boundary="----=_NextPart_000_08BC_01CEFDB1.18E89EE0" ****************************************************************************** dorismail 20-Dec-2013 17:22:37 Message No 0903 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Gerard Petit" Subject: Updates to the IERS Conventions (2010) This is a multipart message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_08BC_01CEFDB1.18E89EE0 Author: Gérard Petit (IERS Conventions Center) Information on the updates to the IERS Conventions (2010) The IERS Conventions Center informs of the following updates, see : 10 June 2013 Chapter 7: The subroutine DEHANTTIDEINEL.F is corrected for a bug that occurred at the update dated 26 March 2012 (noted by D. Ferguson). The potential error is below 0.1 mm. Chapter 9: The subroutine GPT2.F has been updated for consistency with the version at TUWien. 20 December 2013 Chapter 5: Report the yearly update fcnnut130701 to the Free Core Nutation model Chapter 7: The subroutine TDFRPH.F used in the HARDISP package is corrected for an error in the test case The USNO web site is being similarly updated. Gérard Petit and Brian Luzum IERS Conventions Center ---------------------------------------- Gérard Petit Time department, BIPM Address: Pavillon de Breteuil 92312 Sèvres FRANCE Phone: (33)1-45077067 FAX: (33)1-45077059 E-mail: Please do not reply directly to this message, but send comments and suggestions to