boundary="_000_99dd092b0c804e5e83d42ad8f91255c7SRVEXCH20131pcclsfr_" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 27-Jul-2016 15:37:19 Message No 1037 ****************************************************************************** Author: Soudarin Laurent Subject: International DORIS Service: election announcement --_000_99dd092b0c804e5e83d42ad8f91255c7SRVEXCH20131pcclsfr_ Dear colleagues, The terms of three members of the IDS Governing Board will end in December = 2016: - Data Center representative (currently Carey Noll, NASA/CDDIS), - Analysis Center representative (currently Pascal Willis, IGN-IPG= P), - Member-at-large (currently R. Biancale, CNES/GRGS ). A call for nomination will be sent in the next few days to invite IDS Assoc= iates to propose candidates for the three open positions for the next 4-year term 2017-2020. Persons wishing to apply can express their intend to one of the IDS Associa= tes whose names are listed on the IDS website at Propositions of the IDS Associates will be collected by the Nominating Comm= ittee formed for the elections up to September 15. A short CV (1 page) will be requested. Elections by the IDS Associates will be held in early October for two weeks= so that the three new elected members could attend the Governing Board meeting (with voice but without vote) to be held on Oct= ober 31 in La Rochelle, France, in conclusion of the IDS Workshop 2016 The Governing Board meets at least annually, usually twice in conjunction w= ith meetings of the Analysis Working Group and IDS Workshop. The principal role of the Governing Board is to set policy and to exercise= broad oversight of all IDS functions and components. It also controls general activities of the Service, including restructuring= , when appropriate, to maintain Service efficiency and reliability. Questions regarding these elections may be directed to the IDS Central Bure= au at ids.central.bureau @ Best regards, Laurent Soudarin On behalf of the IDS Central Bureau Composition of the Governing Board: IDS Terms of Reference: ________________________________