurent Soudarin IDS Central Bureau