****************************************************************************** dorismail 31-Jul-2013 08:17:59 Message No 0893 ****************************************************************************** Author: "Moreaux Guilhem" Subject: DORIS session at 2013 AGU Fall Meeting Dear colleagues, As a friendly reminder, we draw your attention to the DORIS session ("G003.= Advances in DORIS Data Applications and Techniques") during next AGU Fall= Meeting that will be held in San Francisco, California, during 9-13 Decemb= er. The description of the session is given below. "This session will focus on DORIS data processing and new scientific applic= ations of DORIS data for geophysics and the atmospheric sciences. The inten= tion is to encourage a discussion between scientific groups making availabl= e DORIS data and products, and those exploiting these data. We solicit pap= ers describing progress in orbit modeling and data processing and also enco= urage contributions that use DORIS for global plate tectonic, regional defo= rmation models, post-glacial rebound, and atmospheric or climatology studie= s. Papers that integrate or compare DORIS with other sensors (e.g. GPS, S= LR, VLBI, tide gauge, InSAR) are particularly welcome." Then, you are kindly invited to submit abstracts in this new session. The abstract system (http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/) will only remain ope= n until August 6th, just one week away. Looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco, Best regards The conveners: Frank Lemoine and Guilhem Moreaux Guilhem MOREAUX Responsable du Département de Géodésie et Orbitographie Direction Océanographie Spatiale 8 - 10 rue Hermès, Parc technologique du Canal 31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne, FRANCE Tél : +33 561 394 847 Fax : + 33 561 394 806 Email: gmoreaux@cls.fr Bureau: A302 www.cls.fr