***************************************************************************= *** dorismail 23-Apr-2018 20:51:19 Message No 1110 ***************************************************************************= *** Author: "Lemoine, Frank G. (GSFC-61A0)" Subject: IDS Workshop September 24-26, 2018. Call for Papers and Important Dear Colleagues: I would like to remind everyone of the dates of the IDS Workshop which is scheduled for September 24-26, 2018,=20 Ponta Delgada, S=E3o Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago (Portugal). https://ids-doris.org/ids/reports-mails/meeting-presentations/ids-workshop-= 2018.html The abstract deadline is coming up very soon (May 14, 2018). The IDS Works= hop is held in tandem with the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) me= eting,=20 and the ESA Altimetry meeting (25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry).=20 Papers (oral or poster) are solicited on the following topics: >>Network and constellation: status and evolution >> New DORIS missions (DGXX satellites), applications and products >> Precise orbit modeling and Precise Orbit Determination >>Use of DORIS in multi-technique solutions for the Terrestrial Referenc= e Frame. ITRF2014 assessments. >>Geophysics Applications. Applications in oceanography, atmospheric stu= dies and geophysics Any questions about the program, or potential abstract submissions can be d= irected to members of the=20 Workshop Scientific Committee. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= --------------------------- Scientific Committee: Chair: Jean-Michel Lemoine (CNES, France) [Email: Jean-Michel.Lemoine@cn= es.fr] Committee members: Hugues Capdeville (CLS, France) [Email: hcapdeville@cls.= fr ] Frank Lemoine (NASA/GSFC, USA) [Email: Frank.G.Lemoine@nas= a.gov ] Ernst Schrama (TU-Delft, The Netherlands) [Email: e.j.o.schrama@tudelft= .nl ] Pascal Willis (IGN, France) [Email: willis@ipgp.= jussieu.fr ] Denise Dettmering (DGFI-TUM, Germany) [Email: denise.dettmering@tum.de= ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---------------------------------- Information about abstract submission is at the URL below using the AVISO w= eb interface=20 that has been used for previous IDS Workshops and OSTST meetings: https://meetings.aviso.altimetry.fr/ Information about Lodging, Registration, and the Conference Venue are avail= able at the following URL: www.altimetry2018.org We have been advised that the meeting will take place at a busy time, so=20 attendees are advised to make their lodging reservations as soon as possibl= e. Important Deadlines: May 14, 2018. Abstract Submission. May 25, 2018. End of Early Registration (350 Euros). (Registration is 450 Euros after this date). Regards, Frank Lemoine=20 (On Behalf of the IDS Workshop 2018 Scientific Committee) =20 =09 =09 =20 Cliquez sur l'url suivante=20 https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/Y2sLKETa6GnGX2PQPOmvUia7ubmZNLk3EjvD7AJj1QDB= yO2Tp1mM2114jt71+9izOLahVwuRHnoNCU1!U1Tbvw=3D=3D=20=20 si ce message est ind=E9sirable (pourriel). Click=20 https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/Y2sLKETa6GnGX2PQPOmvUia7ubmZNLk3EjvD7AJj1QDB= yO2Tp1mM2114jt71+9izOLahVwuRHnoNCU1!U1Tbvw=3D=3D=20=20 if this mail is unwanted (SPAM). Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr