boundary="_000_25CDFAC1A563514A82FC2E7BD9609F2F91A10BDATWMBXP03cnesnet_" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 07-Apr-2016 14:38:18 Message No 1015 ****************************************************************************** Author: Ferrage Pascale Subject: Sentinel3A DORIS data --_000_25CDFAC1A563514A82FC2E7BD9609F2F91A10BDATWMBXP03cnesnet_ Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce that we will disseminate soon the DORIS data of = Sentinel3A (launched in February 16th, 2016). Sentinel3-A reached its final orbit on March 2, 2016, the DORIS data will = be delivered from that time, to the CDDIS and IGN DATA Centers and the IDS= Central Bureau server as follows: * On IDS DATA Centers: ------------------------------ CDDIS: at IGN: at or s/ - - DORIS raw data(*) (RINEX format) delivered on a daily basis (with= a latency of 3 days after telemetry reception), o File name : s3arxYYDDD.LLL.Z available at ../pub/doris/data/s3a/2016 (*) Note that the DORIS raw data are no longer delivered in the previous r= egular DORIS format (DORIS 2.2 format) - Precise Orbit files (in SP3 format): one file of data of 9 days = arc, available 4 weeks later o File name: cccsssVV.bXXDDD.eYYEEE.dgs.s3a.LLL.Z available at ../pub/= doris/products/orbits/ssa/s3a * IDS ftp server: ----------------- - Sentinel-3A macromodels at es/DORISSatelliteModels.pdf - mass & center of mass history file: s3amass.txt at ftp://ftp.ids-doris= .org/pub/ids/satellites/ - manoeuver history file: s3aman.txt at satellites/ - attitude history file: s3aatt.txt at atellites/ Best regards, Pascale FERRAGE __________________________________________________________ CNES - International DORIS Service (IDS): DCT/ME/OT- Bpi 612 Phone : 33 - (0)5 61 28 30 66 18, avenue Edouard Belin Mobile: 33- (0)6 87 60 39 70 31 401 TOULOUSE CEDEX 9 Email : __________________________________________________________