boundary="_004_E027FA103B0E6241A5B49FD977C84074C9A1918Cmailex2ignfr_"; type="multipart/alternative" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 07-Apr-2016 07:33:43 Message No 1013 ****************************************************************************** Author: Bruno Garayt Subject: Power outage at IGN premises from April 8th to April 9th A sever outage is planned at IGN premises in Saint-Mandé from Apr. 08th around 4:00pm. The IGN GDC will not be available for data delivery during that time until the servers restart which will be held on April 9th in the late afternoon. However, the DORIS deposit server will remain available at during the outage. The IGN GDC installed at IGN school premises at Marne-la-Vallée will remain available during this break such as for data delivery and for data upload. We apologize for the inconvenience this outage will cause. Best regards, Bruno