****************************************************************************** dorismail 09-Feb-2019 18:44:25 Message No 1167 ****************************************************************************** Author: Bogusz Janusz Subject: IUGG General Assembly "Earth Rotation and Geodynamics" G4 symposium Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the "Earth Rotation and Geodynamics" G4 symposium at the IUGG General Assembly in Montreal. This symposium will discuss recent progress of the studies of Earth rotation and geodynamics using geodetic techniques. Relevant geophysical phenomena include those associated with changes in Earth's shape, gravity field and rotation. These include the wide spectra of observational / analytical / theoretical studies of Earth rotation and orientation such as polar motion, Universal Time or length of day, precession and nutation, critical parameters for transformation between terrestrial and celestial reference frames at the mm level required by GGOS. Measurements of Earth's static and time-varying gravity field from space-based and ground-based sensors, including comparison of results to models. We encourage researchers to contribute early results from the GRACE Follow-on mission. In terms of solid Earth deformation, relevant research includes those related to tidal processes (solid Earth and ocean loading tides), Earth's free oscillations, crust and mantle deformation due to tectonic motions and isostatic adjustment etc. as well. Studies with traditional techniques and historical data are also encouraged to be contributed. Best regards, Convener: Manabu Hashimoto (Japan) Co-Conveners: Janusz Bogusz (Poland), Jianli Chen (USA), Matt King (Australia)