****************************************************************************** dorismail 03-Dec-2016 09:56:56 Message No 1054 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: New Chair of the IDS Governing Board from January 1, 2017 Dear Colleagues, It is a pleasure to announce that Dr Frank Lemoine (NASA/GSFC, USA) who was elected this fall by the IDS Associates as the new Analysis Center = representative has been designated as the Chair of the IDS Governing Board for 2017-2010. The IDS Associates have also elected Patrick Michael (NASA/GSFC, USA) as the Data Center representative and Denise Dettmering (DGFI/TUM, Germany) as a Member-at-large, with terms starting on January 1st, 2017. The full composition of the Board can be found on the IDS website at http://ids-doris.org/organization/governing-board.html The IDS gratefully thanks Pascal Willis for his efficient service at the head of the Governing Board over the last 8 years. Best regards, Laurent Soudarin Director of IDS Central Bureau