boundary="_004_8c5e92cf252944869edd4502b31e25c4MBX7utasadinternal_"; type="multipart/alternative" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 27-Jul-2016 04:25:41 Message No 1036 ****************************************************************************** Author: Matt King Subject: Reminder: AGU session on Separating and explaining multiple signals --_004_8c5e92cf252944869edd4502b31e25c4MBX7utasadinternal_ boundary="_000_8c5e92cf252944869edd4502b31e25c4MBX7utasadinternal_" --_000_8c5e92cf252944869edd4502b31e25c4MBX7utasadinternal_ Author: Matt King Dear Colleagues [with apologies for multiple postings] We encourage you to submit your abstract to session G021 (ID#: 12290) of th= e next AGU fall meeting on Separating and explaining multiple signals in ge= odetic data One of the great challenges of geodesy is to separate out, and understand, = the multiple signals that appear in the various geodetic time series. This = includes separating long-term and short-term signals with a desire to remov= e one from the other, or signals with similar periods from other signals or= noise. This is particularly relevant as the noise floor reduces with ongoi= ng developments in data analysis. This session focuses on all such geodetic= data, and includes coordinate positions (including high rate ones), gravit= y time series, sea level observations and earth orientation data but applic= ations from all applications of geodetic data are welcome. Examples include= separation of post-seismic deformation from plate tectonic motion, glacial= isostatic adjustment, hydrology and/or reference frame errrors, or the var= ious contributors to present-day polar motion. Submissions are particularly= welcome which focus on the application of novel data filtering techniques = or apply new models. The abstract submission is open until the 3rd of August and can be made at = - there is= also an early submission deadline TODAY with a chance to win a prize http:= // We are looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco Dec 12-16, 2016. Matt King and Alvaro Santamar=EDa-G=F3mez. Matt King Professor of Polar Geodesy & ARC Future Fellow | President, Royal Society o= f Tasmania Surveying and Spatial Sciences | School of Land and Food University of Tasmania Private Bag 76, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001, Australia Office: T +61 3 6226 1974 | E |= Skype mattking_ncl | Twitter @DeformedEarth [UTAS_colour_CMYK-domestic_jpg._smallgif] CRICOS 00586B University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access,= disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outs= ide the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal= offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the = sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of = the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise.