***************************************************************************= *** dorismail 16-Jun-2015 13:03:53 Message No 0978 ***************************************************************************= *** Author: Carey Noll Subject: 2015 ILRS Technical Workshop in Matera, Italy Author: Giuseppe Bianco Dear colleagues, The next ILRS technical workshop will be held in Matera, Italy, 26-30 Octob= er 2015, hosted by the Italian Space Agency.=20 A dedicated webpage has been set up at the following address: http://geodaf.mt.asi.it/2015_ILRS_TW/index.html At this time it contains limited information, which will be expanded as soo= n as available.=20 Best regards, Pippo ___________________ Dr. Giuseppe Bianco Responsabile U. O. "Geodesia Spaziale" Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Centro di Geodesia Spaziale "G. Colombo" tel: +39-0835-377509 mobile: +39-320-8579369 email: giuseppe.bianco@asi.it=20 Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to IDS.central.bureau@cls.fr