boundary="_000_a5a1b523a9d54d488b104b130a0404a9SRVEXCH20131pcclsfr_" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 30-Sep-2016 07:16:06 Message No 1044 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: Recent DORIS peer-reviewed publications Dear colleagues, For your information, the following peer-reviewed articles were recently accepted for publication or published with volume and page numbers: in press Heinkelmann, R.; Willis, P.; Deng, Z.; Dick, G.; Nilsson, T.; Soja, B.; Zus, F.; Wickert, J.; Schuh, H., in press. Multi-technique comparison of atmospheric parameters at the DORIS co-location sites during CONT14, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.09.023 Soudarin, L. ; Capdeville, H. ; Lemoine, J.-M., in press. Activity of the CNES/CLS Analysis Center for the IDS contribution to ITRF2014, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.08.006 ( Willis, P.; Heflin, M. B.; Haines, B. J.; Bar-Sever, Y. E.; Bertiger, W. I.; Mandea, M., in press. Is the Jason-2 DORIS Oscillator also Affected by the South Atlantic Anomaly?, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.09.015 ( reference updated with volume and page numbers Moreaux, G.; Lemoine, F.G.; Argus, D.F.; Santamar=EDa-G=F3mez, A.; Willis,P.; Soudarin, L.; Gravelle, M.; Ferrage, P., 2016. Horizontal and vertical velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF2014, and comparisons with geophysical models, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 207(1), 209-227, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggw265 ( Zoulida, M.; Pollet, A.; Coulot, D.; Perosanz, F.; Loyer, S.; Biancale, R.; Rebischung, P., 2016. Multi-technique combination of space geodesy observations: Impact of the Jason-2 satellite on the GPS satellite orbits estimation, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 58(7), 1376-1389, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.06.019 ( If you don't have easy access to these Journals, you can contact the authors to get a PDF. For your information, a complete list of DORIS-related peer-reviewed articles is regularly updated and available at : If you are aware of missing publications in this list, please contact the IDS Central Bureau Best regards Laurent Soudarin and Pascal Willis